Diskuse s wikipedistou:Frettie/Archiv2017
Přidat témaDiskuze za rok 2017.
Architektura a stavebnictví/Nové články
[editovat zdroj]Dobrý den, všimnul jsem si, že jste aktivní na poli zakládání a vylepšování nových článků v oblasti architektury a stavebnictví. Rád bych Vás upozornil na Portál:Architektura a stavebnictví a zejména jeho část „Nově založené články“, sloužící k upozornění dalších wikipedistů na nově vzniklé články z oblasti. Osobně nevím zda a jak je to nutné, ale v každém případě to upozorní ostatní na nově založený článek, což je výhodné jak z hlediska opravy případných překlepů v nich, ale zejména pro vložení odkazů na něj z jiných článků, založení nových přesměrování atp. - přece jen nikdo nemá přehled o všech nově vzniklých článcích anebo kde je na ně odkazováno či ne, takže takovýto ústřední přehled se může hodit. Naprosto Vás k tomu nenutím, ale berte to jako možnost jak existenci Vašich příspěvků uvést do širšího povědomí. S pozdravem --Martin2035 (diskuse) 2. 1. 2017, 09:32 (CET)
- Dobrý den, rád se přizpůsobím, ale z vaší zprávy nevím přesně co mám udělat lépe. Poradíte prosím?--frettie.net (diskuse) 2. 1. 2017, 10:22 (CET)
- Bylo by super, kdybyste své nově založené stránky z oblasti architektury a stavebnictví vkládal sem: Portál:Architektura a stavebnictví/Nově založené články. --Martin2035 (diskuse) 2. 1. 2017, 10:36 (CET)
- Ok, zkusím to.--frettie.net (diskuse) 2. 1. 2017, 11:41 (CET)
- Bylo by super, kdybyste své nově založené stránky z oblasti architektury a stavebnictví vkládal sem: Portál:Architektura a stavebnictví/Nově založené články. --Martin2035 (diskuse) 2. 1. 2017, 10:36 (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #242
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- Discussions
- Open requests for adminship: יונה בנדלאק, Pyb
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata and the celebrity deaths of 2016 on Buzzfeed
- Welsh Wikipedia has some 16,000 lists regularly maintained from Wikidata
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: INSEE arrondissement code, INSEE countries and foreign territories code
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: US Virgin Islands
- Newest external tools: "Descriptioner" - Tool to add descriptions batchwise
- Newest database reports: Popular items without claims, Portuguese-language films without articles in Portuguese
- Development
- When a
property couldn't be resolved, a tracking category will be added (phab:T50799) - Rewrote Special:NewItem and all other Special:New… pages to use OOUI error handling (phab:T150205)
- Getting ready the basic Lexeme prototype (phab:T146662)
- Continued work on federation basics (phab:T149580)
- Release version 1.0.0 of the DataTypes component
- Enjoying the holidays and getting ready for this year's challenges. Hope you do to :)
- When a
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
Wikidata weekly summary #242
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- Events/Press/Blogs
- Current: Wikimedia Dev summit in San Francisco (January 9-11th) If you are there, come and meet our developers and volunteers!
- Upcoming: WikiIndaba, January 20-22th, Accra, Ghana
- Wikidata used to connect people giving interviews for the oral history project at the computer history museum
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Video: how institutions can donate data to Wikidata, explained in a cartoon
- Category:Articles with infoboxes completely from Wikidata on English Wikipedia
- Mix'n'match encountered some problems with labels and descriptions, some of them are now fixed, cf post from Magnus
- Wikidata-powered citation lists with citation.js
- How to use objects from OpenStreetMap in Wikidata
- Video: Navigating a cemetery using Spotify and Wikidata (by Magnus Sälgö)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: eBird taxon ID, Victorian Heritage Database ID, Debian package, FIFA country code, time signature, angular resolution, vehicle normally used, people or cargo transported, AELG ID, VGMDb artist ID, ERIH PLUS ID, biological variant of, parent cell line, Publons Publication ID, Social Networks Archival Context ID, Electronic Enlightenment ID, INCAA film rating, as.com athlete ID, ArbetSam ID, Natura 2000 site ID, Polish cultural heritage register number
- Query examples:
- Newest external tools: R wrapper for WDQS API (by Mikhail Popov), Wikidata authority file mapping tool (by Jakob Voß)
- Newest database reports: list of episodes of Desperate Housewives (in English and German)
- Development
- Log of our last IRC office hour
- This week, most of the developers are at the Dev Summit hacking stuff and doing great things!
- Continued working on "federation" – support for multiple Wikibase repositories (phab:T76007)
- New dimensions for unit conversion in the query service (phab:T150881)
- Fixed a timing issue that can happen when using the property suggester (phab:T115267)
- Still investigating an issue in which the "save" button stays disabled, as reported in December
- We may remove the sliding animation when using the date, geo, monolingual, and quantity experts (gerrit:330145). The preview popup may now cover parts of the page. Please try it at wikidata.beta.wmflabs.org and tell us what you think on our contact page.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Add statements to items without
- Help with one of the bot requests
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
[editovat zdroj]Díky za poděkování. Tak mě napadlo, nezvládl by tohle [1] Frettiebot? Když by se to omezilo na české obce, snad by to nezpůsobilo žádný problém. Současně by ale musel umět i odstranit odtučnění ([2]). Co myslíte? --Vlout (diskuse) 11. 1. 2017, 22:57 (CET)
- Popřemýšlím o tom - asi by to šlo. Jen to nebude hned, ale zkusím to.--frettie.net (diskuse) 12. 1. 2017, 02:50 (CET)
- Díky, jako určitý test lze nejdříve zvolit nějaký okres na Vysočině, tam je to u každé obce. Kdyby to nefungovalo, udělal bych to asi ručně. --Vlout (diskuse) 12. 1. 2017, 09:45 (CET)
- zatím to asi nedělejte, zkusím se na to o víkendu mrknout - co jsem koukal na ty vaše editace podrobněji, tak style background by mohl být naprosto v klidu, odtučnění opatrněji, ale taky to půjde.--frettie.net (diskuse) 12. 1. 2017, 11:01 (CET)
- Když už jsme u toho, nedaly by se i roboticky poodstraňovat přebytečné mezery kolem závěrečných šablon? Všiml jsem si, že teď vznikly u spousty obcí v souvislosti se zavedením šablony Části české obce (např. zde). --Vlout (diskuse) 12. 1. 2017, 14:16 (CET)
- No, do toho bych se moc nehrnul, ty multiřádkový věci se řesší blbě a je to tak nějak na dlouhý lokte. :/ Ale v praxi to asi nevadí.--frettie.net (diskuse) 12. 1. 2017, 23:57 (CET)
- Když už jsme u toho, nedaly by se i roboticky poodstraňovat přebytečné mezery kolem závěrečných šablon? Všiml jsem si, že teď vznikly u spousty obcí v souvislosti se zavedením šablony Části české obce (např. zde). --Vlout (diskuse) 12. 1. 2017, 14:16 (CET)
- zatím to asi nedělejte, zkusím se na to o víkendu mrknout - co jsem koukal na ty vaše editace podrobněji, tak style background by mohl být naprosto v klidu, odtučnění opatrněji, ale taky to půjde.--frettie.net (diskuse) 12. 1. 2017, 11:01 (CET)
- Díky, jako určitý test lze nejdříve zvolit nějaký okres na Vysočině, tam je to u každé obce. Kdyby to nefungovalo, udělal bych to asi ručně. --Vlout (diskuse) 12. 1. 2017, 09:45 (CET)
Blahoslav Hruška
[editovat zdroj]Boli sme s dr. Liščákom poslední, teda okrem doktorov v Trnave, kto ho videl nažive. Ak chcete viac podrobností ohľadne jeho skonu, kontaktujte ma.
- Dobrý den, nevím, kdo je Blahoslav Hruška, nicméně - pokud to sepíšete do nějakého článku, lze tímto článkem zdrojovat tyto informace ve článku o panu Hruškovi.--frettie.net (diskuse) 14. 1. 2017, 15:59 (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #243
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- Discussions
- New request for comments: Badge for templates that work with Wikidata?
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Wikimedia Foundation receives $3 million grant from Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to work on structured data for Commons
- EPA CompTox Dashboard IDs in Wikidata
- Data donation: 128K of Social Networks Archival Context IDs, matched to Wikipedia articles, and imported using P3430. Thanks, University of Virginia!
- Past: Wikipedia Day 2017, NYC
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Discussion about the use of values from Wikidata in the English Wikipedia
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: legal status (medicine), basic reproduction number, muscle insertion, muscle origin, pregnancy category, minimal incubation period in humans, maximal incubation period in humans, normal respiratory rate, bite force quotient, name shares origin with, VGMDb album ID, Europeana Fashion creator ID, Parks & Gardens UK Record ID, base Mémoire reference, Aftonbladet topic ID, Songkick Artist ID, Nihon Tarento Meikan ID, PSA Worldtour ID, SANU member ID, Ubuntu 16.10 package, VICNAMES Place ID, wikiskripta id, Woodland Trust wood ID, WTA tennis tournament ID, National Inventors Hall of Fame ID, Inventario Sculture - Polo Museale Fiorentino, Israeli CBS municipal ID, maximum frequency of audible sound, medicine marketing authorisation, Fedora package, FAMA work ID, designated as terrorist by, colonel-in-chief, Euring number, CNC authorization number, case fatality rate, ATP tennis tournament ID, CircleID, Arch package, IPI base code, inferred from, nighttime view, season of, NSW Heritage database ID, stepparent, mirrors data from, FIDAL ID, Cinema of Israel ID
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: lighthouses at night
- Development
- Attended the Wikimedia Developer Summit to talk about a lot of things (including editing Wikidata from Wikipedia directly, back-end work for structured data support for Commons - specifically Multi Content Revisions, ideas for improvements to the query service)
- Final touches to get ArticlePlaceholder pages ready for search engine indexing
- Continued working on "federation" – support for multiple Wikibase repositories (phab:T76007)
- Clickable prototype for client editing is finally in the works!
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help fixing the most important constraint violations
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
Wikidata weekly summary #244
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- Discussions
- New administrator: Pyb is now admin on Wikidata!
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Coordinates on Russian Wikipedia now link to maps generated with the Kartographer extension. The map includes the location outline, if that object exists in OpenStreetMap (OSM) with a corresponding Wikidata ID (ways and relations only, not nodes). Example: w:ru:Зальцбург (click coordinates in the upper right corner, or in the infobox on the side). If you create a Wikidata item about a specific administrative area, building, or other physical individual object which appears on maps, then please add the Wikidata ID to the relevant object in OSM, using key:wikidata= (here's how to contribute to OSM).
- QuickStatements V2 can now run your commands in the background, no need to keep the browser tab open anymore
- List of churches generated from Wikidata on Cymraeg Wikipedia
- Did you know?
- Development
- Created a new Special:EntityPage, needed for federation (phabricator:T153499)
- Sitelink "name" and "badges" in diffs are now translated (phabricator:T111016)
- Worked on finalizing mockups for editing Wikidata from Wikipedia and co. Now working on the click-dummy for it so we can try it with you.
- Last touches for automated sitelinks for Wiktionary.
- A ton of refactoring needed for Wiktionary support.
- More research on improving our input widgets (for example URL and date).
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
Wikidata weekly summary #245
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- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: ديفيد عادل وهبة خليل 2
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Data donation: BBC Things ID (P1617) for news topics, kindly supplied by the BBC. All now uploaded, via Mix'n'Match
- The StrepHit grant tool was renewed, so the Primary Sources tool can be improved in the future
- The Bodleian Libraries (Oxford University) are looking for a Wikimedia data assistant to work on Wikidata
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: FIBA player ID, MLB ID, NFL.com ID, fussballdaten.de ID, FootballDatabase.eu ID, euroleague.net ID, JapanTour ID, Australian Government Organisations Register ID, draftexpress.com ID, databaseFootball.com ID, AZBilliards ID, par, median income, Luding game ID, eurobasket.com ID, wisdenindia.com ID, acb.com ID, Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool ID, Rfam ID, NHL.com ID, EuroTour ID, databaseOlympics.com ID, Pfam ID, Smithsonian trinomial, Geographical Names Board of New South Wales ID, National Park Foundation ID, NPCA ID, U.S. National Geodetic Survey ID, peakware ID, means of locomotion, VGMDb label ID, Dagens Nyheter topic ID, Bivouac Mountain Encyclopedia ID, Luding designer ID, BoardGameGeek designer ID, Florentine Inventario Palatina art ID, LombardiaBeniCulturali building ID, Ameblo username, Catholic rite, Ringgold identifier, Gentoo package
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Wikidata:WikiProject Companies
- Newest database reports: film festivals this month
- Development
- RDF exports will contain sitelink page names as strings in addition to the URLs (phab:T148923)
- Switching the remaining special pages for labels, descriptions and aliases to the OOUI design (phab:T48248)
- Finalizing the security review of the Cognate extension for Wiktionary (phab:T149082)
- We plan to provide
Open Graph tags for sharing Item pages in social networks (phab:T51859) - Introducing a new test framework for special pages (phab:T69122)
- Refactoring the wbeditentity API to work with the new Lexeme entity type (phab:T154288)
- Added docs/change-op-serializations.wiki documenting how to use the wbeditentity API
- Added a CREDITS file to the Wikibase code base, listing all authors
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
Wikidata weekly summary #246
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- Discussions
- We need your input about quality criteria for building a tool to evaluate item quality
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: FOSDEM
- Upcoming: WSDM Cup 2017
- Upcoming: WikiCite 2017, Vienna, May 23-25, 2017
- Upcoming: A Gentle Introduction to Wikidata for Absolute Beginners, by Asaf Bartov, February 9th, 19:00 UTC (livestream on Youtube)
- Scaling the matching of Wikidata to OpenStreetMap with wikimama
- Software product management as an internship in the Wikidata development team
- Being a Volunteer Developer for Wikimedia projects: An Interview with Greta Doçi
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Inspire Campaign on outside knowledge networks launched
- What would you like to talk about during Wikimania Montreal?
- Join the Wikimania program committee!
- OpenStreetMap uses several
-related tags in its database. See also the related documentation - Dutch is now the most used language for descriptions on Wikidata (56,7%), leaving English (55,8%) and German (34,7%) behind.
- An OpenRefine service for Wikidata is waiting for testing: https://tools.wmflabs.org/openrefine-wikidata/
- WMDE looking for a data analyst to work mostly on Wikidata
- WMF looking for a project manager to work on structured data for Commons
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Saros cycle of eclipse, World Checklist of Selected Plant Families ID, Relations Ontology ID, GCD series ID, WNBA player ID, Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures ID, CricketArchive playing ground ID, UltraSignup runner ID, ITRA runner ID, Surfline ID, SunshineTour ID, Pro Football Hall of Fame ID, SIPCA code, Sina Weibo id, autologous cell line, Croatian Football Federation player ID, TLG author ID, data size, Fangraphs ID, European Handball Federation ID, ESPNcricinfo playing ground ID, ESPN MLB player ID, European Case Law Identifier, Cultureel Woordenboek identifier, OWGR ID, Legends of Hockey ID, Just Sports Stats ID, J.League Data Site ID, Global Poker Index ID, NGA Lighthouse ID, Admiralty number, pro-football-reference ID, College Football Data Warehouse ID, maximum size or capacity, USCF ID, World Curling Federation ID, World Curling Tour ID, World Guide to Covered Bridges ID, World Series of Poker ID, Zhihu topic ID
- Query examples:
- Development
- You can now download query results as SVG images
- When posting a link to an item to social networks and on messenger apps that show previews the previews will now be nicer and show an image. (phabricator:T51859)
- We published the results of our research around Commons usage: How do heavy Commons users work? ...and what does that mean for structured data on Commons?
- Setting up test system for federation (being able to use Wikidata's items and properties on Commons)
- Setting up test system for lexemes
- Setting up test system for improved change dispatching (sending notifications about edits on Wikidata to Wikipedia and co)
- Doing more groundwork for lexemes
- Working on better integration with Elastic
- More work on Federation
- Getting ready to deploy automated sitelinks for Wiktionary
- Fixing a number of keyboard navigation issues based on your feedback
- Working on the new datatype for geoshapes (phabricator:T57549)
- Looking into linking more complicated external identifiers properly (phabricator:T151329)
- Improved the link to the help portal on the query service (phabricator:T154993)
See all open tickets related to Wikidata.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
- The Cebuano and Swedish wikis have a lot of bot-created content which is unconnected to other wiki articles. A good way to tackle that problem is by checking constraint violations for property GeoNames ID.
Ellis Watson
[editovat zdroj]Ahoj, toto myslím bude úplně jiná osoba. Než abych revertoval všechny tvoje tamní editace, tak jsem ho radši z položky na WD odstranil. --Harold (diskuse) 7. 2. 2017, 14:56 (CET)
- dík. --frettie.net (diskuse) 7. 2. 2017, 20:01 (CET)
[editovat zdroj]Zdravím, dávám ke zvážení přesunout název kostela v Tasově na Kostel svatého Petra a Pavla (Tasov), tak jako u ostatních v této kategorii. OISV (diskuse) 9. 2. 2017, 11:40 (CET)
- Dobrý den, klidně můžete. Vycházel jsem z názvu, který Ben Skála užil na Wikidatech.--frettie.net (diskuse) 9. 2. 2017, 12:10 (CET)
10. let běhu WikiProjektu Fotografování - pojďme to oslavit
[editovat zdroj]Ahoj, rád bych tě pozval na oslavu tak trochu utajeného výročí, 10 let fungování WikiProjektu Fotografování, která proběhne na wikisrazu 20. února 2017 v podniku Respublica v Praze. Je to až k nevíře, že ten projekt běží samospádem tak dlouho a to díky nadšencům, kteří pořizují fotografie světa okolo sebe - tedy jinými slovy, i díky tvému úsilí :) Za těch 10 let se nám podařilo vyfotografovat spoustu míst a předmětů (samozřejmě v posledních letech hlavně díky řadě nástupců tohoto projektu), vlivem čehož je česká Wikipedie mnohem zajímavějším a barvitějším dílem. A to je něco, co si určitě malou oslavu zaslouží :)
Budeme s Packou moc rádi, když se na oslavu sejdeme v hojném počtu a společně zavzpomínáme na naše počátky, úspěchy či srandovní historky z fotografování ;) Budu se těšit případně na viděnou. --Chmee2 (diskuse) 13. 2. 2017, 17:09 (CET)
- Ahoj, dík za pozvání, počítám s tím! Rád vás uvidím.--frettie.net (diskuse) 13. 2. 2017, 20:39 (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #247
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- Discussions
- New request for comments: P171 (property "parent taxon"), changing the label of property "has role"
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Probing Parliament(s) with Wikidata, by Martin Poulter
- Jan Dittrich and Charlie Kritschmar gave a talk at FOSDEM on finding user needs and gave some examples from their work.
- A Gentle Introduction to Wikidata for Absolute Beginners by Asaf Bartov: video and slides
- Validating Wikidata tags on OpenStreetMap
- Reminder: the deadline for Wikimania's scholarship is February 20 (and you can discuss about your ideas for Wikidata here)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The satisfaction survey concerning Flow has been published (and Wikidata is the community which prefers Flow the most)
- Module Wikidata on Wikidata received an update to improve its performance. If your wiki has forked this one, consider updating it and report any problems (already reported one).
- Experimental c:Template:Category contains for categories on Commons, including a per-category Wikidata query. See introductory discussion on Commons Village Pump. Presented together with current statistics on Commons category <-> Wikidata links
- ContentMine looking for a Wikimedian in Residence to work on Wikidata and WikiFactMine in Cambridge
- It is now possible to edit the Wikidata description from the Wikipedia app in some languages in beta
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: base salary, Visions of Britain place ID, Visions of Britain unit ID, DigDag ID, Sweden Nature Reserve ID, Le Monde diplomatique subject ID, Borden Code, fare zone, Recreation.gov area ID, EU VAT number, Booking.com hotel ID, BOLD Systems taxon ID, 90minut player ID, ITU triathlete ID, Minneapolis Institute of Art Constituent ID, candidacy in election, MarineTraffic Lighthouse ID, protected heritage site in Brussels ID, Archives nationales producer record, Hockey-reference player ID, F-Droid package, Danish ancient monument ID, BLF article ID, Araneae Spider ID, AFI Catalog of Feature Films ID
- Query examples:
- Collection of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK
- Office-holders convicted of crimes (source)
- Monarchs convicted of regicide (source)
- Timeline of antipopes (source)
- Battles etc of the U.S. Civil War, that have maps (source) -- but the results are a bit patchy.
- Grade I listed buildings in Bedfordshire (source: Commons "category contains" template)
- Newest external tools: new reconciliation for OpenRefine
- Development
- Doing a trial run of allowing search engines to index a number of ArticlePlaceholder pages on Welsh Wikipedia. If there are no major issues we will enable this for all placeholders.
- Improving Federation-related after initial tests,
- Getting ready to deploy automated sitelinks for Wiktionary
- Further work on the new datatype for geoshapes (phabricator:T57549)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
Pozvánka na oslavu 15. narozenin české Wikipedie
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Dobrý den, jak se daří? Rád bych vás pozval na oslavu 15. narozenin české Wikipedie, která se bude konat 3. května 2017 v kanceláři Wikimedia Česká republika ve Slovenské 21 v Praze-Vinohradech. Zvu vás, protože bychom rádi na jednom místě shromáždili co nejvíce bývalých i současných správců české Wikipedie (akce je však samozřejmě i pro nesprávce a dokonce i pro ty, kteří jen Wikipedii podporují, ale nikdy ji pořádně needitovali). Program je na stránce akce, ale stále se na něm pracuje a Vaše náměty a nápady si rád přečtu na diskuzi k akci.
Pokud máte zájem, prosím připište se do seznamu na stránce akce. Pokud o akci nemáte zájem, nejlépe uděláte, když odstraníte svoje jméno ze seznamu správců, který jsme připravili na stránce akce. Následně už vás nebudeme kontaktovat. Díky a těším se na shledání, --Martin Urbanec (diskuse) 16. 2. 2017, 15:23 (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #248
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- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: GLAMwiki meeting in Paris, February 16-17th
- Incoming: Wikidata workshop in Grenoble (France), March 7th
- If Voltaire had used Wikipedia… using Wikidata to share knowledge about an author
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- WMF open call for Project Grant proposals (Feb 13-Mar 14)
- Wikimania: the deadline for applying for scholarships is 20 February 2017 23:59 UTC. Submissions are running until end of March (see our discussions about Wikidata-related topics)
- Wikimedia Deutschland is hiring a fullstack developer and an engineering manager to work on Wikidata
- Editing Wikidata descriptions from Wikipedia app (beta)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: USA Gymnastics athlete ID, Tennis Archives player ID, Swimming Australia swimmer ID, Sambafoot player ID, International Weightlifting Federation ID, EPCR player ID, L'Équipe football player ID, Futsal Planet player ID, Fotbal DNES player ID, Football Federation of Ukraine player ID, Fora De Jogo manager ID, FootballFacts.ru player ID, Estonian Football Association player ID, DZFoot.com player ID, Croatian Football Statistics ID, Cross-tables.com Scrabble player ID, BDFutbol player ID, Chess.com player ID, ARRS runner ID, Kontinental Hockey League player ID, American Hockey League player ID, JMK film rating, IDEAS person ID, NatureServe conservation status, NBA player ID, Basketball Hall of Fame ID, All Blacks player ID, FFR player ID, significant environmental impact, ARCHON code, Uniform Type Identifier, National Drug Code, Key to English Place-Names (KEPN) ID, Oorlogsmonument ID, European Medicines Agency product number, PDB ligand ID, Peakbagger area ID, The Met object ID, British Museum place ID, British Museum thesaurus ID, Babelio work ID, Babelio author ID, stated age at event, British History Online VCH ID, Historical Gazetteer of England's Place Names ID, Australian Antarctic Gazetteer ID, Kirshenbaum, Common Weakness Enumeration ID, BadmintonLink player ID, rusbandy player ID, Darts Database player ID, Bwfbadminton.com player ID, ski-db.com skier ID
- Query examples:
- Newest external tools: wikidata-cli can now edit Wikidata, edit Wikidata from NodeJS
- Development
- Making final fixes to initial version of Federation (needed to be able to use Wikidata items and properties to describe media on Commons in the future)
- More work on baseline for Lexeme entity type for Wiktionary support
- Fixed an error on d:Special:ConstraintReport (phabricator:T158183)
- Wikidata Query Service got additional servers, the data has been reloaded to fix a number of issues caused by missed updates and an increase of the time-out of 30s is being looked into.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
Ahoj, přesunul jsem dotyčného z Jankovič na Janković. V infoboxu však zůstal nadále jako Jankovič – poradíš prosím, jak to napravit? --Jura (diskuse) 20. 2. 2017, 19:51 (CET)
- Ahoj, na téhle stránce to lze změnit - stačí kliknout na editovat velde boxu s tím názvem a popisem - https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q16085526.--frettie.net (diskuse) 20. 2. 2017, 23:35 (CET)
- Děkuji. --Jura (diskuse) 21. 2. 2017, 18:02 (CET)
[editovat zdroj]Ahoj, ještě jednou moc díky za odvoz! Vše jsem stihl a kdybych byl něco dlužen, dej vědět, rád se revanžuju :) S pozdravem --Chmee2 (diskuse) 20. 2. 2017, 22:58 (CET)
- V pohodě, to vůbec neřeš, rád pomůžu.--frettie.net (diskuse) 20. 2. 2017, 23:35 (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #249
[editovat zdroj]
- Discussions
- New request for comments: Proposal to include command line arguments to Command line tool
- We need your input on SPARQL federation
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Describing Wikidata items with OpenStreetMap tags
- Deadline for applying to Wikicite 2017 is February 27th
- Quora blog post about their collaboration with Wikidata. They are now displaying links to Wikidata items in their topic management pages - about 88K of them, so far.
- Community Digest: Using data to visualize Wikipedia knowledge gaps; news in brief
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- There is now a Community for Wikidata editors on Facebook
- You can now make your Harvest Templates tasks run automatically. After you have generated a permalink to your task, add
to the url. When you open it next time, it will load and then run automatically. Alternatively, you can use&load=
which will only prepare the task for running. - Wikidata description editing in the Wikipedia Android app for Hebrew, Russian and Catalan
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: GPnotebook ID, regulated by, NCMEC person ID, MEROPS enzyme ID, social classification, NISH Hall of Fame ID, Recreation.gov facility ID, category for value not in Wikidata, objective of a project or mission, Vanderkrogt.net Statues ID, Jewish Encyclopedia Daat ID, category for value different from Wikidata, PhDTree person ID, Gridabase glacier ID, RITVA Person ID, RITVA Program ID, KMDb film ID, JMDb person ID, Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts ID, incarnation of, NHF player ID, Transfermarkt referee ID, Tennis Australia player ID, SRCFB player ID, SRCBB player ID, SpeedSkatingStats speed skater ID, SpeedSkatingNews speed skater ID, ShorttrackOnLine speed skater ID, NCAA sports team ID, ISHOF swimmer ID, IFSC climber ID, ICF slalom canoer ID, ICF sprint canoer ID, ESPN NHL player ID, ESPN NFL player ID, ESPN NBA player ID, DriverDB driver ID, LFP.fr player ID, AOC athlete ID, ESPN FC player ID, statement supported by, stock market index, SA Rugby player ID, Wereld van Oranje player ID, National Bridge Inventory Number, Hans Christian Andersen Centre's work ID, Mutopia composer ID, film-documentaire.fr film ID, International Orienteering Federation athlete ID
- Query examples:
- Development
- Continued to finalize the initial version of Federation (needed to be able to use Wikidata items and properties to describe media on Commons in the future)
- More work on baseline for Lexeme entity type for Wiktionary support
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. These other tasks need a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #250
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- International Open Data Day was on Saturday, 4 March
- Wikidata documentation sprint during the Wikimedia hackathon (May 19-21): We need your help to improve Wikidata help pages!
- Getting to know Wikidata (from Bob DuCharme, author of the book "learning SPARQL")
- Tutorial to mashup Wikidata and government data with Dataiku DSS and Palladio (fr)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Library of Congress updated their inventory of Format Description Documents to include Wikidata URIs
- Surfacing Wikidata objects with coordinates to match them with OSM
- The Wikiproject Welcome has been created to work on welcoming the new editors, feel free to participate
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: FIH player ID, seed dispersal, number of works, inflorescence, minimum wavelength of electromagnetic sensitivity, maximum wavelength of electromagnetic sensitivity, Eurovision Song Contest song ID, Ghetto Encyclopedia ID, category for value same as Wikidata, MOOMA artist ID, PhilPapers record, Serbia cadastral municipality ID, next higher rank, next lower rank, New Zealand Heritage List number, Serbia municipality ID, Eu-football.info player ID, CEV player ID, USHMM Holocaust Encyclopedia ID, USCG Lighthouse ID, Commons maps category, public key fingerprint
- Query examples:
- Countries with similar populations (source)
- Items that have "feminist art" as a value (source)
- Books, incipits, concatenating a sentence to the incipit (source and inspiration)
- Paintings by Vermeer depicting maps (source)
- Painters sorted by the number of Wikipedia articles about their works (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Fashion
- Development
- Finishing touches on the new geo shape data type. It is available on the first test wiki now (phabricator:T57549).
- SetLabel, SetDescription, SetAliases, SetLabelDescriptionAliases, SetSiteLink have been migrated to ooUI. Thanks, Ricordisamoa! (phabricator:T48248)
- Making progress on integrating the new Lexeme entity type with the wbeditentity API (phabricator:T155699).
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
Josef Valihrach
[editovat zdroj]Vážený pane kolego Fretie,
diskuzní stránka k článku a jeho charakteru (zda jde či nejde o PR) nebyla ve skutečnosti vytvořena, proto v rychlosti dávám příspěvek sem. Stránku Josef Valihrach jsem založil já, (jak vidno) a nejsem ani přítelem, známým natož příbuzným pana Valihracha. Ani mne nikdo nenavedl. Článek jsem vytvořil zcela z vlastního popudu. Nemůže jít tedy o propagaci a již vůbec ne o sebepropagaci. Komerční prosperita Valihrachova podniku je mi lhostejná. Pana Valihracha jsem ani nikdy nepotkal. Fakt je ale ten že vyhrál významnou soutěž a uspěl v ní opakovaně a reflexe v důležitých českých médiích je masivní. Vypil jsem něco málo jeho vína a je vskutku skvostné. Článek je zdrojován, byť jen základně. O propagaci také jit nemůže neb nebo článek je chabě navštěvován a jak vidno Valihrach nemá a spontánnní propagaci zcela jiného druhu než na wikipedii nouzi. Připouštím ale, že v mnou založeném článku mohou být z neobratnosti rysy nebo formulace, které (někomu) budí zdání PR. Pak není nic snazšího, než je poopravit. Také to třeba udělám sám. V tomto celkovém kontextu mám za to, že by návěstí Reklama mělo být odstraněno. Článek jsem vytvářel z vlastního popudu, zcela a jen z nezávislého pohledu. --Jan Sapák (diskuse) 8. 3. 2017, 08:06 (CET)
- Dobrý den pane Sapáku, návěstí "Reklama" jsem k článku o panu Valihrachovi nepřidal já, ale kolega Wikipedista:Ladin (@Ladin:). Nicméně, já jsem pouze přidal kategorii a Infobox o osobě, za mě je článek v pořídku a souhlasím s vámi. Za mě dobrý.--frettie.net (diskuse) 8. 3. 2017, 08:23 (CET)
- Ahoj Frettie, takže podle tebe je například věta „Osobitost a autenticita vína je skutečná a není předstíraným marketingovým tahem“ v pořádku a psána encyklopedickým stylem? --Ladin (diskuse) 8. 3. 2017, 19:11 (CET)
- Já to nějak důkladně nečetl, ale nepřijde mi, že by to bylo za hranou.--frettie.net (diskuse) 8. 3. 2017, 19:41 (CET)
- Ahoj Frettie, takže podle tebe je například věta „Osobitost a autenticita vína je skutečná a není předstíraným marketingovým tahem“ v pořádku a psána encyklopedickým stylem? --Ladin (diskuse) 8. 3. 2017, 19:11 (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #251
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Ladies that FOSS, March 15th, 18:00, Berlin. Meetup dedicated to women who want to start coding for Wikidata, Mediawiki or other open source software
- Wikidata workshop in Manchester, March 17th, 10:00, at the Manchester Central Library (information)
- Wikidata workshop in Paris, March 17th, 20:30. More questions about SPARQL and the Query Service (information and registration)
- Would you like to attend to a Wikidata meetup in Berlin? You can choose the next date!
- Wizards, Muggles and Wikidata: The Room of Requirements for structured knowledge by Jens Ohlig, John Cummings and Navino Evans
- Wikidata for winners (in Economics) by Martin Poulter
- Des Successions à Wikidata : vers un réseau social des philosophes antiques ? (fr) by Pierre-Carl Langlais
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Do you want to help watching the recent changes? Have a look at this useful collection of links by YMS
- Watch the gender gap on Wikipedia and Wikidata with this tool by Envlh
- Play Stadt, Fluss, Land with Wikidata! (by Knut)
- Deadline for submitting a presentation for Wikimania 2017 is March 30th: discuss about ideas or ask for help
- WMF is hiring a program manager, a product manager and a community liaison to work on the structured data project on Commons
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: pole position, MIMO instrument ID, openMLOL author ID, IPv4 range, Iditarod musher ID, SAHRA heritage site ID, DOCOMOMO Ibérico ID, average space complexity, best-case space complexity, worst-case space complexity, average performance, best-case performance, worst-case performance, Shoftim BeIsrael judge ID, KMDb documentary ID, Google Maps CID, Israel Football Association player ID, SSRN author ID, Wildflowers of Israel ID, World Rugby Sevens Series ID, number of subscribers, ITU/ISO/IEC object identifier
- Query examples:
- List of female bioinformaticians/computational biologists (source)
- Most gender-imbalanced occupations in US citizens (source)
- Awards received by more women than men (source)
- Transgender characters played by trangender actors/actresses (source)
- The most famous astronomical objects in Solar System according to Wikipedia sitelinks (source)
- Natural arches around the globe (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: Board Games
- Newest external tools: official first release of WikidataIntegrator
- Development
- Converted undo/restore interface to use OOUI. You can test it here (phab:T134643).
- Fixed an other rounding issue on geo coordinates (phab:T158772).
- Added thumbnail images to the Wikimedia Commons suggester (phab:T160319).
- Continued working on introducing Lexeme entity type.
- Finishing federation prototype.
- We are going to change all snak, reference, and qualifier hashes with the planned DataModel 7.0 release. If you are a tool developer, make sure you do not persist hashes, and never use them to request edits to entities. Statement IDs are safe (phab:T157965).
- Removed unnecessary CSS on ooui special pages (phabricator:T159702)
- Allowed example queries to be searched for SPARQL commands (phabricator:T154768)
- Converted Wikibase interface for undoing/restoring a revision to OOUI (phabricator:T134643)
- Converted image header user script to gadget (phabricator:T159929)
- Started writing spec for technical data model for Wiktionary support (phabricator:T150785)
- Worked on providing API for constraint check (phabricator:T102757)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Pozvánka na brněnský wikisraz 22. března 2017
[editovat zdroj]--MediaWiki message delivery (diskuse) 19. 3. 2017, 23:36 (CET)
Weekly Summary #252
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Berlin on March 31st
- Upcoming: Datensummit in Berlin, April 29th. We're looking for Wikidata editors to help :)
- Upcoming: Wikidata Workshop in Rennes, March 22nd
- A successful Wikidatathon about women's history in Puri, India
- Wikidata as information source to support the Dutch elections
- Quora: Adding Locations via Wikidata
- Quora: Identifying Topics about People
- How to quickly generate word analogy datasets with Wikidata by Finn Arup Nielsen
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Deadline for submitting a presentation for Wikimania 2017 is March 30th: discuss about ideas or ask for help
- SWAT4LS 2016 poster Linking Wikidata to the Semantic Web
- Mix’n’match interface update
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: FFA ID, European Athletics ID, All-Athletics.com ID
- Query examples:
- Development
- Fixing a bug on the save button (phab:T159244)
- Fixing a bug with the link to the Query Service on an ember query (phab:T156013)
- More work on Federation (phab:T157442, phab:T158169)
- Fixing a bug on geoformats (phab:T158772)
- Fixing a bug on the treemap view (phab:T160320) Thanks EdouardHue for the patch!
- More groundwork on Lexemes (phab:T157791)
- Show thumbnails in commons suggester (phab:T160319)
- Fixing a bug on coordinate (phab:T153429)
- Applying WikimediaUI color palette to Wikibase (phab:T151194)
- Writing spec for technical data model for Wiktionary support (phab:T150785)
- Working on providing API for constraint check (phab:T102757)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #253
[editovat zdroj]
This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2017-03-27.
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Berlin, Friday, March 31st at 19:30 in Neukölln
- Upcoming: Wikidata IRC office hour, April 5th, 16:00 UTC, on Šablona:Channel
- A tool to estimate gender gap on Wikidata and Wikipedia (source)
- (fr) Odonymie rennaise : que nous apprend Wikidata sur les noms des voies de Rennes ? (source)
- Wikidata's excellent sample SPARQL queries by Bob DuCharme
- 10 steps to integrate CIViCdb with other public data in Wikidata
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- RFC: Wikidata → OSM lookup table
- Participate to the definition of the Wikimedia movement's strategy
- The deadline for Wikimania talks submission has been extended to April 10th (check what we're planning around Wikidata)
- Conceptual documentation for the Lexemes and examples (feel free to help translating)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: FI WarSampo army unit ID, KMRB film rating, FI WarSampo person ID, film script, volcano observatory, BoF person ID, Bivouac.com pass ID, Elle.fr person ID, Evidence & Conclusion Ontology ID, Parks.it ID, YerelNET district ID, The Numbers movie ID, S2A3 Biographical Database ID, Mapa place ID, Tax-exempt heritage asset ID, TV Guide show ID, original film format, Launchpad.net project ID, INEGI municipality ID, Safsal coach ID, Safsal player ID, Star Wars Databank ID, autonomous system number, Bureau of Meteorology station ID, Flora of Israel plant ID, Dictionary of Sydney ID, IPv6 routing prefix, rate of fire, Art Renewal Center ID, AnimeCons.com ID, Telegram username, BNA author ID, danskefilm silent film ID, danskefilm person ID, danskefilm film ID, CiteSeerX ID, Christie's work ID, Artnet artist ID, has active ingredient, active ingredient in, negative allosteric modulator of, positive allosteric modulator of, antisense inhibitor of, inhibitor of, disrupting agent for, blocker of, antagonist of, agonist of, activator of, PeakFinder ID, It's Rugby ID, Medieval Libraries of Great Britain Book ID
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: film scripts
- Showcase items: Wressle Castle (Q8037764)
- Development
- Fixing a bug that prevented users to edit descriptions in some non-latin alphabets (phab:T161263)
- Worked on Special:NewLexeme which will be used to create new Lexemes for supporting lexicographical data (phabricator:T157973)
- Aligned some more colors with Wikimedia color palete (phabricator:T151194)
- Added more autocompletion for the Wikidata Query Service (phabricator:T150950)
- Started working on support for Forms of words in the UI for supporting lexicographical data (phabricator:T160520)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #254
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop in Grenoble (France), April 4th (more info)
- Upcoming: Wikidata IRC office hour, April 5th, 16:00 UTC, on Šablona:Channel
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop in London (UK), April 8th (more info)
- Bunhill Fields: Wikimedia, gamification and richer media content
- Biocuration 2017
- Talk: Repurpos.us: A fully open and expandable drug repurposing portal by Sebastian Burgstaller-Muehlbacher, PhD
- Poster: Best practices for data provenance in Wikidata by Gregory S. Stupp et al.
- Poster: Using Shape Expressions (ShEx) to model, validate and curate Wikidata by Andra Waagmeester et al.
- Five years ago, the development of Wikidata started
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Attention: Editing will be disabled during parts of April 19 and May 3, to allow a server switch
- New filters for the Recent Changes will be deployed on April 11. (more info)
- Data donation: Songkick have donated a datafile with 155K of their Songkick artist ID (P3478). ~45K are already matched, and the rest are in Mix'n'Match, awaiting your kind attention.
- Query Service: you can now create a template to explain what your query is doing
- new data type for geographical shapes will be enabled on April 24th
- Several CC0 databases are now federated with the Query Service endpoint
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: located in present-day administrative territorial entity, Human Phenotype Ontology ID, slope rating, Tab4u artist ID, Tab4u song ID, United States Public Law, Pinterest username, Mendeley person ID, RTC film rating, diaspora, Europeana Fashion Vocabulary ID, object has role, CueTracker player ID, Publons author ID, wears, JSTOR topic ID, Welsh Rugby Union player ID, United States Statutes at Large citation, VTJ-PRT building ID, Ethnologue language status, rules for classification, Bangla Movie Database ID, Flanders Arts Institute venue ID
- Query examples:
- External Tools News
- wikidata-cli
- new command: wd summary
- improved support for custom Wikibase instances
- wikidata-edit:
- new function: remove claim
- improved support for custom Wikibase instances
- wikidata-sdk:
- new function: simplify.entity
- major documentation restructuration
- wikidata-filter:
- new filter criteria: sitelinks. Example of a query that times out on the SPARQL endpoint but that is now possible with wikidata-filter: Get all entities with a Chinese and a French Wikipedia article, keeping only id, labels, and sitelinks matching those languages
- Monumental: brand new app for displaying heritage data
- wikidata-cli
- Development
- A warm welcome to our new intern, Lucas Werkmeister! You may now him for his work on queries as WikidataFacts. He will work in the team for the next months.
- Attending to Wikimedia Conference, talking with Wikidata and Wiktionary users
- Improving performance on Special:Entities pages (phab:T161631)
- Tracking the number of identifier properties on an item in page_props (phab:T114617)
- More work on Senses (phab:T161523) and Forms (phab:T160524)
- Improving the autocompletions of Query Service (phab:T150950)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
[editovat zdroj]- Díky moc, když jsem měl po nějaký pracovní schůzce v Jablonci nějakej zbytek času, tak přece nepojedu hned do Prahy nebo nafotit blízký vesnice u Jablonce (kterých tam je taky požehnaně, snad to ještě zvládnu, nejspíš se tam teď tak jednou dvakrát za měsíc objevím). :) Navíc, nejsevernější bod mě lákal - a je tam krásně.--frettie.net (diskuse) 4. 4. 2017, 11:58 (CEST)
- To je správný přístup, jen tak dál :-) Gumideck (diskuse) 4. 4. 2017, 12:27 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #255
[editovat zdroj]
- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Zolo
- New request for comments: Proposed client side disambiguation page
- Events/Press/Blogs
- The Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC) helps unlock millions of connections between scholarly research, on WMF blog, by Dario Taborelli
- Le canal de Nantes à Brest sur Wikidata (fr) by Édouard Hue
- Comprende!, a quiz interface on top of MediaWiki/WikiBase by Magnus Manske
- Next Wikidata meetup in Berlin: April 26th, 18:00 in WMDE's office
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Deadline for submitting a talk, workshop or roundtable for Wikimania is today, April 10th, at midnight (UTC)!
- There's now also a #100wikidays challenge on Wikidata, aptly named #100wikidatadays! It is a personal challenge in which a person very significantly improves (at least) one Wikidata items per day, for 100 days in a row. There was already a version of the challenge on various Wikipedias, on Commons and on Wikisource - now on Wikidata as well. Participate and make Wikidata shine!
- New filters for Recent Changes: the beta deployment is rescheduled on May 9th
- Grant application to extend the work of John Commings at UNESCO
- New MapRoulette challenges: Add missing Wikidata ids to cities and capitals on OpenStreetMap
- You can be a candidate for the Wikimedia Foundation's board of trustees
- Log of the last IRC office hour with Wikidata development team
- Help us translating this short message in your language
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: TV Guide person ID, Deutsche Synchronkartei film ID, DLV athlete ID
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Figure skating
- Newest external tools: Sistercities, an overview of sister cities of German cities on Wikipedia and Wikidata
- Newest database reports: list of duos
- Development
- Preparing for making more ArticlePlaceholder indexable by search engines on Welsh Wikipedia (phab:T162244)
- Preparing the deployments of Cognate and geoshape data type
- Lexemes: starting adding sections for forms and senses
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Pozvánka na brněnský wikisraz 19. dubna 2017
[editovat zdroj]--MediaWiki message delivery (diskuse) 16. 4. 2017, 00:42 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #256
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Wikidata workshop in Paris, Friday, April 21st, about external tools
- "Wikidata pour la science" training day in Paris, April 24th
- Heritage in Flanders and Crowd-Sourced Projects - featuring Wikidata, Wikipedia and OpenStreetMap
- The ACS Spring disclosures of 2017 #1 - about news drug compounds entering Wikidata
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Attention: Editing will be disabled during parts of April 19 and May 3, to allow a server switch
- Wikidata description editing in the Wikipedia Android app to be deployed on several Wikipedias
- More federated endpoints have been added (DBpedia, INSEE, UK Office for National Statistics...)
- All UNESCO sites in Wikishootme
- You can now cheat Stadt Fluss Land game with a query ;)
- To be deployed on Monday, April 24th: new datatype for geoshapes and Cognate on Wiktionaries
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: type of reference, suicide rate, Italian Navy Lighthouses and Beacons ID, MyDramaList name ID, iTunes app ID, Wormbase Gene ID, Environment Ontology ID, route diagram, cinenacional.com person ID, Quebec municipalities geographical code, LombardiaBeniCulturali artwork ID, Soundtrack Collector ID, Rat Genome Database ID, FlyBase Gene ID, cinenacional.com movie ID, LombardiaBeniCulturali toponym ID, LombardiaBeniCulturali institution ID, Irish Rugby Football Union ID, Open Library subject ID, DBC author ID
- Query examples:
- Newest external tools: Wikinity displays a map of items near any given place
- Newest database reports: list of anthology films
- Developmen
- More work on support for Forms and Lexemes (phab:T160052)
- Adding monolingual language code UMU (phab:T160531)
- Fixing a bug about Commons gallery and category (phab:T161826)
- Improving header image gadget (phab:T160530)
- Provide a special page to list all available badges (phab:T114473)
- Show supported data formats in Special:EntityData (phab:T162870)
- Track the number of identifier properties on an item (phab:T114617)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
[editovat zdroj]Ahoj, líbí se mi, jak jste na Vysočině rozkategorizovali fotb. kluby do okresů a přemýšlím, jak toho elegantně dosáhnout i např. v JM kraji. Zjednodušilo by to podle mě orientaci – souhlasí Dominus Moravian? Další dotaz se týká Miloslava Žižky. Jeho vnučka poskytla fotografii p. Žižky během jeho působení v nejvyšší soutěži. Rád bych ji dostal na cswiki, netuším však jak. Měj se. --Jura (diskuse) 19. 4. 2017, 14:21 (CEST)
- Jak - no ideálně asi ručně. Bohužel. :) A na ty fotky - to asi nejlíp odpoví Wikipedista:Mates. A stav se dneska večer do Baroka u Měnínský brány, je tam Wikisraz. :)--frettie.net (diskuse) 19. 4. 2017, 14:54 (CEST)
- Cože, to už je dneska!? Dík :D --Ben Skála (diskuse) 19. 4. 2017, 15:32 (CEST)
- Dobrá, děkuji. Doufal jsem právě, že to půjde úsporněji. Až najdu chuť a náladu, jak píše kolega níže, tak se do toho pustím. Ke srazům: rád bych se účastnil pravidelně, časově mi to však poslední rok vůbec nevycházelo :-) --Jura (diskuse) 20. 4. 2017, 23:14 (CEST)
- Pokud na to má někdo z Vás dvou chuť a náladu, tak do toho. Já protestovat nebudu :-)--Dominus Moravian (diskuse) 19. 4. 2017, 15:52 (CEST)
- @Jura1913: Ahoj, napiš mi na diskusi, nebo mi pošli mail (můžeš na osobní nebo na permissions-cs@wikimedia.org – tam obzvlášť, pokud už máš nějaký e-mail od vnučky pana Žižky). Díky, Frettie, za ping. S pozdravem Mates (diskuse) 19. 4. 2017, 16:36 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #257
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- The Wikidata data model and your SPARQL queries by Bob DuCharme
- Wikidata meetup in Berlin, Wednesday, April 26th in WMDE's office
- Datensummit by OKFN, April 29th, in Berlin
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Editing will be disabled during parts of May 3rd, to allow a server switch
- Deployed on Monday, April 24th: new datatype for geoshapes and Cognate on Wiktionaries
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: PictoRight ID-Droit de suite, observing time available, MetaboLights Compound ID, Swiss Federal Archives ID, Boijmans artist ID, KVAB member ID, number of perpetrators, History of Modern Biomedicine ID, Tilastopaja male athlete ID, Red Bull athlete ID, Tilastopaja female athlete ID, National Track & Field Hall of Fame athlete ID, Caverphone, Cologne phonetics, Soundex, HappyCow restaurant ID, category for alumni of educational institution, Justia Patents company ID, Justia Patents inventor ID, daily patronage, patronage, tributary orientation, ZFIN gene ID, IAFD female-born performer ID, MyDramaList title ID, Israel Chess Federation player ID, LAWA waterbody ID
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Wikiproject Terrorism
- New template: d:Template:Film festivals
- Development
- Changing Special:NewProperty to not have a datatype selected by default (phab:T138295)
- Restoration of deleted items broken on Wikidata (phab:T163144)
- Making notifications when page is being connected to Wikidata ready to deploy (phab:T110604)
- Writing basic documentation for WikibaseMediaInfo extension (phab:T159710)
- Hiding header image gadget when sitelinks are floated below the statement section (phab:T160530)
- Making the "add" button display the "add Form" form (phab:T162342)
- Getting the datatype to link to tabular data sets on Commons ready to deploy (phab:T160048)
- Showing supported data formats in Special:EntityData (phab:T162870)
- Setting meta name="description" on article placeholders (phab:T157466)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #258
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: FOSSnorth (Gothenburg), where Lydia gave a keynote about Wikidata
- Past: Wikidata meetup in Berlin
- Past: Datensummit in Berlin, organized by OKFN, where we introduced Wikidata and the query service
- Combining Forces with the Wikipedia Universe - by Songkick, about their data donation
- Introducing Wikimedian in Residence, Mr Andy Mabbett - by The History of Modern Biomedicine Research Group
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Attention: Editing will be disabled for an hour on May 3rd, to allow a server switch
- New filters for the Recent Changes will be deployed on May 9th. (more info)
- new data type for tabular data to be deployed on May 15th
- Try our new script that displays constraint violations on the item pages
- Get involved in the movement strategy for Wikidata
- Query the Mediawiki API with the Query Service? Give us your feedbacks
- Documentation on using OpenRefine to match from a data set you have to items in Wikidata
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Canadian Coastguard Lighthouse ID, contributed to published work, Répertoire national des associations identifier, IPA number order, UNESCO Thesaurus ID, Athletics Australia athlete ID, GuideStar Israel organization ID, MobyGames developer ID, newspaper format, STW Thesaurus for Economics ID, Bollywood Hungama ID, last words, Reprezentacija ID, LoJ peak ID, Ishim ID, GINCO ID, VIVC grape variety ID, column, had as last meal, ADAGP artist ID, CONICET person ID, Medium username
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: list of newspapers by newspaper format
- Development
- Working on Lexeme support - specifically grammatical features of Forms of a Lexeme and statements on Forms
- Finishing touches on a new notification type for Echo. This will notify the creator of an article when it has been connected to an item on Wikidata.
- The new d:Special:AvailableBadges list all badges that can be used for sitelinks.
- Discussed implementation plan for Multi Content Revisions which are a building block for structured data on Commons (phabricator:T107595)
- Worked on feedback for the constraints API and user script
- Worked on database and access improvements to take load off a much-used database table
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #259
[editovat zdroj]
- Discussions
- New request for comments: Updating References for External Data
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Registration is open for the Celtic Knot Conference 2017 (July 6th, Edinburgh)
- Pre-hackathon of the Wikimedia Hackathon, May 12th-14th in Prague
- Wikimedia Hackathon 2017, May 19th-21st in Vienna. On site or remotely, you can join the Wikidata documentation sprint
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Vote in the board election (see also Voter guides and rationales
- Sitelinks for the new Doteli Wikipedia (dtywiki) can be added
- You can now track the number of identifier properties for an item
- We provide weekly a new type of database dumps: nt truthy dumps
- Wikipedia article-draft-generator developed by Pharos for Met Museum project
- Schema.org proposes to encourage the use of Wikidata as a common entity base for the target of the sameAs relation
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: light sector, Wikidata SPARQL query equivalent, Canadian Coastguard Lighthouse ID, contributed to published work
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: list of oldest lighthouses
- Development
- Worked more on support for lexicographical data (specifically support for lexicographic category and statements on forms)
- Dealt with issues after the deployment of automatic interwiki links for Wiktionary
- Worked on constraint violation user script based on your feedback (improving messages to make it more understandable, layout, etc)
- Add support for the following new language codes for monolingual text properties: brx, chn, cop, gez, quc, kjh, nr (will become available in a few days)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Pozvánka na brněnský wikisraz 17. května 2017
[editovat zdroj]--MediaWiki message delivery (diskuse) 12. 5. 2017, 02:21 (CEST)
Významné firmy na Vysočině
[editovat zdroj]Ahoj. Chci se ohradit proti tvému revertu v hesle Kraje Vysočina. Mě ten odstavec stále připadá nevhodný. Odstavec se jmenuje Významné firmy, ale píše se tam o jedné konkétní MANN+HUMMEL - kde má pobočky, co vyrábí, kolik má zaměstnanců. V kraji existují další firmy (Bosh, Ždas, Kablo VM,...). Ten text o MANN+HUMMEL tam dodal někdo z IP adresy, což v mých očích na důležitosti a oprávněnosti přítomnosti informací o MANN+HUMMEL v hesle příliš nepřidává. Prosím, zkus mi osvětlit tvoje názory a postoje, proč je ten text v dnešní podobě přínosný. Děkuji. --Unpocoloco (diskuse) 15. 5. 2017, 14:26 (CEST)
- Ahoj, jsem inkluzionista ale uznávám - asi máš pravdu - chtělo by to minimálně přepsat a teď na to nemám čas a ani energii. Unáhlil jsem se, promiň.--frettie.net (diskuse) 15. 5. 2017, 14:28 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #260
[editovat zdroj]
- Discussions
- Development input: Client editing prototype
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: Pre-hackathon of the Wikimedia Hackathon, May 12th-14th in Prague (see a video of the Wikidata and SPARQL training)
- Upcoming: Wikimedia Hackathon 2017, May 19th-21st in Vienna. On site or remotely, you can join the Wikidata documentation sprint
- Upcoming: WikiCite, May 23rd-25th in Vienna
- Next Wikidata meetup in Berlin: June 7th in WikiBÄR
- You can still register for the Wikidata/election data hackathon in Ulm, Germany (June 23-25)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Discuss the movement strategy on Wikidata. The Cycle 2 started on May, 11.
- WikidataCon: join the program committee and other teams!
- TwoColConflict is now enabled on Wikidata
- OSMgadget is a tool to help Wikipedia editors find objects in OpenStreetMap, and tag them with their Wikidata IDs
- The OSM ↔ Wikidata matcher tool
- Two language properties will be merged but the discussion still needs to go on
- Tabular data files datatype is now enabled
- The constraint table has been updated
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: NLL player ID, Italian Senate ID, ALPG golfer ID, Stereo Ve Mono artist ID, BioRxiv ID, narrower external class, Juwra.com ID, MLL player ID, Directorio Grierson ID, RANM member ID, Old Bailey Proceedings ID, Tumblr ID, Bmx-results.com rider ID, Israel Antiquities Authority ID, OlimpBase Chess Olympiad player ID, ESTC citation number, named by, Reactome pathway ID, NFF person profile ID, Chamber of Deputies of Italy ID, face value, Cinema ID, Digital Valencian Library author ID, copyright owner, Rallye-info.com driver or co-driver ID, V&A item ID, MotoGP racer ID, eWRC-results.com athlete ID, USATF athlete ID, Track and Field Statistics male athlete ID, Track and Field Statistics female athlete ID, Diamond League athlete ID
- Query examples:
- Development
- More work on Special:NewLexeme page (Phab:T164582)
- Correctly compare time values on constraints (Phab:T164279)
- Check wording of messages/constraint check results (Phab:T164354)
- Creating grammatical features for Forms (Phab:T160525)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Help adding missing statements to properties
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
[editovat zdroj]Zdravím. Touto editací [3] jsem odstranil šablonu, odkazující na Váš profil. Myslím, že zde byla zbytná, klidně mě ale revertujte, pokud má nějakou zvláštní funkci. --Vlout (diskuse) 20. 5. 2017, 15:59 (CEST)
- Zdravím, v pohodě. Je to tak lepší.--frettie.net (diskuse) 20. 5. 2017, 16:51 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #261
[editovat zdroj]
- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: MisterSynergy, Queryzo, ChristianKl
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: Wahlsalon (event Codefor.de about election data): Kickoff on May 24th in Berlin
- Upcoming: Open Science: the National Plan and you meeting for Dutch researchers: May 29th in Delft, The Netherlands
- Current: WikiCite, May 23rd-25th in Vienna
- Current: Met Open Access Artworks Challenge (May 15th-June 30th) help improving the data about the collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art!
- Past: Wikimedia Hackathon 2017, May 19th-21st in Vienna
- Paper: Becoming Wikidatians: evolution of participation in a collaborative structured knowledge base (Alessandro Piscopo, Christopher Phethean, Elena Simperl)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The extension RevisionSlider is now available by default on Wikidata. Try it on a talk or project page!
- Check out some updates about the WikidataCon
- We reached Q30,000,000! Help us improve it and make a showcase item out of it.
- An additional 10k article placeholders on Welsh Wikipedia will be made indexable in search engines
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Unifrance person ID, Unifrance company ID, IECIC 2015 ID, Songkick venue ID, BVMC work ID, secretary general, Nature preserve in North Rhine-Westphalia ID, PIM authority ID, PASE Domesday place, PASE Domesday person ID, channel number, signed form, CETS no., final event, programming paradigm, Bridgeman artist ID, BDCYL authority ID, Clochers de France ID, Global Trade Item Number, Unifrance film ID, Base biographique AUTOR ID, NNL work ID
- Query examples:
- Plants with associated emoji (source)
- Languages ordered by number of speakers (source)
- HMDB identifiers with more than one item (source)
- Painters with a lot of identifiers on Wikidata, but few Wikipedia articles (source)
- Buildings with the greatest numbers of elevators (source)
- Map of female writers on Wikidata by birthplace- generated by SPARQL query (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Counter-Vandalism, WikiProject Documentation
- Development
- Participating to the Wikimedia hackathon 2017, having a lot of interesting talks with users, designers, developers...
- Helping improving the documentation for the property constraints, the beginner documentation about Wikidata, how to install Wikibase
- Rewriting most constraint violation messages to include more useful information (phab:T164354, help update translations)
- Working on a tree view for the Query Service (phab:T152676)
- Setting up a constraints development/testing wiki
- Moving PropertySuggester extension from github to gerrit (phab:T104309)
- Working on performance of change dispatching so database of wikidata goes read-only in lower rate (phab:T162557)
- Reducing number of duplicates rows in our database table for labels, descriptions and aliases to make it faster (phab:T163551)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
[editovat zdroj]Vámi vytvořený modul Modul:ObecNav pravděpodobně není nikde použitý. Má nějaký účel nebo je možné jej smazat? --Dvorapa (diskuse) 26. 5. 2017, 00:13 (CEST)
- Pokud zabírá toooooolik místa, tak ho smažte ... --frettie.net (diskuse) 27. 5. 2017, 10:01 (CEST)
- Na místě nezáleží, záleží jestli je funkční. A pokud není, nemá tu dle mého cenu (pokud byste se k němu jako autor nevrátil a nedodělal ho). Je funkční? --Dvorapa (diskuse) 27. 5. 2017, 17:32 (CEST)
- Co já vim. :) Tak to smázni.--frettie.net (diskuse) 28. 5. 2017, 08:04 (CEST)
- Na místě nezáleží, záleží jestli je funkční. A pokud není, nemá tu dle mého cenu (pokud byste se k němu jako autor nevrátil a nedodělal ho). Je funkční? --Dvorapa (diskuse) 27. 5. 2017, 17:32 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #262
[editovat zdroj]
- Discussions
- Closed request for adminship: MisterSynergy, Queryzo, ChristianKl (all successful)
- New request for comments: Allow the creation of links to redirects in Wikidata
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: WikiCite, May 23rd-25th in Vienna. Documentation will be available soon, in the meantime you can check on Twitter and the video streams to see what happened
- Six degrees on Wikidata, by Andrew Gray
- Some statistics on scholarly data in Wikidata, by Finn Årup Nielsen
- Wikidata for librarians, by Dan Scott
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Eurowings app uses Wikidata
- Are you searching for geolocations of Wikipedia articles on the OSM map? Alex-7 created a web app.
- Breaking change: sitelink encoding changing in RDF export/WDQS
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Filmweb.pl ID, racon signal, Vitaskrá ID, SSB urban settlement number, Austrian Textbook ID, EKATTE place ID, members have occupation, National Library Board Singapore ID, SHARE Catalogue author ID, Sequence Ontology ID, supports programming language, subreddit, sports league level, TA98 Latin term, Misjonsarkiv person ID, Unifrance person ID, Unifrance company ID, IECIC 2015 ID, Songkick venue ID, BVMC work ID, secretary general, nature preserve in North Rhine-Westphalia ID, PIM authority ID, PASE Domesday place, PASE Domesday person ID
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Zika Corpus
- Newest external tools: Wikidata to CSV
- Newest database reports: Roger Moore filmography
- Development
- Attending WikiCite
- Showing badges on other projects (phab:T73887)
- Improving label tracking (phab:T151717)
- Working more on statements on forms in order to support lexicographical data
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #263
[editovat zdroj]
- Discussions
- Open request for bureaucrat: Lymantria
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Berlin, June 7th, 18:00, in the WikiBÄR local room
- Upcoming: An introduction to Wikidata for GLAMs, Berlin, June 9th (more info in German)
- Upcoming: Hackathon cartographie des logiciels libres in Paris on June 10th
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop during HackZurich, September 14th (registration opening on June 9th)
- Wikidata, WikiCite, and the "bibliography of life" by Rod Page (Q7356570)
- MySociety (Q10851773) are publishing a "five part series examining how to use Wikidata to answer the question: 'What is the gender breakdown of heads of government across the world?'".
- Wikicite 2017, and the 7 features Wikidata needs most
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Breaking change: "wb_entity_per_page" table will not be updated and replicated on ToolLabs anymore
- Data donation: following WikiCite, our friends at DBLP (Q1224715) have begun to donate data, with >4,800 values in the first batch, including >1,300 DBLP ID (P2456) plus assorted aliases, and values for VIAF ID (P214), GND ID (P227), ORCID iD (P496), ACM Digital Library author ID (P864), zbMATH author ID (P1556), & Google Scholar ID (P1960).
- Sitelinks of Wiktionary will be enabled on June 20th
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: reviewed by, Hungarian NGO ID, PLU Code, Latvian Protected Nature Territory ID, Google Scholar paper ID, DNCI musical work ID, Cullum number, Pinakothek artist ID, ADW taxon ID, DFB datacenter player ID, danskefilm TV series ID, danskefilm animated film ID, dimension, USL player ID, The Arabidopsis Information Resource Accession, Ustream username, SlideShare username, Vimeo username, Australian Statistical Geography 2011 ID, Giphy username, Semantic Scholar author ID, Semantic Scholar paper ID, GDP (PPP), RKY national built heritage environment ID, Early Aviators people ID, DBS ID, overrules, Bavarikon ID, shield image, official Facebook page, WFD Ecological status, Latvian Protected Nature Territory URL
- Query examples:
- Newest external tools: Wikidata Diff (compares two items; proof-of-concept, doesn't yet include qualifiers, etc.), Wikidata Recent Changes livestream
- Newest database reports: list of items with the property "has fruit type"
- Development
- Removing some config variables (phab:T93773)
- Fixing a conflict with Language Converter (phab:T166429)
- Showing badges in the sidebar (phab:T73887)
- Fixing a bug on Query Service (phab:T166762)
- Adjusting code reading from wb_terms (phab:T162673)
- Adding an accesskey to the undo button (phab:T165078)
- Fixing preferences settings for the new Echo notification (phab:T166657)
- Adding Rangi language (lag) to Wikidata (phab:T161983)
- Working on moving PropertySuggester extension from github to gerrit (phab:T104309)
- More work on usage tracking (phab:T151717)
- More work on Lexemes (phab:T157974)
- More work on statements (phab:T165480)
- More work on constraints (phab:T167107)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #264
[editovat zdroj]
- Discussions
- Discussion: Convert UBERON ID to external-id
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: Query Service workshop in Berlin, June 28th
- Querying OSM + Wikidata from a single RDF database intro (YouTube video) by Yuri Astrakhan
- The Role of Librarians in Wikidata and WikiCite, by Katie Mika
- MySociety (Q10851773) have now completed publishing a "five part series examining how to use Wikidata to answer the question: 'What is the gender breakdown of heads of government across the world?'". Here is the full set:
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The call for submissions for the WikidataCon program is now open! Submit your projects to share your experience with the community until July 31st
- You can also apply for a scholarship for the WikidataCon
- Breaking change: improving the schema of wb_terms table
- Wikidata Diff, a tool to compare the basic properties (no qualifiers/ ranks, yet) of two Wikidata items
- OSM ↔ Wikidata matcher, new tool for OpenStreetMap mappers, to match objects in OSM to Wikidata items, using the wikidata= tag in OSM
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: EspritBleu athlete ID, J.League manager ID, Sandbox-Geographic shape, SIMC place ID, Sandbox-Tabular data, therapeutic area, emulates, ESBL athlete ID, Rock.com.ar album ID, Rock.com.ar artist ID, Rock.com.ar biography ID, Danish List of Lights and Fog signals ID, South Australian Heritage Register Database ID, field of view, Shironet song ID, Shironet artist ID, Mastodon address, reviewed by, Hungarian NGO ID, PLU Code, Latvian Protected Nature Territory ID, Google Scholar paper ID, DNCI work ID, Cullum number, Pinakothek artist ID
- Query examples:
- Newest external tools: matching things in OSM with Wikidata (more information)
- Newest database reports: new people gallery
- Development
- Updating wording re associated Wikidata item following move (phab:T158842)
- More work on Forms (phab:T163723)
- Fixing rank icon (phab:T85388)
- Add monolingual code fkv (phab:T167259)
- Add monolingual code lag (phab:T161983)
- More work on property constraints (phab:T167126)
- Script for populating term_full_entity_id column in wb_terms table (phab:T162533)
- Full support for wikibase edits in enhanced changes format (phab:T46874)
- Adding Lua function to get Wikibase entity by site link (phab:T74815)
- New datatype for referencing Lexemes (phab:T165578)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #265
[editovat zdroj]
- Discussions
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: Hackathon about election data in Ulm, Germany, June 23-25th
- Upcoming: Peer-to-peer Wikidata workshop 2017, June 24th, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic
- Upcoming: Query Service workshop in Berlin, June 28th, 18:00, in WMDE's office
- Upcoming: IRC office hour, June 28th, at 20:00 (Berlin time, UTC+2), on the channel
- Wikidata as authority linking hub (PDF). Presentation by Joachim Neubert (ZBW) and Jakob Voß (GBV) at ELAG 2017 conference in Athens
- Facto Post newsletter, first issue and comments on Wikidata at Wikidata:Project chat#Facto Post – Issue 1 – 14 June 2017. Contains a number of blog links, particularly about WikiCite.
- WikidataCon
- Registration is now open! Check the information and fill the form to register.
- Let's build the program by proposing a project until July 31st
- Due the necessary time for people to get visas (about 3 months), we changed the deadline for the scholarship applications. You can apply for a scholarship before July 16th. We will then make sure that the applicants receive a response on July 25th.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- We have reached 500,000,000 edits.
- You can now query the Mediawiki API from the Query Service (documentation)
- Your feedback is still welcome on the prototype for editing Wikidata from Wikipedia
- beaTunes 5’s new Album Info pane is powered by Wikidata
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Zemereshet song ID, Zemereshet artist ID, identifier shared with, CONI athlete ID, CIS Chinese Athletes Database ID, COSR athlete ID, MOB athlete ID, COA athlete ID, Team USA athlete ID, ČOV athlete ID, LTOK athlete ID, COB athlete ID, Irish National Monument ID, FINESS medical facility ID, Irish Sites and Monuments Record ID, NZOC athlete ID, Norwegian List of Lights ID, Team Canada athlete ID, Deutsche Olympiamannschaft athlete ID, Academia.edu institutional ID, Ukrainian regulations base ID
- Query examples:
- Gallery of monsters of the Japanese folklore
- Lang by number of label (with quarry.wmflabs.org)
- The 10 smallest countries with some kind of urban rail transit system (source)
- Occupations with highest rate of deaths by homicide (source)
- Software titles ranked by number of readable file formats (source)
- Newest external tools: Causegraph, a tool to visualize and analyze cause/influence relationships using Wikidata
- Query examples:
- Development
- Improvements to Wikidata Query Service UI
- Continued work on importing property constraints from statements (phab:T102759)
- Started to add support for Senses of Lexeme entities (phab:T160053)
- More experimenting with the new front-end framework
- Added RDF mapping for "tabular data" data type (phab:T167951)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Kostel svatého Šimona a Judy (vs. Markéty)
[editovat zdroj]Zdravím, chtěl bych se Vás - v dobrém míněné - zeptati, zdali není v daném již založeném hesle malá chybička, neboť se v hesle Kostel svatého Šimona a Judy (Strážek) odkazuje na Kostel svaté Markéty (tučně v úvodu, posléze v kategorii)... S pozdravem, --Protestant (diskuse) 19. 6. 2017, 18:17 (CEST)
- Dobrý den, název je správně, ty drobnosti tam jsou pozapomenutý, základní kostru kopíruju z jiného staršího článku. upravím. --frettie.net (diskuse) 19. 6. 2017, 19:18 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #266
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop in Rennes, June 26th
- Upcoming: Query Service workshop in Berlin, June 28th, 18:00, in WMDE's office
- Upcoming: IRC office hour, June 28th, at 20:00 (Berlin time, UTC+2), on the channel
- Past: Hackathon about election data in Ulm, June 23-25 (some documentation in German)
- Building communities of knowledge with Wikidata, by Benjamin Good of the 'Gene Wiki' project
- ORCID Mania (in response to this call for a tool to automate the addition of ORCID iDs to Wikidata)
- I use Wikidata for multilingual names, by MySociety's 'EveryPoliticianBot'
- Resource discovery and Wikidata
- Where the streets have known names - Academic paper on OSM & Wikidata
- Extracting scientists from Wikipedia - Academic paper
- ¿Sabes cómo usar la base de datos Wikidata? (es) by the Cervantes virtual library

- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- What are your favorite tools using Wikidata?
- Wiktionary sitelinks have been enabled on Wikidata
- New Wikidata Game: Wikidata Guessr guess the locations of random Wikidata items
- OpenRefine 2.7 has been released, including the Wikidata Reconcile service
- Nice graphics about Wikidata and the Query Service (in German) by Bleeptrack
- New data donation by Giphy. Some help needed to match the catalogue
- Some help needed to map the UNESCO Atlas of World Languages in Danger and the Glottolog catalogue
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Irish National Inventory of Architectural Heritage ID, MyAnimeList manga ID, MyAnimeList anime ID, MyAnimeList character ID, MyAnimeList people ID, HFC NPS unit ID, image captured with, Biodiversity Heritage Library creator ID, number of houses, Theatres Trust Database ID, SKIP code, Pizmonet ID, WorldSBK.com racer identifier, Czech Monument Catalogue Number, FFN swimmer ID, Wikia wiki ID
- Query examples:
- Newest external tools: VizQuery
- Development
- Creating a separate section for constraint statements (example)
- Adding client-side hooks for saving and removing statements (phab:T167870)
- More work on constraints checks (phab:T168629)
- Enabling Wikidata edits in the enhanced recent changes and watchlist on clients (phab:T46874)
- Updating constraint check user script and propose to make it a gadget (phab:T167625)
- Creating Special:PageData as a canonical entry point for machine readable page data (phab:T163923)
- Working on editable Glosses on Senses (non-persistent) (phab:T165567)
- Setting up federation on mediainfo test system (phab:T163119)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #267
[editovat zdroj]
- Discussions
- New request for comment: When multiple sources are cited for a fact, should IMDB be deleted as one of them when used
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: IRC office hour (read the full log here)
- Past: Online Wikidata workshop in French (Wikipédia:Soirées Wiki en ligne)
- Upcoming: Wikidata and SPARQL workshop and Celtic Knot Conference in Edinburgh
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop during the Africa Open Data Conference, in Accra, Ghana, July 17-21
- A Wikidata workshop conducted in Bangalore
- Blog report about the second Wikidata workshop in the Czech Republic (in Czech)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Join the Cycle 3 of the Wikimedia Movement Strategy discussions, and debate about the challenges identified by the research
- Sitelinks for the new Kabiye Wikipedia (kbpwiki) can be added
- We reached Q31000000
- a dataset of 48,000 English questions have been mapped to Wikidata
- New Mix’n’match catalog: Irish National Inventory of Architectural Heritage
- COH Challenge: in July, add pictures from the Connected Open Heritage in Wikidata
- We asked the followers of the Wikidata Twitter account if they know about SPARQL
- The constraint check script has been turned into a gadget, and other news
- Platypus has started to learn Spanish
- WikidataCon: We reached 100 registrations, the event is complete for now. More tickets will be released in September. You can still register on the waitlist.
- WikidataCon scholarships applications are open until July 16th
- MySociety is hiring a community manager to work on EveryPolitician with Wikidata and SPARQL
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: parliamentary group, metrically compatible typeface, BVMC place id, MuseScore ID, RePEc institute ID, Principal Galaxies Catalogue ID, Australian Standard Geographic Classification 2006 ID, Australian Statistical Geography 2016 ID, checksum, Irish Grid Reference, Biodiversity Repository ID, Global Terrorism Database ID
- Query examples:
- Place of birth of the authors on Wikimammenn, the breton Wikisource
- First names of current French members of Parliament (source)
- Timeline of the births of current members of the French National Assembly (source)
- Family tree of Harry Potter characters (source)
- Map of mountains located in the Basque Country (source)
- Items with higher number of child statements than number of children (source)
- Pictures of Pharaos (source)
- Map of departemental archives in France (source)
- Newest gadgets: Units converter converts from 20 currencies to a selected currency. Converts metric units (mass, dimensions, area, temperature, speed) to/from United States units. The currency amounts are inflation adjusted if data is available.
- Development
- Worked more on support for lexicographical data and Wiktionary. The focus was on creating a necessary new datatype to link to Lexemes as well as making Glosses and statements on Glosses editable.
- Getting ready to migrate the constraints definitions from templates on the property talk page to statements on the property.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
[editovat zdroj]Je vhodné osekávat nejlepší článek? OJJ, Diskuse 9. 7. 2017, 15:50 (CEST)
- Upozorňuji rovněž na Wikipedie:WikiProjekt Kvalita/Kritéria, takhle to postrádá úplnost. Přimlouvám se za revert. OJJ, Diskuse 9. 7. 2017, 15:54 (CEST)
- Znovu upozorňuji na nevhodnost Vašeho počínání. Tento článek patří mezi takzvané nejlepší, plnící nejpřísnějšího nároky na kvalitu. Osekáváním se nastane úplným, kvůli čemuž by byla nutná denominace. --OJJ, Diskuse 9. 7. 2017, 16:04 (CEST)
- Diskuse přenesena sem. Do té doby se prosím zdržme revertů. Jinak, jsou tu i delší články. --OJJ, Diskuse 9. 7. 2017, 16:08 (CEST)
- Tohle je na diskusi všech, nejen nějakých pověřenců. --Jowe (diskuse) 9. 7. 2017, 16:11 (CEST)
- @Jowe: Každopádně když už jsme si je navolili (jsem mimochodem mezi nimi) a určili jsme si i kritéria nejlepších a dobrých článků, je rozumné to respektovat a diskutovat prozatím tam. Článek reverty přišel mimochodem i o řádkové reference, které musejí být u nejlepších článků téměř všude.. --OJJ, Diskuse 9. 7. 2017, 16:14 (CEST)
- @Jowe: Souhlas - mají se nejlepší články konzervovat v "prošlo hlasováním" stavu?--frettie.net (diskuse) 9. 7. 2017, 16:14 (CEST)
- Tohle je na diskusi všech, nejen nějakých pověřenců. --Jowe (diskuse) 9. 7. 2017, 16:11 (CEST)
- @OJJ: na Wikipedii neexistuje vlastnění článků, nevlastní je tedy ani pověřenci, tedy je nic neopravňuje k tomu, aby jen oni rozhodovali, jak se může článek upravovat. --Jowe (diskuse) 9. 7. 2017, 16:20 (CEST)
- @Jowe: Cílem není článků vlastnění, ale udržování v perfektním stavu. Osekáním by se z něj stal řadový článek. OJJ, Diskuse 9. 7. 2017, 16:22 (CEST)
- @OJJ: S odkazy na podrobnosti ...--frettie.net (diskuse) 9. 7. 2017, 16:26 (CEST)
- @OJJ: Prozraď mi, prosím, pravidlo, které stanovuje, že o úpravě nejlepších článků mohou rozhodnout jen pověřenci. Já zatím znám jen, WP:ESO a WP:KON. Díky. --Jowe (diskuse) 9. 7. 2017, 16:28 (CEST)
- @Jowe: To jsem nenapsal. Napsal jsem, že článek, aby byl NČ, musí splňovat určená kritéria, jinak bude vyřazen, což je IMO velká škoda. I když chápu propagaci pahýlů. :-) OJJ, Diskuse 9. 7. 2017, 16:32 (CEST)
- @OJJ: Tak když jsi to nenapsal, tak bude dobře, když založíš diskusi někde Pod lípou, kde se každý wikipedista bude moci vyjádřit, jestli je pro článek přínosné, aby duplikoval informace obsažené již jinde. --Jowe (diskuse) 9. 7. 2017, 16:38 (CEST)
- @Jowe: To jsem nenapsal. Napsal jsem, že článek, aby byl NČ, musí splňovat určená kritéria, jinak bude vyřazen, což je IMO velká škoda. I když chápu propagaci pahýlů. :-) OJJ, Diskuse 9. 7. 2017, 16:32 (CEST)
- @Jowe: Cílem není článků vlastnění, ale udržování v perfektním stavu. Osekáním by se z něj stal řadový článek. OJJ, Diskuse 9. 7. 2017, 16:22 (CEST)
- @OJJ: na Wikipedii neexistuje vlastnění článků, nevlastní je tedy ani pověřenci, tedy je nic neopravňuje k tomu, aby jen oni rozhodovali, jak se může článek upravovat. --Jowe (diskuse) 9. 7. 2017, 16:20 (CEST)
- Nakonec: je sice fajn, že ses mě rozhodl pronásledovat všude (jak se Ti to daří?) a že si holduješv psaní pahýlů (na ně mám vlastní názor a je jiný než Tvůj), ale skutečně nevím, co Ti tak vadí na tzv. nejlepších článcích, které, na rozdíl od těch pahýlů, Wikipedii propagují na HS, zrovna o Třebíči se mluvilo i v rádiu atd. OJJ, Diskuse 9. 7. 2017, 16:44 (CEST)
- Mluvím jen o tom, že o osudu článku (zda je možné některé části vyčlenit do samostatných článků) by měla rozhodovat celá komunita, nikoliv jen vybraná skupinka tzv. pověřenců. Rád bych tě ještě poprosil, jestli máš něco k mojí osobě či k mé činnosti, napiš mi na mou diskusní stránku či pošli mail a nezahnojuj tu Frettiemu diskusní stránku. Díky. --Jowe (diskuse) 9. 7. 2017, 16:50 (CEST)
- Kluci v poho, u mě dobrý, tohle je zajímavý řešení. Nicméně - pro mě za mě, klidně ať to je článek celej, rozvíjet ho budu klidně dál. Sám jsem s tím bojoval, zda to odděli (a stížit si v konečném důsledku práci) anebo to nechat být. Když to bude takhle, tak to bude velký, ale pěkný. Když ne, tak to bude jiný a stejně komplexní. --frettie.net (diskuse) 9. 7. 2017, 17:02 (CEST)
- @Jowe: Za a, takhle bychom museli rozdělit všechny nejlepší články, za b) takhle se rozdělení opravdu nedělá. Vyseknout obří kus textu, neupravit ani reference, aby to alespoň těm kritériím vyhovovalo, a takhle to pokrátit, to opravdu kritériím nevyhovuje. Pokud by z článku zbyla jen holá kostra, potom by bylo nutno článek denominovat. Já se teď jdu chvilku rozdýchat. --OJJ, Diskuse 9. 7. 2017, 17:03 (CEST)
- @OJJ: Já myslim, že to je zbytečná hyperbola. Každý článek je jiný a Frettie zrovna na tomhle článku má nemalý podíl. Proto mi přijde nedobře ho podezírat, že by chtěl článek zhoršit. Přece nejde po jedné editaci změnu hned zahazovat, je lepší si počkat až, co z toho vznikne. Někdy se prostě stane, že nějaká sekce přeroste natolik, že je lepší ji vydělit do samostatného článku a v původním článku ji vhodně zestručnit. Upřímně to vypíchnutí nejdůležitějšího do původního článku mi přijde jako vůbec nejtěžší práce ze všech. Je celkem normální, že hlavní autor článku někdy nejlepší článek úplně překope. Já jsem třeba překládal kdysi jeden hudební článek (pořád ho mám v pískovišti :-(), pak jsem se na chvíli odmlčel a když jsem se jal překládat znova, tak ten článek na en.wiki byl úplně komplet jiný :-). S pozdravem --Mates (diskuse) 9. 7. 2017, 17:21 (CEST)
- @OJJ: a) je naprosto normální, že nejlepší články neobsahují vše co se tématu týká, ale pomocí šablony
odkazují na podrobnější podčlánky. b) Od začátku nediskutuju o tom, jestli se to takhle dělá nebo ne, ale o tom, že by se k možnosti vyčlenění některých částí měl mít právo vyslovit každý wikipedista, nejen tzv. pověřenec. --Jowe (diskuse) 9. 7. 2017, 17:29 (CEST)
- Mluvím jen o tom, že o osudu článku (zda je možné některé části vyčlenit do samostatných článků) by měla rozhodovat celá komunita, nikoliv jen vybraná skupinka tzv. pověřenců. Rád bych tě ještě poprosil, jestli máš něco k mojí osobě či k mé činnosti, napiš mi na mou diskusní stránku či pošli mail a nezahnojuj tu Frettiemu diskusní stránku. Díky. --Jowe (diskuse) 9. 7. 2017, 16:50 (CEST)
- Nakonec: je sice fajn, že ses mě rozhodl pronásledovat všude (jak se Ti to daří?) a že si holduješv psaní pahýlů (na ně mám vlastní názor a je jiný než Tvůj), ale skutečně nevím, co Ti tak vadí na tzv. nejlepších článcích, které, na rozdíl od těch pahýlů, Wikipedii propagují na HS, zrovna o Třebíči se mluvilo i v rádiu atd. OJJ, Diskuse 9. 7. 2017, 16:44 (CEST)
┌───────────────────────────┘ @Mates: Mno, nevím, jestli tolik článku. Demografii bych možná rozdělil, hospodářství ale určitě ne. OJJ, Diskuse 9. 7. 2017, 17:31 (CEST)
Jako kolemjdoucí jen vyslovím svůj názor. Neměli bychom jako editoři zapomínat především na důležitost uživatelské vstřícnosti pro čtenáře (to má podle mne přednost před omedailováním nejlepších článků apod.) Tedy délku hesel zbytečně nenatahovat, ale spíše nechávat prokliky na související či příbuzná hesla. Souhlasím proto s vyjímáním pasáží z obecnějšího hesla a vytvářením specifických článků (viz například Demografie Třebíče. --OISV (diskuse) 9. 7. 2017, 19:37 (CEST)
- Já se spíš bál totálního rozsekání článku. Už jsem si to snad vyřešil skrz mail. OJJ, Diskuse 9. 7. 2017, 19:47 (CEST)
@OJJ, Jowe, Mates, OISV: Vzhledem k tomu, že se mi moc nelíbí ani styl diskuse zde ani to, že se to vzalo na nějakou nástěnku pověřenců mezi tři lidi, dávám na vědomí, že jsem to vytáhl Pod lípu. --Jan KovářBK (diskuse) 9. 7. 2017, 21:11 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #268
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: Africa Open Data Conference in Accra, including a Wikidata editathon on July 17th
- Past: Celtic Knot Conference, Edinburgh, including several presentations related to Wikidata
- Past: WikiWomenCamp (including a Wikidata presentation by Harmonia Amanda)
- A visual exploration of musical bands on Wikidata, by RAW Graphs team
- WikidataCon
- Last days of the scholarship process! If you need to be funded for the WikidataCon, please fill the form before July 16th
- Which discussions, workshops, demos should be covered during the WikidataCon?
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- We have some real Meta data!
- The StrepHit team has submitted an official uplift proposal for the primary sources tool
- Migration of constraint definitions to property statements around July 12th
- Sitelinks for the new Atikamekw Wikipedia (atjwiki) can be added
- Citation management tool Zotero can now read data from Wikidata, and can write data from other sources to Wikidata via QuickStatements. See Wikidata:Zotero for details.
- New step towards structured data for Commons is now available
- One week after Q31000000 we have Q32000000
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: PalDat plant ID, openAIP ID, Ontario Heritage Act Register ID, NLS Geographic Names Place ID, NLS-FI Geographic Name ID, National Record of the Historic Environment ID, JewAge person ID, INSPIRE ID, ADK member ID, FRED time-series ID, danskfilmogtv person, danskefilm TV Christmas calendar, Crunchyroll ID, URN-NBN, Gedbas genealogy person ID, Framalibre ID, Finnish archaeological heritage ID, EGF rating, Carnegie Hall agent ID, assets under management, Atlas of Hillforts ID, dissertation submitted to
- Query examples:
- Scientific articles from PubMed that mention what version of STATA was used (source)
- 1000 places in UK that have no label in Welsh (source)
- Wikivoyage banners for French municipalities (source)
- Paintings with musical instruments from Spain or related to Spain (source)
- Images of things or persons in Wikidata with a Github account (source)
- Map of birthplaces of women who were educated in Edinburgh university (source)
- Newest database reports: reports with items that only have a P641-statement (sport)
- Development
- Search results will not only show labels but also descriptions with language fallbacks (gerrit:362215). Thanks to Matěj Suchánek!
- Fixed link to the file description page in the Image Header gadget (phab:T169558)
- Forms of the Lexeme are multi-variant (phab:T165575)
- Preparing a demonstration of referencing Forms and Sense of a Lexeme in statements (phab:T169716)
- Property constraint definitions will be migrated to statements (phab:T169647, Project chat)
- Implemented “Format” constraint (phab:T102752, help page)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Pozvánka na brněnský wikisraz 19. července 2017
[editovat zdroj]--MediaWiki message delivery (diskuse) 14. 7. 2017, 12:39 (CEST)
Infoboxy (Literatura)
[editovat zdroj]Dobrý den, dnes jsem opožděně zaregistroval, že jste převáděl boxy u literátu na "osobu", avšak tím jste zničil minimálně u Hanny Johansen celý profil, box? Můžete mě odkázat na nějaký link, či podat zdůvodnění, v dobrém míněno? U literátu je daný specifický box (nejenom z wd) poměrně významný, neboť se vztahuje k tvorbě, která nemusí býti vůbec uvedena v daném hesle. Osobně se o to v celé své tvorbě i opírám... Tím je pak heslo z lit. hlediska k ničemu, když odstraníte lit. ocenění, díla (linky na ně), příbuzenstvo, žánry, hnutí etc. Děkuji Vám za odpověď, je to myšleno v dobrém. V případě, že preferujete jenom boxy osob, pak ztrácí moje práce na boxech a literárních heslech, vůbec tady na wiki význam, když to pak celé smažete. S pozdravem, --Protestant (diskuse) 16. 7. 2017, 13:41 (CEST)
- On tam tuším, v tu dobu, ten infobox spisovatel nefungoval - tj. to je v podstatě jen věc přechodná - teď už to lze nahradit na infobox spisovatel, neboť už funguje. Dřív byl snad prázdný. Nicméně, pak už jsem (nevím přesně kdy) přestal infoboyy nahrazovat (byl jsem poučen, že tak to není sprváně - ač si stále myslím, že specializované infoboxy jsou hloupost a lepší by byl jeden, který by sám vybíral, který "je ten správný subinfobox". Nicméně, omlouvám se - těch případů by mělo být naprosté minimum. Infoboxy jsem přidával a to vždy výlučně ručně a vše jsem kontroloval. A pokud se nepletu, tak i infobox u Hanny Johansen byl snad jen brán z Wikidat, nebo ne? Nicméně se omlouvám, vaši práci vám brát nechci a vážím si jí. --frettie.net (diskuse) 16. 7. 2017, 15:39 (CEST)
- @Frettie: Zdravím, aha, tak to jsem sám nevěděl, děkuji Vám ale mnohokrát za popsání, rozvedení problému. Budu to sledovat, nic zásadního se neděje, hned jsem tedy klidnější. Ano, byl primárně generován z wd, nyní jsem tam avšak vložil ručně něco dalšího, nového, neboť i ty wd neposkytují informace zkrátka všechny, objektivita je téma sama pro sebe, ne všechna tamější data jsou také "správně naštítkována (en)" etc. Kdybyste na něco takového ještě někdy narazil, nebo si něčeho podezřelého všiml, dejte mně, prosím, věděti, ano. Děkuji Vám za příjemnou diskusi a přeji hezký den, --Protestant (diskuse) 16. 7. 2017, 15:57 (CEST)
- Dobrý den, určitě, díky za shovívavost. Dík!--frettie.net (diskuse) 17. 7. 2017, 00:38 (CEST)
- @Frettie: Zdravím, aha, tak to jsem sám nevěděl, děkuji Vám ale mnohokrát za popsání, rozvedení problému. Budu to sledovat, nic zásadního se neděje, hned jsem tedy klidnější. Ano, byl primárně generován z wd, nyní jsem tam avšak vložil ručně něco dalšího, nového, neboť i ty wd neposkytují informace zkrátka všechny, objektivita je téma sama pro sebe, ne všechna tamější data jsou také "správně naštítkována (en)" etc. Kdybyste na něco takového ještě někdy narazil, nebo si něčeho podezřelého všiml, dejte mně, prosím, věděti, ano. Děkuji Vám za příjemnou diskusi a přeji hezký den, --Protestant (diskuse) 16. 7. 2017, 15:57 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #269
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: talk about Wikidata at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing by Lydia
- Past: Wikidata hackathon during Africa Open Data Conference in Accra
- Upcoming: Café OpenStreetMap e Wikidata, July 22nd, in São Paulo, Brazil
- Report of the workshop about election data (in German)
- Integrating Wikidata and other linked data sources – Federated SPARQL queries, on The SuLab
- WikidataCon
- The scholarship process is now closed. Recipients will be informed around July 25th.
- You can still suggest ideas for the program, or submit a project until July 31st. The program of the conference is made by the attendees, only what you bring will be in there :)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- We now have a page describing our use of RDF
- We now have Q33000000
- The database reports about items without statements are updated again. English Wikipedia is up at 4.8% (from 4.6%). Dutch Wikipedia remains low at 0.8%.
- Check out some improvements to the Query Service, and a new prototype for the Query Helper
- New Wikidata maps with a comparison between October 2016 and July 2017
- Help improving Wikidata documentation during the Wikimania hackathon
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: NPSN Indonesian school ID, EmbassyPages.com ID, ESEC person ID, Titan ID, Who's Who in France biography ID, French National Assembly ID
- Query examples:
- Graph of operating systems (source)
- Couples of Members of Parliament in UK (source)
- People who have the same person listed as both their parent and their child (source)
- Map of “railway things” in Berlin, as classified by LinkedGeoData.org (source)
- Map of discovery locations of the objects stored in the Musée Saint-Raymond (source)
- metro stations in Germany with public domain images on Commons (source)
- UK Members of Parliament who are born out of the UK (source)
- Query examples:
- Development
- Preparing Lexemes demo for Wikimania
- Fixing links to non-entity namespaces (phab:T169221) (thanks to Matěj Suchánek!)
- Tracking labels of quantity units in parser and Lua functions (phab:T170167) (thanks to Matěj Suchánek!)
- Fixing checking of constraints on deprecated statements (phab:T170391)
- Improving the Query Service UI (phab:T170279)
- Improving wbsearchentities (phab:T103875)
- Removing links from printable version (phab:T87108)
- Adding customizable fallback to Special:GoToLinkedPage (phab:T166473)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Structured Data on Commons Newsletter, July 19, 2017
[editovat zdroj]Welcome to the newsletter for Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons! You can update your subscription to the newsletter. Do inform others who you think will want to be involved in the project!
Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons?
[editovat zdroj]The millions of files on Wikimedia Commons are described with a lot of information or (meta)data. With the project Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons, this data is structured more, and is made machine-readable. This will make it easier to view, search (also multilingually), edit, organize and re-use the files on Commons.
In early 2017, the Sloan Foundation funded this project (see documentation). Development takes place in 2017–2020. It involves staff from the Wikimedia Foundation and Wikimedia Deutschland (WMDE) and many volunteers. To achieve this, Wikibase support is added to Wikimedia Commons. Wikibase is the technology that is also used for Wikidata.
Recent developments: groundwork
[editovat zdroj]- A new and crucial technical step (federation) now makes it possible to reference data from one Wikibase website in another. Because of this, it will be possible to use Wikidata's items and properties to describe media files on Commons.
- Another important piece of groundwork is under development: so-called Multi-Content Revisions. This feature allows structured data to be stored alongside wiki text, so that one wiki page can contain several types of content.
Team updates
[editovat zdroj]- Amanda Bittaker was hired as Program Manager for Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons. Amanda will take care of the overall management of the project.
- Sandra Fauconnier (known as Spinster in her volunteer capacity) is the new Community Liaison. She will support the collaboration between the communities (Commons, Wikidata, GLAM) and the product development teams at the Wikimedia Foundation and Wikimedia Deutschland.
- We have open positions for a UX designer and a Product Manager!
Talking with communities and allies
[editovat zdroj]- Long-term feedback from GLAMs. Besides the Wikimedia community, many external cultural and knowledge institutions (GLAMs - Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) are interested in Structured Data on Commons and are willing to provide feedback on the long-term plans for the project. Alex Stinson, GLAM strategist at the Wikimedia Foundation, is currently in contact with Europeana, DPLA, the Smithsonian and the National Archives of the United States. Alex is also looking for other GLAM institutions who might be able to advise on the long term. If you know of an institution or partner that may be appropriate for consultation, do get in touch with Alex.
- Jonathan Morgan, design researcher, is starting to work on two projects:
- Researching batch upload workflows by interviewing GLAM institutions
- Researching the enrichment, organization and improvement tasks on already uploaded media files by engaging with active Commons contributors. This research follows up on existing research by Wikimedia Deutschland on heavy Commons users.
What comes next?
[editovat zdroj]- The Structured Data on Commons team meets in the week after Wikimania to lay the groundwork for the next steps. This includes new backend development and design work, for better and more clear integration of the structured data in pages on Wikimedia Commons.
- The project's information pages on Wikimedia Commons will receive a long overdue update in the upcoming months. The team will also work on more and better communication channels. Feedback, wishes and tips are welcome at the project's general talk page.
Get involved
[editovat zdroj]- Join us at Wikimania! We are present at the hackathon, and there will be a session on Saturday, August 12: Structured Commons: what changes are coming?
- Follow the Structured Data on Commons project on Phabricator: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/profile/34/
- Subscribe to this newsletter to receive it on a talk page of your own choice.
- Do you want to help out translating messages about Structured Data on Commons from English to your own language? Sign up on the translators page.
- Stay tuned for requests for input, discussion and participation as soon as the info portal is refreshed (see above). These will also be announced via this newsletter.
Many greetings from SandraF (WMF) (talk), Community Liaison for this project! 19. 7. 2017, 15:55 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #270
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: Wikidata SPARQL workshop, July 25th in Rennes (France)
- Upcoming: Ladies that FOSS, July 26th in Berlin
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop in Montreal, August 14th (in French). We're looking for trainers!
- Using Wikidata as an open, community-maintained database of biomedical knowledge, by Andrew Su
- WikidataCon
- You can submit projects for the program until July 31st. See the list of ideas, existing submissions, and submit!
- Special tickets for scholarship recipients will be released on July 25th. The last 50 tickets will be released on September 1st.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- wbEntity config variable will be deprecated
- Scores in ORES will be more accurate
- A new version of the Query Helper will be deployed
- Sitelinks for the new Dinka Wikipedia (dinwiki) have been added
- On Wikidata:Usability and usefulness you can see an overview of the work done by the UX people in the Wikidata team on usability
- There's a brand new newsletter about Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons. You can subscribe to receive next updates.
- Ma Commune Wikipédia is a website developed by Wikimedia France to give information about the state of the Wikipedia articles for every French municipality and encourage people to edit the Wikimedia projects. It uses Wikidata to identify the communes.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Patrimonioculturale-ER ID, linguistic typology, annual energy output, USHMM person ID, Cinema Treasures ID
- Query examples:
- lib.reviews now allows searching Wikidata directly to choose subjects to review. (more info)
- Development
- The
JavaScript variable will not miss elements any more but contain empty arrays instead (gerrit:365604). Please check if this affects your scripts, and have a look at thewikibase.entityPage.entityLoaded
hook as a possible replacement. - Fire-fighting dispatch backlog: phab:T171263.
- Slowly making progress on wb_terms migration to full entity IDs: phab:T114903.
- Constraint statements have been enabled (announcement).
- Distinguish between non-mandatory and mandatory constraints: phab:T164254.
- Work on supporting unit conversion for more units: phab:T168582
- The
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #271
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: Wikimania is coming! Check out all the things related to Wikidata
- Upcoming: Wikidata hackathon during Repository Fringe 2017, in Edinburgh, August 4th
- Data Partnerships with Wikidata: beaTunes (version in German)
- Wikidata visualizes SMILES strings with John Mayfield's CDK Depict
- Freedom versus Standardization: Structured Data Generation in a Peer Production Community
- WikidataCon
- Today is the very last day to submit projects in the program! (deadline: July 31th)
- You can also subscribe to the existing submissions to show your interest and support your favorites
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- wbsearchentities with ElasticSearch test
- Quantities with units are now supported in the new QuickStatements.
- Property talk pages now include queries for items with the property and most sitelinks, statements or identifiers.
- We now have Q34000000
- Wikidata Constraint Violations tool visualizes changes in constraint violations for last few weeks. Some of constraints produce millions of violations (marked as red).
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: maximum age, WIGOS station ID
- Query examples:
- Which White House chief of staff had the shortest tenure? (source)
- Total number of sister city statements per country (source)
- Pictures of tube stations in London (source)
- Works created with the software Maya (source)
- Do I cite works from Nobel Prize winners? (source)
- ...or do Nobel prize winners cite me? (source)
- Timeline of Humanitarian personality of the year (source)
- New feature/gadget requests: Gadget for changing property
- Development
- Added Special:NewItem to Special:SpecialPages (phab:T169456) Thanks to Matěj Suchánek
- Making possible to check constraints on qualifiers and references (phab:T168532)
- Working on showing non-mandatory and mandatory constraints differently (phab:T164254)
- Improving Special:PagesWithProp for Wikidata use cases (phab:T66950)
- Doing last polishing on the Lexeme entity type and cleaning up the demo data for the demo at Wikimania
- Improving the dispatching of changes to Wikipedia and co to cope with the increased demand that lead to delays in Wikidata changes showing up in Wikipedia watchlist and recent changes
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Barthel Beham
[editovat zdroj]Proč jste dal do infoboxu Barthela Behama portrét falckraběte Ottheinricha místo portrétu Behama? Vaše editace někdy těžko dokážu pochopit.--NoJin (diskuse) 6. 8. 2017, 11:37 (CEST)
- Dobrý den, reklamujte to prosím na Wikidatech, já pouze vložil automatizovaný infobox. A omlouvám se za cizí chybu. --frettie.net (diskuse) 6. 8. 2017, 13:02 (CEST)
- @NoJin: Zdravím, již vše ručně v boxu opraveno. Koukněte, prosím, snad je to v pořádku. Jinak, na wd se mohou tyto nesrovnalosti občas vyskytnout, nejenom tyto... To kolega frettie neudělal :-). Hezký den oběma, --Protestant (diskuse) 6. 8. 2017, 13:49 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #272
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: Wikimania hackathon and documentation sprint, August 9-10, Montreal
- Upcoming: Wikimania, August 10-13, Montreal. Check out all the things related to Wikidata
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop in French, August 14, Montreal
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- w:en:Category:Articles with infoboxes completely from Wikidata has now more than 1000 articles
- Wikidata passed 6 average statements per item
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: offset, File format magic numbers, game mechanics, weather history, conjugate base, conjugate acid, Atheneum museum ID, Atheneum person ID, Atheneum artwork ID, Finnish List of Lights ID, RIWAQ Registry of Historic Buildings in Palestine ID, Gatehouse Gazetteer place ID, energy storage capacity, National Assembly of Nigeria ID, Treasury of Lives ID, muzzle velocity, WIGOS station ID
- Query examples:
- Newest script: moveClaim.js allows moving claims across items. Try it and give feedback to Matěj Suchánek
- Newest external tools: d3-sparql allows you to query a SPARQL endpoint and get the data in a d3js-useful format
- Development
- Released version 2.0.0 of the DataValues base component.
- Released the DataValues Interfaces component in version 0.2.3.
- Released the ValueView component in version 0.20.0
- Fixed a problem with suggestions of P279 (phab:T169060)
- Preparing everything for Wikimania and the hackathon
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Pozvánka na brněnský wikisraz 16. srpna 2017
[editovat zdroj]--MediaWiki message delivery (diskuse) 9. 8. 2017, 23:19 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #273
[editovat zdroj]
- Discussions
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: Wikifying Westminster: Wikidata workshop around UK political data, August 19th, London
- Past: Wikimania, Wikimedia hackathon. A lot of things happened during these events, reports and news should be published in the next days.
- Exploring the world with Wikidata and OpenStreetMap, by Mapbox
- Enriching catalogue pages in Evergreen with Wikidata by Dan Scott
- Why data partners should link their vocabulary to Wikidata: a new case study on Europeana blog
- Wikimania
- You can try the demo system for lexicographical data
- Talk: Structured Commons: what changes are coming? by Sandra Fauconnier
- Talk: New Frontier: Using Wikidata on Commons by Jarekt
- List of wishes during the "Wikidata pink pony session"
- Talk: the (Wiki)data (R)evolution, by Lydia Pintscher
- Talk: Wikidata and performing arts by Beat Estermann during Wikimania
- Talk: How to use Wikidata in infoboxes (panel)
- New template: A fully automated template system was presented: Oh!WTFs
- Talk: WikiCite: Citations needed for the sum of all human knowledge
- Notes about the Wikispecies & Wikidata session
- Documents to organize a Wikidata translathon: level 1, level 2, level 3 (by Kvardek_du) and the translathon tool (by Envel)
- Talk: Sum of all paintings is just the start, by Multichill
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Share your feedback on the draft strategic direction, a basis on which strategic plans will be built.
- Wikidata reached d:Q36000000. The number of items has been increased by 20% in less than three months
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: YCBA agent ID, IEDB Epitope ID, Dagens Næringsliv topic ID, Georgian National Register of Monuments ID, CODECS ID, National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum ID, magnification, AUR package, Michelin Voyages ID, Michelin Restaurants ID, WeRelate person ID, autores.ar id, MEG ID, Czech Registration ID, separator, National Forest Foundation ID
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Goats, WikiProject Torture
- Newest external tools: WD edits stats counting edits mades on a certain dataset between two dates
- Development
Most of the team was at Wikimania, talking to people, getting meaningful input from the editors, giving talks, hacking around :)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #274
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: Open Source Ladies, meetup for women who want to start coding for Mediawiki and other open source projects, August 22nd, Berlin
- Data Partnerships in Wikidata: Project Durchblick with Humboldt University by Jens Ohlig (in German)
- What do Wikidata and Wikipedia have in common? An analysis of their use of external references by Alessandro Piscoppo et al.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New documentation page: How to use Wikidata data on Wikimedia projects (feel free to help improving it)
- The growth of items continues: we have Q37000000 and even Q37500000; Scientific article (Q13442814) becomes the most used Wikidata item (source)
- More than 80K locations in Belgium added to Mix'n'Match
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: World Heritage Tentative List ID, eParks unit ID
- Query examples:
- Surnames, similar to Muller, according to Cologne phonetics, Caverphone and Soundex algorithms
- Shortest streets in Moscow
- A timeline of theologians with a connection to Berlin (source)
- Timeline of the life of Honoré de Balzac (source)
- Twin cities of places in South Africa (source)
- 51st UK parliament (1992) was the first one with more women than Johns (source)
- All places that are named "earth" in at least one language (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: Parliaments
- Development
- Working on making constraints work on qualifiers and references (phabricator:T168532)
- Working on making it easier to see when input in property or value fields is not recognized/wrong (phabricator:T170531)
- Added new language codes (eya, fuf, ood, pjt, yap, zun) for use in monolingual text values
- Fixed an issue with badges not being shown next to interwiki links on Wikipedia and co (phabricator:T172592)
- Worked on showing labels when linking to a redirect (phabricator:T96553)
- Worked on making change dispatching to Wikipedia and co work better so changes made on Wikidata show up there in a reasonable time. There were issues because of significantly increased edit activity on Wikidata.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #275
[editovat zdroj]
- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: علاء
- New request for comments: How to capture negative results in Wikidata?
- Comment about approach on items about pages in cebwiki created by Lsjbot
- Comment about whether to have a "Wikimedia username" property
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: WikiArabia, in Cairo, Egypt, on 23-25 October. They're looking for a volunteer to give a Wikidata workshop. Please contact them if you're interested!
- A Glimpse into Babel: An Analysis of Multilinguality in Wikidata, by Lucie-Aimée Kaffee et al. (Q37859976)
- The Gene Wiki: Using Wikipedia and Wikidata to organize biomedical knowledge August Wikimedia Research Showcase (second half), presented by Andrew Su, about how GeneWiki is using Wikidata. Video on YouTube
- Citation.js: Endpoint on RunKit shows a demo REST API to convert Wikidata entries into BibTeX, Bib.TXT, citations, and CSL-JSON.
- Video of 3 Wikimania 2017 sessions: Wikidata Revolution, Performing arts in Wikidata, and Sum of all paintings. Others videos can be found on Andrew's channel.
- WikidataCon
- The organization team is still looking for sponsors to support the event and provide even more awesome stuff to the attendees. If your company can support the WikidataCon, please get in touch with Lydia.
- Seeing the enthusiasm of the community for the WikidataCon, we raised our attendees limit from 150 to 200 persons. The last tickets will be released on September 1st. People who registered on the waitlist will be notified when a ticket is available.
- The program committee is currently reviewing and organizing the submissions. We will contact the speakers soon, and publish the program in the beginning of September (around 6th).
- We're looking for a keynote speaker who could bring an external point of view on ontologies. If you know interesting people, feel free to help
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: National Natural Landmarks site ID, GujLit Book ID, GujLit Person ID, tabular population, Beazley Archive Pottery Database ID, Finnish National Gallery person ID, effective firing range, Patreon person ID, Wikimedia username, Instagram location ID, America's Byways road ID
- Query examples:
- Newest external tools: Metaphacts, a feature to search in Wikidata via Alexa
- Development
- Worked on fixing the technical glitch in the UI (phabricator:T173543)
- Did polishing on the Constraint Checks gadget (for example phabricator:T173738)
- Worked on caching constraints checks results which is needed to enable constraints checks for all logged-in users (phabricator:T173696)
- Made progress on checking constraints also on qualifiers and references (phabricator:T168532)
- Worked more on making it easier to see when input in a property or value input field is not recognized (phabricator:T170531)
- Fighting with load issues in the job queue (phabricator:T173710)
- Looking into not showing language fallback hints for dialects to make the UI less cluttered for them and make it less necessary to enter labels and descriptions for them (phabricator:T174318)
- Wrapping up our experiments with the new front-end technologies
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #276
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop in Chandigarh, India - September 9-10
- Doctoral Advisor or Medical Condition: Towards Entity-specific Rankings of Knowledge Base Properties, by Simon Razniewski et al.
- ctj rdf: Part One, showing linking text minded data to Wikidata with SPARQL.
- Creating parliament charts with Wikidata by Knut
- The great Wikipedia bot-pocalypse by Aaron Halfaker on WMF's blog
- When Westminster Was Wikified, by Luca Martinelli
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New admin: congrats to علاء
- Open Library, the biggest resource of freely-licensed books, now links to Wikidata (through Reasonator) and to VIAF (example here; see "Wikidata" in the right-hand column).
- With 200 attendees, the WikidataCon is now complete. Thanks all for your enthusiasm \o/ If you registered on the waitlist or submitted a talk, check your mailbox for more information.
- The WikidataCon program will be released this week, and we will call for volunteers soon
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: THL Simplified Phonetic Transcription, Tibetan pinyin, Wylie transliteration, Australian Women's Register ID, iconographic symbol, slope, angle from vertical
- Query examples:
- Newest external tool: official map for Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 displays cultural heritage monuments worldwide, using Wikidata
- Newest database reports: Mireille Darc filmography, given names by soundex
- Development
- Looked into all the things necessary to make it possible to store forms and senses on Lexeme pages.
- Worked more on caching constraints checks results which is needed to enable constraints checks for all logged-in users (phabricator:T173696)
- Making progress on checking constraints also on qualifiers and references (phabricator:T168532)
- Removed language fallback hints for dialects to make the UI less cluttered for them and make it less necessary to enter labels and descriptions for them (phabricator:T174318)
- Fixed an issue that links to an item were not showing the label when it pointed to a redirect (phabricator:T96553)
- Unrecognized input in entity selectors will be highlighted in red (phabricator:T170531)
- Added language code fr-ca for monolingual text input (phabricator:T151186)
- Added an additional normalization for page titles when linking pages on Wiktionary via Cognate (phabricator:T172987)
- The API will not only output the hashes for qualifier snaks, but also for main snaks as well as references snaks (phabricator:T174692). Note that hashes (other than IDs) are not meant to be stable identifiers, and should not be stored for a longer time.
- Snak hashes will also appear as part of CSS classes in entity pages (phabricator:T171725)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Pozvánka na brněnský wikisraz 13. září 2017
[editovat zdroj]--MediaWiki message delivery (diskuse) 10. 9. 2017, 01:33 (CEST)
Dobrý den, děkujeme Vám za informace v článku Jan Řezáč (webový konzultant). Bohužel není jasné, zda předmět článku splňuje podmínky významnosti či jednoho z doporučení o významnosti lidí, webů, hudby či jiné. Pokuste se prosím text článku ozdrojovat alespoň do té míry, aby nebylo o jeho významnosti pochyb. Jste-li s předmětem článku dostatečně seznámen(a), rozšiřte nebo přepište jej tak, aby bylo zřejmé, proč je významný. Nejlépe toho docílíte, pokud uvedete alespoň dva nezávislé netriviální věrohodné zdroje publikující o předmětu článku. Pokud u článku nelze splnit kritéria významnosti pro zachování na Wikipedii, bude vhodnější takový článek odstranit; tento proces se nazývá Odložené smazání. S pozdravem --Kamila.firesova (diskuse) 11. 9. 2017, 11:15 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #277
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- RDFIO: extending Semantic MediaWiki for interoperable biomedical data management - Paper demonstrating interoperatility between WikiData and Semantic MediaWiki, among other things.
- Données structurées, la puissance de Wikidata au service de Wikimedia Commons - French-language article by Rama about Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons.
- Europeana is interested in linking its new Entity Collection to Wikidata, and will talk about this at the WikidataCon.
- Upcoming (21.9.2017): "Wikidata as a linking hub for knowledge organization systems? Integrating an authority mapping into Wikidata and learning lessons for KOS mapping". Presentation by Joachim Neubert at the 17th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop, TPDL 2017 Conference, Thessaloniki (Greece)
- Upcoming: Wikidata Zurich, one day dedicated to Wikidata and the Query Service in Zurich, Switzerland, September 14th
- Upcoming: Monthly Wikidata meetup in Paris, France, September 15th
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop in Kolkata, India, September 16th and 17th
- Past: Wikidata workshop in Chandigarh, India
- WikidataCon
- The program of the WikidataCon is now published on-wiki. You will find there a lot of different formats, topics and speakers, during the two days of the conference.
- The official visuals have also be released! Check out the conference logo and the volunteers visual, both designed by Bleeptrack under CC-BY-SA.
- The event is now complete, no more tickets available. The last tickets have been attributed to the first persons who registered on the waitlist. If some more seats get free because another attendee cancels participation, the next person on the waitlist will be informed.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Q39000000 was created
- Wikidata passed 7 average statements per item
- The ArticlePlaceholder is now deployed on Albanian Wikipedia
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: danskfilmogtv title ID, Billboard artist ID, Italian National Earthquake Center ID, Flemish organization for Immovable Heritage person ID, Foursquare username, The Times of India Topic ID, ROARMAP ID, WFD Chemical status, PagesJaunes ID, Christie's creator id, Google Play Music album ID, Google Play Music artist ID, Graphic character set global ID, cytogenetic location, category for employees of the organization, CNPS taxon ID, Familypedia person ID, LNH player ID, Alljudo athlete ID, Rivers.gov river ID
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject India
- Newest user scripts: Overpass (adds a map showing features tagged, in OpenStreetMap, with the ID of the current Wikidata item, if any)
- Development
- The new Echo notification is now deployed on all wikis
- Looked into further possible improvements for change dispatching
- Worked on persistently storing edits in more parts of a Lexeme
- Worked on getting expanded URIs for identifiers into the RDF exports (phabricator:T121274)
- Continued work on caching constraints results so we can roll it out for more users (phabricator:T173696)
- Fixing a bug that highlights input in value fields as not recognized when it shouldn't be (phabricator:T175525)
- Released version 2.1.0 of the Serialization JavaScript component (phabricator:T174011)
- Released version 2.0.0 of the DataValues base component (phabricator:T168681)
- Released version 0.9.0 of the DataValues JavaScript component (phabricator:T172916)
- Released version 0.8.6 of the DataValues Time component (phabricator:T151088)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Resekce (geografie)
[editovat zdroj]Děkuji Vám za informace v článku Resekce (geografie). Bohužel jeho zpracování zatím nesplňuje požadavek na ověřitelnost. Pokuste se prosím text článku ozdrojovat alespoň do té míry, aby bylo možné jej označit jako plnohodnotný článek. Pokud se nám to ani společnými silami nepodaří, po 14 dnech se rozhodneme, zda pro udržení kvality Wikipedie není vhodnější takový článek úplně odstranit; tento proces se nazývá Odložené smazání. Děkuji za pochopení. --Jvs 13. 9. 2017, 10:24 (CEST)
- Dobrý den, no, v tu dobu jesm studoval Geografii, tuším, že jsme něco takovýho řešili ve fyzické geografii. Nicméně - materiály sice někde mám, ale zbytečný je hledat je. Našel jsem nějaké zdroje o resekci řeky jako pojem říčního managementu - ale je to poměrně vzácný uvedení toho pojmu, nicméně významnost bych asi doložil. Ale asi nemám dost síly to dopátrat. :)--frettie.net (diskuse) 13. 9. 2017, 11:09 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #278
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: Wikidata Wahldaten Workshop 2017 – 30 September 2017 in Vienna, Austria
- Upcoming: Wikimedia Research Showcase
- Past: Wikidata workshop in Zurich (the slides of the speakers are linked on the page)
- Past: GLAMhack Wikidata workshop in Lausanne (see the slides of the Query Service introduction)
- Past: Wikidata workshop in Kolkata, India
- Bridging real and fictional worlds in Wikidata, by Martin Poulter
- Weekend at the Museum (of Brittany), by Envel Le Hir
- Wiki Loves Monuments und Wikidata, by SW
- The French Connection at the Wikimania 2017 Hackathon, by Envel Le Hir
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata ontology explorer: creates a tree of a class or property, shows common properties and statements
- Join the mysterious group of Wikidata:Flashmob who improve labels, or summon them on an item
- A breaking change to the wbcheckconstraints API output format was announced
- Q40000000 was created
- Improvements coming soon to Recent Changes
- Several new catalogs in Mix'n'Match incl. Encyclopædia Britannica, National Gallery artists and ArtCyclopedia
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: United Nations Treaty Series Registration Number, Sefaria ID, ICD-10-CM, Encyclopedia of Australian Science ID, Indonesian Small Islands Directory ID, Cyworld ID, IPA Braille, category contains, Enciclopedia Italiana ID, United Nations Treaty Series Volume Number, National Criminal Justice ID, order of battle, Tyrolean Art Cadastre inventory ID, shelf life, UK Electoral Commission ID, LNB Pro A player ID, nLab ID, highest observed lifespan, Unicode hex codepoint, PACTOLS thesaurus ID, Bashkir encyclopedia (Russian version) ID, Bashkir encyclopedia (Bashkir version) ID
- Query examples:
- Algorithms and the problems they solve (source)
- Swiss items with article in exactly one of German-, French-, Italian-, and Romansh-language Wikipedias (source)
- Popular gender-neutral given names (source)
- Computer network protocols and their ports (source)
- Software developers by number of software titles (source)
- Spacecraft and what they were named after (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject property constraints
- Development
- Worked more on the constraints gadget in order to make it also qork for references and qualifiers
- Made progress on persistently storing edits for the new Lexeme entity type (next to items and properties)
- Worked on the RDF mapping for full URIs of external identifiers (phabricator:T121274)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #279
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: Wikimedia Research Showcase - A Glimpse into Babel: An Analysis of Multilinguality in Wikidata
- Upcoming: Wikidata Workshop about the Austrian election data, September 30th, Vienna
- Upcoming: The next IRC office hour will take place on November 14th, 19:00 (Berlin time, UTC+2) on the channel #wikimedia-office
- Weekend at the Museum (of Brittany)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata's 5th birthday is about 1 month away. Time to think about birthday presents? ;-)
- Siri shows more information based on Wikidata in iOS 11
- 2 funding proposals are looking for comments and support: soweego and CrossWikiFact
- Quick graph of the relation of the number of labels in a given language on Wikidata and the number of first language speakers of that language
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: candidate number, maximal rate of climb, refine date, regular expression syntax, vocalized name, webcam page URL, Heritage Building in Finland ID, PatientLikeMe symptom ID, PatientLikeMe treatment ID, PatientLikeMe condition ID, Figshare author ID
- Query examples: standards bodies by number of standards they are connected to (source)
- Development
- Rolled out more fine-grained usage tracking on Greek Wikipedia. This will lead to less irrelevant changes showing up in watchlist and recent changes on those projects. We're testing this on Greek Wikipedia to see if the solution we have scales before rolling it out further. (phabricator:T151717)
- Adding an API module to copy a statement from one item to another (phabricator:T55619)
- Working more on checking constraints also on qualifiers and references (phabricator:T168532)
- Added support for the Creator namespace to the constraints check for Commons links (phabricator:T176062)
- Fixed an error message on Special:GoToLinkedPage (phabricator:T176327)
- Finishing touches on including full URIs for external IDs in the RDF export (phabricator:T121274)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #280
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Using Wikidata data, fixing wrong Wikipedia and Wikidata tags, by Mateusz Konieczny
- One Knowledge Graph to Rule Them All? Analyzing the Differences Between DBpedia, YAGO, Wikidata & co
- Modeling the Domain of Digital Preservation in Wikidata
- Wikidata as a linking hub for knowledge organization systems? Integrating an authority mapping into Wikidata and learning lessons for KOS mappings (Paper and presentation), by Joachim Neubert, NKOS Workshop 2017 at TPDL
- Knowledge exploration in public linked data ontologies
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The ArticlePlaceholder has been enabled on Bengali Wikipedia (example)
- There is a new page with information around Wikidata:Wikidata in Wikimedia projects. You can help expand and improve it.
- New Wikidata Game to help you evaluate merge candidates based on projectmerge.
- A reading tip from Spinster (not mentioning Wikidata, but interesting general background knowledge): Indigenous peoples and responsible data: an introductory reading list from responsibledata.io
- Where's Wally (aka Waldo)? Right here on Wikidata, of course!
- Wikidata passed 8 average statements per item
- Statement 300.000.000 was created
- 20 million edits were done in September 2017
- Did you know?
- Development
- Added a css class to values that link to redirects so they can more easily be identified by editors who want that for maintenance work (phabricator:T70567) Thanks Matej!
- Continued work on persistent editing of forms as part of the work to support lexicographical data (phabricator:T173742, phabricator:T173744)
- Finishing touches on adding full URIs for external identifiers to our RDF export so we're good citizens of the semantic web (phabricator:T121274)
- Added a new
Lua function in addition to the existinggetBestStatements
, that returns all statements regardless of their rank (phabricator:T176124) - Looking into an issue where unwanted email notifications are being sent (phabricator:T174794)
- Released version 2.1.1 of the base DataValues component
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
[editovat zdroj]Díky za propojení jednotlivých stránek "Chronologie nahrávek skupiny Olympic..." s položkami na Wikidatech. (V těchto operacích se moc nevyznám.) Petr Veselý (diskuse) 3. 10. 2017, 14:29 (CEST)
- Dobrý den, určitě není zač - jen houšť, je to zajímavé téma.--frettie.net (diskuse) 3. 10. 2017, 15:18 (CEST)
Pozvánka na brněnský wikisraz 18. října 2017
[editovat zdroj]--MediaWiki message delivery (diskuse) 7. 10. 2017, 01:30 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #281
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: WikidataCon, Berlin, 28-29 October (sold out)
- We will have two exciting keynotes. The first keynote speaker is Fabian M. Suchanek, professor at Télécom Paris Tech University, working on the knowledge base YAGO. The second keynote speaker is Michael Kreil, datajournalist working on the project Data Sciences and Stories.
- Please volunteer for some tasks at the conference if you are attending.
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop at XLDB, October 12th, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- Rebuild the map of famous artwork with Wikidata by Poulpy (in French)
- Research libraries and Wikimedia: A shared commitment to diversity, open knowledge, and community participation
- Upcoming: WikidataCon, Berlin, 28-29 October (sold out)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- There is now a good start for documentation for QuickStatements. Feel free to help improve it!
- New Mix’n’match mode to show just the entries with multiple matches (example)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Lega Pallavolo Serie A player ID, KNAU ID, PfaF id, YouTube Playlist ID, Wheelchair ITF player ID, VBL player ID, MIL-STD-2525 Symbol Identification Code, stellar rotational velocity, readership, PROSPERO ID, PM20 folder ID, possessed by spirit, panorama view, official app, LFH player ID, UK National Fruit Collection ID, Riigikogu ID, Nominis saint ID, Theses.fr person ID, Nominis given name ID, LUMIERE director ID, LUMIERE film ID, LNV player ID, International Standard Text Code, hydrological order number, FCI rider ID, Daum movie ID, Cinémathèque québécoise work identifier, Japanese Database of National important cultural properties, Tunisian geographic code, New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission ID, DPLA subject ID, rating, Daum TV series ID, half maximal effective concentration, half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50), Landtag of Liechtenstein ID, Bavarian geotope ID, Reddit user name, LinkedIn company ID, THW Kiel player ID, Footoféminin.fr player ID, FFVoile sailor ID, NPB player ID, Lega Pallavolo Serie A Femminile player ID, Gallica ID, National Museums of Japan e-museum ID, Spanish "Boletín Oficial del Estado" ID, Banglapedia (English version) ID, Banglapedia (Bengali version) ID, number of constituencies, All-Russian Mathematical Portal ID
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Delhi Metro
- Newest database reports: television series by camera setup
- Development
- Breaking change: "wb_entity_per_page" table will not be updated and replicated on ToolLabs anymore
- A
Lua function will be added (phabricator:T173262) - The
Lua function will accept a second parameter with the global identifier of a wiki (e.g. "enwiki") to link to (phabricator:T142903) - Had to temporarily turn off showing Wikidata's changes on Commons and Russian Wikipedia because of database issues. We're working on turning it back on.
- Continued work on persistently storing edits to Forms on Lexemes
- Finishing work on checking constraints on qualifiers and references with the constraint checks gadget
- Fixed a bug where notification emails for Wikidata changes were sent when they shouldn't have been (phabricator:T174794)
- Full URIs for external identifiers will soon be in the RDF export (phabricator:T121274)
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #282
[editovat zdroj]Wikidata weekly summary #282

- Discussions
- New request for comments: Association Football Matches
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Upcoming: WikidataCon, Berlin, 28-29 October (sold out)
- If you organize a local event for the Wikidata birthday, feel free to add it on the events page and the birthday page
- A blog post describing Textes d'affiches, a tool using Wikidata to show movies and the works they are adapted from, developed during a hackathon at the national French library (by Shonagon, in French)
- Slides of the presentation "Wikidata Query Service: The State of the Engine" by Stas Malyshev
- Slides of the presentation "Wikidata and structured data initiatives at Wikimedia. Current trends and priorities" by Dario Taborelli
- Wikidata as a linking hub for knowledge organization systems? Integrating an authority mapping into Wikidata and learning lessons for KOS mappings by Joachim Neubert
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- If you are interested in Structured Data on Commons, and helping out as a Wikidata contributor, please consider joining the new Structured Commons community focus group!
- Participate to the Global Legislative Openness Week with MySociety and organize a Wikidata workshop in your country, from 20th to 30th November 2017
- Inventaire now has a News section where you can follow ongoing discussions and developments of the project
- wikidata-cli added bot support and new commands (wd search, wd aliases, wd add-alias, wd remove-alias, wd set-alias)
- wikidata-edit added bot edits support and new functions (alias.add, alias.remove, alias.set)
- HarvestTemplates has a new collaboration platform
- You can now use reCh to patrol items from your PagePile
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Women's Sports Foundation ID, Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame ID, North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame ID, New Mexico Sports Hall of Fame ID, National Trust Collections ID, Infopatrimônio ID, KBO pitcher ID, KBO hitter ID, Cairn author ID, Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame ID, Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame ID, Kansas Sports Hall of Fame ID, Hawai‘i Sports Hall of Fame ID, Georgia Sports Hall of Fame ID, DSMHOF athlete ID, ASHOF athlete ID, ExecutedToday ID, Monumentos de São Paulo ID, gravsted.dk ID, Dutch lost building register ID, Musikverket person ID, Megalithic Portal ID, PROSITE documentation ID, Search formatter URL, nominated by, BillionGraves cemetery ID, Cravo Albin artist ID, salinity, Lotsawa House Indian author ID, Lotsawa House Tibetan author ID, Florida Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID, T4T35 megalith ID, excavation director, QEdu ID, WBPLN author ID, Store norske leksikon ID, synodic period, PubsHistory pub ID, Organization ID on Radio Radicale, LOINC ID, digitised page from Lloyd's Register of Ships from 1930 to 1945, Lloyd's Register Ship ID, IDESCAT territorial code in Catalonia, Heritage Conservation District of Ontario ID, GenBank Assembly accession, Deutsche Synchronkartei actor-ID, Department of Education and Skills roll number, contains, Wikimedia template, Brueckenweb id, BHL bibliography ID, BFI-Filmography person ID, APA phoneme code, combination classification, young rider classification, best sprinter classification, best combative classification, mountains classification, Elite Prospects staff ID, Scottish Sports HoF athlete ID, GARD rare disease ID, kinship equivalent in SPARQL at Wikidata, SwimSwam ID, SpeedskatingResults.com speed skater ID, musée de Bretagne identifiant collections ID, camera setup, FOIH taxon ID, FOIH decree types ID, FOIH event types ID, FOIH value types ID, FOIH heritage types ID, FOIH periods ID, FOIH styles and cultures ID, FOIH materials ID
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Women
- Newest database reports: Jean Rochefort Filmography
- Development
- Continued working on persistently storing edits on Lexeme pages (specifically Forms)
- Dealt with issues caused by too many edits being injected into recent changes on Commons and Russian Wikipedia
- Constraint checks will also be done on qualifiers and references (phabricator:T176863)
- Fixed a regression with the focus not automatically being set after a property was selected (phabricator:T177485)
- Full URIs for external identifiers will soon be in the RDF export (phabricator:T121274)
- The secondary
table got removed now (phabricator:T140890) - The secondary
table does have aterm_full_entity_id
column now (phabricator:T167114) - Released version 4.0.0 of the Wikibase DataModel JavaScript library as a pure NPM package with no MediaWiki dependency (phabricator:T177476)
- Released version 3.0.0 of the Wikibase Serialization JavaScript library as a pure NPM package with no MediaWiki dependency (phabricator:T177613)
- Released version 0.10.0 of the DataValues JavaScript library as a pure NPM package with no MediaWiki dependency (phabricator:T177232)
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Kostel Staré Hobzí
[editovat zdroj]Zdravím, narazil jsem v pramenech na často uváděný název Kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie a svatého Ondřeje. Navíc samotný Ondřej v názvu mi připadá nějak nepatřičný. Lze doplnit?--OISV (diskuse) 18. 10. 2017, 09:20 (CEST)
- Dobrý den, určitě! Taky mi to přišlo zvláštní. Kdysi to snad byl i pouze kostel svatého Ondřeje. --frettie.net (diskuse) 19. 10. 2017, 09:16 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #283
[editovat zdroj]Wikidata weekly summary #282

- Events/Blogs/Press
- Past: Zugang Gestalten (slides by multichill)
- Past: Coding Da Vinci (slides by Jonas)
- Upcoming: Wikidata Birthday Tokyo, 27 October from 12:00 to 14:00 in Roppongi Hills
- Upcoming: WikiArabia 2017, Cairo, Egypt, 23-25 October
- Upcoming: WikidataCon, Berlin, 28-29 October (sold out)
- Upcoming: Wikidata Birthday Seoul, 29 October from 15:00 to 18:00
- Upcoming: Biographical Data in a Digital World 2017 6-7 November 2017 (in cooperation with Wikimedia Austria)
- COOL-WD: A Completeness Tool for Wikidata (tool website)
- Provenance Information in a Collaborative Knowledge Graph: an Evaluation of Wikidata External References
- Question Answering Benchmarks for Wikidata
- Using Word Embeddings for Search in Linked Data with Ontodia (tool website)
- Unlocking the human potential of Wikidata
- Textes d’Affiches, des films à lire sur Gallica
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- If you have a present or organize an event for the Wikidata's fifth birthday, feel free to add link and pictures here
- New version of the Alexa skill for Wikidata by metaphacts
- Nice short gif tutorial for writing a Wikidata query
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Ontario Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID, Quora username, Women's Basketball Hall of Fame ID, Baseball Almanac ID, sports.ru player ID, Opera Vivra singer ID, Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame ID, NLBPA ID, MusicBrainz recording ID, caliber, Women's Collegiate Tennis Hall of Fame ID, Museus.br ID, Memória Globo, Enciclopédia Itaú Cultural ID, Canada's Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID, International Paralympic Committee athlete ID, Alberta Sports Hall of Fame and Museum athlete ID, BrainInfo ID (hierarchical), NeuroNames ID (plain mode), Anvisa drug ID, BC Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID, TheSports.org athlete ID, mapping relation type, Science Museum people ID, Mappy place ID, update method, Virginia Sports Hall of Fame ID, Missouri Sports Hall of Fame ID, DAMIT asteroid ID, Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID, LFB player ID, Soccerdonna player ID, Sandrart.net artwork ID, youth wing
- Query examples:
- Average age of members of the 19th German Bundestag (source)
- Mountains in CH by height (topographic prominence) (source)
- Mountains in CH by height (elevation above sea level) (source)
- Monuments in Berlin for which Berlin cultural heritage ID and geolocation are known in Wikidata (source)
- Initial characters of names of free software (source)
- Initial characters of names of nonfree software (source)
- First World Heritage site per country (source)
- Newest database reports: list of kinship types
- Development
- Query Service throttling has been tweaked, to block a type of abusive client
- Adding diff support for Lexeme-related edits
- More work on checking constraints on qualifiers and references (phabricator:T168532)
- Now caching constraints results to make it ready for rollout for more users
- Continued work on more fine-grained usage tracking so we better know which parts of an item is used on an article on Wikipedia and the other sister projects
- Improved the way Wikidata changes are shown in watchlist and recent changes on Wikipedia and Co so they are more in-line with the other changes (phabricator:T48329, phabricator:T50684) Thanks Matej!
- Released the Wikibase DataModel component in version 7.2.0 (phabricator:T177486)
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Structured Commons newsletter, October 25, 2017
[editovat zdroj]Welcome to the newsletter for Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons! You can update your subscription to the newsletter. Do inform others who you think will want to be involved in the project!
- Community updates
- Rama published an article about Structured Commons in Arbido, a Swiss online magazine for archivists, librarians and documentalists: original in French, illustrated and the article translated in English.
- We now have a dedicated IRC channel: wikimedia-commons-sd webchat
- Join the community focus group!
- Translation. Do you want to help out translating messages about Structured Data on Commons from English to your own language? Sign up on the translators page.
- The documentation and info pages about Structured Data on Commons have received a thorough update, in order to get them ready for all the upcoming work. Obsolete pages were archived. There are undoubtedly still a lot of omissions and bits that are unclear. You can help by editing boldly, and by leaving feedback and tips on the talk pages.
- We have started to list tools, gadgets and bots that might be affected by Structured Commons in order to prepare for a smooth transition to the new situation. You can help by adding alerts about/to specific tools and developers on the dedicated tools page. You can also create Phabricator tasks to help keep track of this. Volunteers and developers interested in helping out with this process are extremely welcome - please sign up!
- Help write the next Structured Commons newsletter.

- Structured Data on Commons was presented at Wikimania 2017 in Montréal for a packed room. First design sketches for search functionality were discussed during a breakout session. Read the Etherpad reports of the presentation and the breakout session.
- Katherine Maher, Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation, answered questions on Quora. One of her answers, mentioning Structured Data on Commons, was republished on Huffington Post.
- Sandra Fauconnier, Amanda Bittaker and Ramsey Isler from the Structured Commons team will be at WikidataCon. Sandra presents Structured Commons there (with a focus on fruitful collaboration between the Wikidata and Commons communities). If you attend the conference, don't hesitate to say hi and have a chat with us! (phabricator task T176858)
- Team updates

Two new people have been hired for the Structured Data on Commons team. We are now complete! :-)
- Ramsey Isler is the new Product Manager of the Multimedia team.
- Pamela Drouin was hired as User Interface Designer. She works at the Multimedia team as well, and her work will focus on the Structured Commons project.
- Partners and allies
- We are still welcoming (more) staff from GLAMs (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) to become part of our long-term focus group (phabricator task T174134). You will be kept in the loop of the project, and receive regular small surveys and requests for feedback. Get in touch with Sandra if you're interested - your input in helping to shape this project is highly valued!
- Research
Design research is ongoing.
- Jonathan Morgan and Niharika Ved have held interviews with various GLAM staff about their batch upload workflows and will finish and report on these in this quarter. (phabricator task T159495)
- At this moment, there is also an online survey for GLAM staff, Wikimedians in Residence, and GLAM volunteers who upload media collections to Wikimedia Commons. The results will be used to understand how we can improve this experience. (phabricator task T175188)
- Upcoming: interviews with Wikimedia volunteers who curate media on Commons (including tool developers), talking about activities and workflows. (phabricator task T175185)
In Autumn 2017, the Structured Commons development team works on the following major tasks (see also the quarterly goals for the team):
- Getting Multi-Content Revisions sufficiently ready, so that the Multimedia and Search Platform teams can start using it to test and prototype things.
- Determine metrics and metrics baseline for Commons (phabricator task T174519).
- The multimedia team at WMF is gaining expertise in Wikibase, and unblocking further development for Structured Commons, by completing the MediaInfo extension for Wikibase.
- Stay up to date!
- Follow the Structured Data on Commons project on Phabricator: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/profile/34/
- Subscribe to this newsletter to receive it on a talk page of your own choice.
- Join the next IRC office hour and ask questions to the team! It takes place on Tuesday 21 November, 18.00 UTC.
Warmly, your community liaison, SandraF (WMF) (diskuse)
Message sent by MediaWiki message delivery - 25. 10. 2017, 16:26 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #284
[editovat zdroj]
- Discussions
- New request for comments: Defining account creators
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: WikiArabia 2017, Cairo, Egypt, 23-25 October
- Past: WikidataCon, Berlin, 28-29 October. You can find the slides, notes and video recordings for most of the sessions
- Past: Wikidata's fifth birthday in Tokyo, Seoul, Munich
- Upcoming: Using Wikidata to create a multi-lingual multi-dialectal dictionary for Arabic dialects in the 14th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2017), Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, 30 October-3 November.
- Upcoming : Wikidata and Wiki Loves Monuments editathon in Berlin, 24-26 November (in German). We're looking for trainers to explain the basic use of QuickStatements, Open Refine and Mix'n'Match. If you want to join, please contact MB-one
- Wikidata's birthday
- The fifth anniversary of Wikidata was celebrated, as every year, with a lot of presents, events and stories. You can find an overview on the birthday page.
- Birthday presents
- Search index now contains statements with {{Property|P31}} and {{P|P279}}. These can be used to influence search rankings and in the future also for matching.
- inventaire.io CC0 Wikidata-ready NDJSON and TTL dumps are now accessible at dumps.inventaire.io
- You can now move claims to new items with moveClaim.js. You can do so by typing "new".
- Prefix search on Wikidata (wbsearchentities API) now is using ElasticSearch as backend. This should improve search quality and also is more flexible and tunable.
- Wikidata becomes a proper citizen of the linked open data web
- graves.wiki – visualization of grave locations stored in Wikidata
- Wikidata Concepts Monitor (WDCM) - Wikidata semantic topics and usage statistics
- Happy Birthday to You, Dear Wikidata – recording and improvisation (Lucas Werkmeister)
- You can now create items from the command-line
- Crochet your own cute structured data bee to express your appreciation for structured data in the Wikimedia movement! And ask her/him/it to join the Wikimedia Cuteness Association (Q29169245).
- Wikidata Query Service UI: Geoshapes from Commons are now displayed in the Map view: Constituencies for the election to the German Bundestag 2017, with winning candidate and party
- Wikidata Query Service UI: The query service now shows you code examples for how to use your query in many programming languages (example query)
- Dungeon of Knowledge (source), a roguelike game where you explore a dungeon full of bits of Wikidata wisdom
- Simple WD an experiment of a simple frontend API on top of Wikidata using JSON-LD and schema.org.
- mapview widget/user script on Wikidata
- Images fragments for an item depicted on several artworks
- Histropedia Query Timeline tool - Demo of cool new features launched today for WikidataCon
- Q42395533 - the first item about a notable item!
- SQID now suggests statements that we are missing (example page, log in to see suggestions) -- more on Wikidata:WikiProject_Reasoning soon
- From labs VM to Wikibase Query Service in 2 minutes (using Docker images and docker-compose)
- Stories and reflections
- Wishes for the year to come, by Tpt
- Happy Birthday Wikidata! by the Gene Wiki Team
- Some random thoughts on the occasion of Wikidata's fifth birthday, by PKM
- Wishes and a personal story, by Spinster
- Happy Birthday, Wikidata by RolandUnger from Wikivoyage
- Happy Birthday, Wikidata by Katherine Maher
- Two years of Wikidata experience from ArthurPSmith
- Happy Birthday wishes from Wikimedia Deutschland
- Message from the development team
- Birthday presents
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Biblioteca Nacional de México ID, MNCARS artist ID, BFI Film and TV ID, FPB rating, The Coptic Library ID, snap package, LesBiographies.com ID, Indian Foundation for Butterflies ID, AKL Online Artist ID, Google Doodle, New York City Parks Monument ID, Pro14 player ID, implementation of, GACS ID, Y-DNA Haplogroup, mtDNA haplogroup, mandates, Portuguese lighthouse ID, U.S. Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame athlete ID, Sportbox.ru ID, VNDB ID, Videolectures ID, New Zealand Sports Hall of Fame ID, rfpl.org player ID, Panthéon des sports du Québec ID, Sport Australia Hall of Fame inductee ID, New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID, Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID, Ontario Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID, Quora username, Women's Basketball Hall of Fame ID
- Query examples:
- Organic acids with images (source)
- People who are their father's father (source)
- 2017 German federal election results by district with geoshapes and color depending on the % of votes (source)
- Cities with most first performances of works (source)
- Count of women Vs. guys names “John” in the UK parliament (source)
- Percentage of popes who died in Rome (source)
- First sites registered at Unesco for each country (source)
- Development
- Continued working on persistent storage of edits on Lexeme pages
- Fixed an encoding problem in the SVG download of query results in the query service (phabricator:T178564)
- Fixed a problem with change dispatching changes to Wikipedia and co, that sometimes lead to single wikis falling way behind. (T179060)
- Added full URIs for external identifiers to the RDF export
- You can leave feedback on how improved fulltext search result page should look like
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Okresy v Česku
[editovat zdroj]Zdravím a díky za dodání mapy na okresy v článku Okresy v Česku, avšak zobrazuje již přes deset let neplatné hranice jednotlivých okresů. Nešlo by to opravit? Např. podle této mapky. --Vlout (diskuse) 2. 11. 2017, 13:42 (CET)
- Ahoj, určitě šlo, ale překreslovat ručně to nebudu, to by mi trvalo asi tak ... roky. Pokud seženu nějaký rozumný zdroj v geojson nebo SHP, tak to můžu udělat. --frettie.net (diskuse) 2. 11. 2017, 14:02 (CET)
- To by bylo určitě na místě. Přeci jen už uplynulo dost doby na to, abychom měli aktuálnější informace. Jde hlavně, ale nejen, o okresy Plzeň-město, Praha-východ, Brno-venkov a Ostrava-město a okresy na ně navazující (samozřejmě i další), což jsou poměrně výrazně jinak vymezená území – zejména pokud si tu mapku čtenář rozklikne a přiblíží. Kdybyste to tedy opravil, bylo by to fajn, jinak si myslím, že po nějaké době by asi bylo lépe ji odstranit. Mimochodem, nešlo by do té doby ji alespoň opatřit popiskem „České okresy před rokem 2007“? --Vlout (diskuse) 2. 11. 2017, 14:09 (CET)
- Popisek jsem přidal. Snad se dostanu brzo k úpravě, je to poměrně časově náročná věc. --frettie.net (diskuse) 2. 11. 2017, 14:13 (CET)
- To by bylo určitě na místě. Přeci jen už uplynulo dost doby na to, abychom měli aktuálnější informace. Jde hlavně, ale nejen, o okresy Plzeň-město, Praha-východ, Brno-venkov a Ostrava-město a okresy na ně navazující (samozřejmě i další), což jsou poměrně výrazně jinak vymezená území – zejména pokud si tu mapku čtenář rozklikne a přiblíží. Kdybyste to tedy opravil, bylo by to fajn, jinak si myslím, že po nějaké době by asi bylo lépe ji odstranit. Mimochodem, nešlo by do té doby ji alespoň opatřit popiskem „České okresy před rokem 2007“? --Vlout (diskuse) 2. 11. 2017, 14:09 (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #285
[editovat zdroj]
- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Obaid Raza
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Wikidata, a rapidly growing global hub, turns five on WMF's blog by Andrew Lih and Robert Fernandez
- Locating IMDB IDs of movies in the Internet Archive using Wikidata, by Petter Reinholdtsen
- Mix-n-Match: Large Catalogs, by Magnus Manske
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- If you want to review what happened during the WikidataCon, here is the list of all the sessions, with slides, notes and videos, when available
- Release of wikidata-edit v2.0.0: brings qualifiers and references support, and a few breaking changes. See changelogs
- Release of wikidata-cli v5.0.0: brings qualifiers and references support, multi-entity summary|label|description|description requests, a new `edit-item` command, and a few breaking changes. See changelogs
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Barbarian R.C. id, Barbarian F.C. id, Isidore ID, Team GB athlete ID, HOC athlete ID, COAM architect ID, Camera Decision ID, Google Play developer ID, INDUCKS miniseries ID, INDUCKS issue ID, INDUCKS story ID, INDUCKS publisher ID, INDUCKS creator ID, INDUCKS publication ID, INDUCKS character ID, Survey of Scottish Witchcraft - Accused witch ID, Humble Store ID, Australian Baseball League player ID, European Fencing Confederation athlete ID, IBHOF boxer ID, Melon artist ID, Czech Jockey Club horse ID, Rush Parliamentary Archive ID, British Bobsleigh & Skeleton Association ID, IGHOF athlete ID, Mountain Bike Hall of Fame inductee ID, Twitch game ID, Unified Astronomy Thesaurus ID, Ecole des chartes thesis abstract ID, Rugby League Project player ID, Canadian Ski Hall of Fame inductee ID, Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame inductee ID, World Golf Hall of Fame player ID, Kaitai Struct format gallery ID, Diccionario biográfico español ID, Dutch Cemetery in Chinsurah ID, Discography of American Historical Recordings ID, Internet Off-Broadway Database ID, Coinage of the Roman Republic Online ID, Argentine Chamber of Deputies ID, Argentine Senate member ID, Thibaudeau classification, Scoresway handball person ID, HAL author ID, Shirat Nashim person ID, cash back, Minimum Spend Bonus, reward program, grace period, reward, Card Network, mean age, hydraulic head
- Query examples:
- endemic moths of New Zealand with images in Wikidata (source)
- Images of people commemorated by plaques in Jena, Germany (source)
- Paintings located in Le Louvre without pictures on Wikidata, with the location in the museum (source)
- Persons who will have their work in public domain in 2018 in Denmark, with their occupations (source)
- Political parties by ideology in a tree view (source)
- Organic acids with pictures (source)
- Levels of education in France, from kindergarten to high school, with their US equivalents (source)
- Horses drawn on hills in the UK (source)
- Frequency of “retrieved” dates in Wikidata references (source)
- Newest database reports: completeness of family relation properties
- Development
- query service UI improvements (Ided10bb8c8, I3c6ec22a15, Ieb6e561563, I9a526fc8b4, Ib4ea273ab1
- proposed changes to HTML around statements – feedback welcome!
- Finished diff support for lexeme phab:T178757
- Refactoring PropertySuggester-python for better maintainability and performance (phab:T179664)
- JavaScript libraries used by Wikibase have been integrated as submodules into Wikibase's git repository (phab:T177087)
- Git repository of the Wikibase JavaScript API has been moved. Check your settings! (phab:T178226)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- The Cebuano and Swedish wikis have a lot of bot-created content which is unconnected to other wiki articles. A good way to tackle that problem is by checking constraint violations for property GeoNames ID.
- Help write the next summary!
[editovat zdroj]Děkuji za veškerá poděkování, ale není to třeba ke každé obci. Je jich hodně :-) Mimochodem, odstraňuji také označení „okresního“ v úvodních větách „… od okresního města Třebíče“, nechcete to formulovat jinak? Např. jen „od Třebíče“ nebo „od bývalého okresního města“, příp. „v okrese Třebíč“? --Vlout (diskuse) 7. 11. 2017, 09:40 (CET)
- Nebylo to za každou obec, bylo to jen za takové ty větší úpravy, za mě je to super práce! Teď zpětně geotaguju fotky a myslím, že to je stejně jednostranná práce, která je dost náročná na čas i soustředění. A přesto existují i rozsáhlejší úpravy okolo. Za mě to je super. Je to naprosto v pořádku, ať to má nějakou formu. Díky ještě jednou! --frettie.net (diskuse) 7. 11. 2017, 09:43 (CET)
- Třebíč, přičemž zde je návrh na její zaokrouhlování. Bylo by fajn, kdyby se jej podařilo prosadit, protože právě pro taková města nad 10 tisíc obyvatel by se zaokrouhlování na tisíce, které by navíc bylo každý rok automaticky aktualizované, poměrně dost hodilo. --Vlout (diskuse) 8. 11. 2017, 09:07 (CET)
- Souhlas, sleduju to. --frettie.net (diskuse) 8. 11. 2017, 11:18 (CET)
Šablonu jsem vložil i do nejlepšího článku
- Třebíč, přičemž zde je návrh na její zaokrouhlování. Bylo by fajn, kdyby se jej podařilo prosadit, protože právě pro taková města nad 10 tisíc obyvatel by se zaokrouhlování na tisíce, které by navíc bylo každý rok automaticky aktualizované, poměrně dost hodilo. --Vlout (diskuse) 8. 11. 2017, 09:07 (CET)
Pozvánka na brněnský wikisraz 15. listopadu 2017
[editovat zdroj]--MediaWiki message delivery (diskuse) 9. 11. 2017, 00:18 (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #286
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: IRC office hour, November 14th, 19:00 (UTC+2) in the channel #wikimedia-office
- Review of the WikidataCon by Sean McBirnie (Histropedia)
- Blogpost on workflow co-documentation with community members during the WikidataCon, by Jan Dittrich
- Completeness and the Age of Abundance of free tools, in Basque language, by Theklan
- Report about the first WikidataCon in Hungarian language, by Texaner
- Report of the WikidataCon 2017 in German, by MB-one
- Visualising Wikidata on Interactive Timelines using HistropediaJS by Sean McBirnie
- Wikidata: A growing community behind open data by John Samuel
- Report about the 2017 WikidataCon in Polish, by Yarl
- Report about WikidataCon 2017 for WMAM community in Armenian, by Kareyac
- WikidataCon - my résumé by Ahoerstemeier
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata training material and sample SPARQL queries by Geertivp
- A new version of Unicode CLDR was released, including data about languages from Wikidata
- research article where Wikidata is used to unify metabolite identifiers: WikiPathways
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: vertical depth, describes a project that uses, National Monuments of Namibia Site Reference, CycleBase cyclist ID, California Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID, Formal Public Identifier, IAFD male performer ID, IWRP athlete ID, Wimbledon player ID, Snooker.org ID, albedo, family relationship degree, World Snooker athlete ID, Microsoft Store artist ID, NACE code, Xenopus Anatomical Ontology ID
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: properties count by datatype, Mayflower voyage participants, film archives
- Development
- Fixed a series of smaller regressions after switching to Cirrus based search backend (phabricator:T179045, phabricator:T179061, phabricator:T179130)
- Latitudes, longitudes, as well as coordinate precisions have accidentally been exported to RDF as xsd:decimal, and are going to be exported as xsd:double soon (phabricator:T179228)
- Continue on refactoring PropertySuggester-python for better maintainability and performance (phab:T179664)
- Make AffectedPagesFinder take DESCRIPTION_USAGE into account (phab:T176417)
- Add
area where gadgets and user scripts can safely add indicators instead of directly appending to the value (phab:T95403, d:WD:PC#Gadget / userscript editor feedback wanted) - Accessing
mw.config.get( 'wbEntity' )
will trigger a deprecation warning, gadgets and user script should use thewikibase.entityPage.entityLoaded
hook instead (phabricator:T169771) - Work on caching constraint check results (phab:T179849) and indicating that they are cached (phab:T179844)
- Work on JSON-LD support in the Purtle library used for exports (gerrit:379669)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Nahrazování infoboxy
[editovat zdroj]Ahoj, díky za vkládání infoboxů do článků. Myslím ale, že není vhodné, že při jejich vložení odstraňuješ obrázek, vlivem čehož přicházíme i o vložený popisek. Viz například tato Tvá editace. Nešlo by předtím ty popisky přenést na Wikidata, ať je neztrácíme? Díky. --Jan Polák (diskuse) 14. 11. 2017, 00:31 (CET)
- Ahoj, jako bylo by to ideální, ale je to hroznej opruz a roboticky to snad rozumně ani nejde. Ale možná zkusím udělat nějakej přídavek do WUS, kterej to zvládne. --frettie.net (diskuse) 14. 11. 2017, 00:35 (CET)
- Dík, přijde mi škoda o ně přicházet. --Jan Polák (diskuse) 14. 11. 2017, 00:54 (CET)
- To mě taky, ale automaticky to nepůjde - tak to holt budu klikat ručně. :) --frettie.net (diskuse) 14. 11. 2017, 00:55 (CET)
- Dík, přijde mi škoda o ně přicházet. --Jan Polák (diskuse) 14. 11. 2017, 00:54 (CET)
Infobox osoba v článku o úřadu
[editovat zdroj]Dobrý den, [4] je omyl nebo záměr? Totiž, dodneska jsem myslel, že Infobox - osoba se vkládá do článků lidí, a nikoliv úřadů jako je ministr, ministr financí, soudce atd. --Jann (diskuse) 19. 11. 2017, 18:35 (CET)
- Dobrý den, máte pravdu, už jsem to zrušil, příště bych tu připomínku možná uvítal s méně jízlivým tónem, ale co už. Nicméně, pokud je v první větě článku napsáno "vysoký úředník", tak bych očekával, že to je osova a ne úřad ... :) --frettie.net (diskuse) 19. 11. 2017, 18:51 (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #287
[editovat zdroj]Wikidata weekly summary #287 Global message delivery/Targets/Wikidata

- Discussions
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: IRC office hour (log)
- Past: Wikidata Lab II, a workshop to teach users how to create lists using Wikidata in São Paulo (images from the event)
- Upcoming: IRC office hour about Structured Data on Commons, November 21, 18:00 UTC in the channel #wikimedia-office
- Upcoming: WLM-Wikidata-Editathon 2017 in Berlin, November 24-26
- Upcoming: Wiki4MediaFreedom edit-a-thon - II edition (with Wikidata track) in Sofia, November 27
- Upcoming: Wikidata-Hackathon at WikiMUC in Munich, November 30
- WikidataCon 2017
- Fünf Jahre Wikidata at Chaosradio
- "Turning a historical book into a data set"
- "Creating Wikipedia articles from research data"
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New tool by Magnus: Wikidata SPARQL Recent Changes - get diffs for all items matching a SPARQL query, for a date range
- New tool by Magnus: WD edit stats - get edit stats for all items matching a SPARQL query
- Wikidata coverage for 'place' in OpenStreetMap (as of October 2017)
- OpenRefine 2.8 was released. Adding columns from Wikidata and importing Wikitables is now possible. Let's write tutorials for it.
- Mix'n'match now shows for a catalog which user originally imported it and if it is updated regularly (example)
- A breaking change to the wbcheckconstraints API output format was announced
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: CGF athlete ID, OKS athlete ID, Gymn Forum athlete ID, sexually homologous with, Tennis Temple player ID, has listed ingredient, World of O athlete ID, HOO athlete ID, IBTrACS cyclone ID, Collective Biographies of Women ID, Snooker Database player ID, Spider Ontology ID, EThOS thesis ID, EUTA theatre ID, EUTA person ID, Czech Street ID, Survey of Scottish Witchcraft - Trial ID, ChinesePosters artist ID, Bangladesh administrative division code, Douban movie ID, REGINE water system number, UK Parliament thesaurus ID, ABA bird ID, MuIS ID, Survey of Scottish Witchcraft - Person ID, Vermont Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID, Alaska Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID, Radio Radicale person ID, SUNCAT ID, payload mass, Melon album ID, ctext work ID, Mémoire du cyclisme cyclist ID, Prisma ID, Africultures person ID, Africultures movie ID, Scottish Cemetery Kolkata ID
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: expeditions
- Development
- Fixed Commons media suggester not loading all preview thumbnails (phabricator:T160528)
- RDF exports can handle entity references to foreign Wikibase repositories now, needed for Structured Data on Commons (phabricator:T161592)
- Worked on making statements on Forms editable and persistent (phabricator:T163724)
- Worked on fine-grained usage tracking in Wikibase' Lua library (phabricator:T172914)
- Worked on caching constraint check results (phabricator:T179849) and indicating when constraint check results are cached (phabricator:T179844)
- Wikibase code base does not use Composer class autoloading any more (phabricator:T180067) as another step towards getting rid of our own build process and being more in line with the rest of Wikimedia
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Lucie Leišová - fotky
[editovat zdroj]Ahoj,
nevím, co dělám blbě, ale snažím se dát ke stránce "Lucie Leišová" fotky tak, aby se zobrazily hned při vyhledání "Lucie Leišová" v googlu, mám na mysli v tom pravém horním okně, ale nejde mi to. Stejně tak v infoboxu po otevření wiki. Víte někdo, co s tím? Případně dokáže to někdo udělat? Obrázku je v googlu hodně. Díky, Karel. Khajek1980 (diskuse) 25. 11. 2017, 16:01 (CET)
- Dobrý den, už se vám povedla fotografie nahrát na Wikimedia Commons? Pokud jo, tak už to tam dostaneme. Minimálně do infoboxu, do Googlu, to neovlivníme. --frettie.net (diskuse) 26. 11. 2017, 14:02 (CET)
- Pokud bude fotka ve článku, je třeba počkat na Google. Ten se o fotce dozví třeba až po několika dnech, fotka tam tedy nebude rozhodně hned po vložení do článku. --Dvorapa (diskuse) 27. 11. 2017, 11:33 (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #288
[editovat zdroj]
- Discussions
- New request for comments: start time / end time vs. publication date of 1st / last episode
- Proposal to add some order and structure to the various bibliographic corpora we currently have in Wikidata (mailing list post)
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: IRC office hour about Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons. You can read the log on meta.
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop in Prague, December 1st
- Well structured political data for the whole world: impossible utopia, or Wikidata at its best?
- Spatial-based Topic Modelling using Wikidata Knowledge Base (in Wikidata as Q43662744)
- Cleaning BNF identifier in Wikidata by Envlh (in French)
- Monitoring changes to Wikidata pages of your interest by Egon Willighagen
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Sandra is co-ordinating an inventory of crucial volunteer tools for Wikimedia Commons, GLAM, and structured data in general. You can provide input and prioritize your favorite tools in this Google spreadsheet.
- Q43649390 is an item about our concept of "QID"s
- OpenRefine 2.8 was released. Adding columns from Wikidata and importing Wikitables is now possible.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: type foundry, Accademia della Crusca ID, first appearance, USGHOF athlete ID, Kulturelles Erbe Köln object ID, Städel Museum artist ID, Berlinische Galerie artist ID, Tidal video ID, Tidal track ID, Tidal album ID, Tidal artist ID, HTML entity, Norwegian historical register of persons ID, Merchant Category Code, SS KL Auschwitz Garrison ID, West Australian Football League player ID, Wikidata project, BPH journal ID, SNCZI-IPE reservoir ID, BTO five-letter code, awarded for period, electoral district number, Art Museum of Estonia artwork ID, Art Museum of Estonia artist ID, Japanese Baseball Hall of Fame ID, Basketball-Reference.com WNBA ID, National Collegiate Basketball Hall of Fame ID, IJF ID, SNCZI-IPE dam ID, Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame ID, FAI ID, Canada Games ID, ICRC PoW ID, RA Collections ID, mountain range, Everyone Remembered ID, CNRS research group ID, ARLIMA ID
- Query examples:
- People who were Time Person of the Year in two consecutive years (source)
- Fictional characters “said to be the same as” other fictional characters from the same fictional universe (source)
- Map of places of birth of deceased sociologists (source)
- Map of libraries in India (source)
- Train and subway stations in Basque Country (source)
- Newest database reports: Decameron editions and translations
- Development
- Result views in the Wikidata Query Service UI can now be configured with options (phabricator:T155973, Special:Diff/580233265/596922582)
- Worked more on introducing the concept of sub.entities in the APIs in order to make edits to Forms persistent
- Worked on edit summaries for edits to Forms
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #289
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: Using the Digital to Engage Archival Radio Collections: Part II (Wikidata Workshop), Washington, D.C., November 2, 2017 with Andrew Lih and Alex Stinson
- Past: Wikidata Clinic (slides) in Washington, D.C., December 1, 2017, with Andrew Lih and Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight
- Past: Wikikonference in Prague with a Wikidata workshop in Czech and a introduction of Wikidata and its community
- Wikipedia Weekly audio podcast coverage of Wikidata:
- Episode 126 - Introduction to Wikidata, with Andrew Lih and Rob Fernandez
- Episode 127 - WikidataCon 2017 roundtable discussion, with Andrew Lih, Liam Wyatt, Stacy Allison-Cassin, Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight, Rob Fernandez
- Wikidata as authority linking hub: Connecting RePEc and GND researcher identifiers by Joachim Neubert
- Importing data into Wikidata - Current challenges and ideas future development by Navino Evans
- The Wikidata map in November 2017 and what changed during the last four months, by Addshore
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- You can now vote for your favorite proposals on the Community Wishlist Survey. The voting phase is open until December 10th.
- If you run any functionality on Wikimedia sites that uses queries to the Wikidata Query Service, please add it here (more information)
- The 600,000,000th edit has been made.
- The first content made specifically for Wikimedia projects in space has been added to Wikidata (see Close encounters of the Wikipedia kind)
- The Aaron Swartz Fellowship at OSA, Budapest, Hungary, is open for applications (deadline Dec. 31). The second focus area of the fellowship may be of interest to Wikidata folks.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: set designer, Swedish Musical Heritage composer ID, National Film Board of Canada movie ID, South Dakota Sports Hall of Fame ID, World Rugby Hall of Fame ID, Microsoft Store album ID, date of burial or cremation, Lives of WWI ID, polymer of, monomer of, FAPESP researcher ID, FAPESP institution ID, NIOSH Publication Number, post town, arXiv author ID, CPE athlete ID, Mountain Project ID, National Inventory of Canadian Military Memorials ID, Atomic Heritage Foundation ID, Dreadnought Project page, IWGA athlete ID, Argentinian Historic Heritage ID
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Stolpersteine, Jasmerah
- Newest database reports: Q5 with identical P18
- Development
- Wikidata will get dedicated database resources, and go read-only for 30 minutes on 9th January 2018 (phabricator:T181645)
- There were no RDF dumps last week due to problems generating them, investigation is still going on (phabricator:T181385)
- Improved the threshold for ORES on Wikidata (phabricator:T180450)
- Working on fixing a regression after a change in MediaWiki core that makes edit links show up on diff pages (phabricator:T181807)
- More work on persistent editing of statements on Forms of a Lexeme (specifically phabricator:T180467)
- Improved size of the diff that we sent to Wikipedia and co for changes happening on Wikidata. This is one more needed step towards only showing meaningful edits in the watchlists and recent changes there. (phabricator:T113468)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #290
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Incoming: Wikidata workshop in Rennes, France, December 12th
- Incoming:Next Structured Commons IRC office hour will be on Tuesday, February 13, 2018, at 18:00 UTC.
- Past: Tech-talk about knowledge technologies, featuring Wikidata, DBpedia, and Histropedia at Jakarta Digital Valley, Jakarta, Indonesia on Dec 8, 2017. Slides are available at Slideshare link.
- My vision of a possible strategy. How could we change Wikidata’s core infrastructure to be able to scale better in the future? by ChristianKl.
- Using WikiData as a multi-lingual multi-dialectal dictionary for Arabic dialects - conference paper
- WikiCite 2017 report by Dario Taborelli and the organization team
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Structured Data on Commons: Participate in this survey to help the team understand which tools and functionalities are most important to the Commons and Wikidata communities
- QuickStatements now has a CSV-like import function (under "import commands")
- wikidata-cli now support dynamic SPARQL requests using JS files
- New wikidata-sdk function: wdk.getSitelinkUrl, a function to easily build URLs from Wikidata API sitelinks data
- Musik Lovers (de) is a project created during Coding da Vinci 2017 and reuses data from Wikidata about composers played in the Koncerthaus of Berlin
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: premiere type, name of the character role, Bechdel Test Movie List ID, Iowa Sports Hall of Fame ID, DORIS ID, Online Books Page author ID, ICTV virus genome composition, EK number, identity of object in context, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston object ID, squadron embarked, South Australian Football Hall of Fame inductee ID, trophy awarded, Württembergische Kirchengeschichte person ID, Merkelstiftung person ID, National Library of Brazil ID, AUSNUT 2011–13 Food Group ID, DVV player ID, UniProt journal ID, WAFL FootyFacts ID, watershed, Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine ID, LKL player ID, LACMA ID, Art Institute of Chicago artwork ID, Queensland Australian Football Hall of Fame inductee ID
- Query examples:
- Place of birth of author with pages on the French Wikisource (source)
- Number of movies passing or failing the Bechdel test by year (source)
- 100 of the earliest 1000 works created by women on Wikidata with an image on Commons (source)
- Chemical entities, whom discovered them, and when (source)
- Sister-city and twin-city relationships of the largest cities (source)
- Cast age at date of film publication (source)
- Male saints that are the most used to name French cities after them (source)
- Development
- Add anchors to Special:ListDatatypes (phabricator:T181371)
- Data Types library has been integrated to Wikibase (phabricator:T180454)
- Investigate on the slow problems encountered on Wikidata (phabricator:T182322)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Structured Commons newsletter, December 13, 2017
[editovat zdroj]Welcome to the newsletter for Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons! You can update your subscription to the newsletter. Do inform others who you think will want to be involved in the project!
- Community updates
- There was a IRC Office Hour about Structured Commons on November 21. You can read the log here.
- Our dedicated IRC channel: wikimedia-commons-sd webchat

- NEW: Participate in a survey that helps us prioritize which tools are important for the Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata communities. The survey runs until December 22. Here's some background.
- NEW: Help the team decide on better names for 'captions' and 'descriptions'. You can provide input until January 3, 2018.
- NEW: Help collect interesting Commons files, to prepare for the data modelling challenges ahead! Continuous input is welcome.
- Join the community focus group!
- Do you want to translate messages and information about Structured Data on Commons from English to your own language? Sign up on the translators page.
- Sandra presented the plans for Structured Commons during WikidataCon in Berlin, on October 29. The presentation focused on collaboration between the Wikidata and Commons communities. You can see the full video here.
- Partners and allies
- We are still welcoming (more) staff from GLAMs (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) to become part of our long-term focus group (phabricator task T174134). You will be kept in the loop of the project, and receive regular small surveys and requests for feedback. Get in touch with Sandra if you're interested - your input in helping to shape this project is highly valued!
- Research
- Research findings from interviews and surveys of GLAM project participants are being published to the research page. Check back over the next few weeks as additional details (notes, quotes, charts, blog posts, and slide decks) will be added to or linked from that page.
- The Structured Commons team has written and submitted a report about the first nine months of work on the project to its funders, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The 53-page report, published on November 1, is available on Wikimedia Commons.
- The team has started working on designs for changes to the upload wizard (T182019).
- We started preliminary work to prototype changes for file info pages.
- Work on the MediaInfo extension is ongoing (T176012).
- The team is continuing its work on baseline metrics on Commons, in order to be able to measure the effectiveness of structured data on Commons. (T174519)
- Upcoming: in the first half of 2018, the first prototypes and design sketches for file pages, the UploadWizard, and for search will be published for discussion and feedback!
- Stay up to date!
- Follow the Structured Data on Commons project on Phabricator: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/profile/34/
- Subscribe to this newsletter to receive it on a talk page of your own choice.
- Join the next IRC office hour and ask questions to the team! It takes place on Tuesday, February 13, 18.00 UTC in wikimedia-office webchat.
Warmly, your community liaison, SandraF (WMF) (talk)
Message sent by MediaWiki message delivery - 13. 12. 2017, 17:32 (CET)
Botí úpravy seznamů KP
[editovat zdroj]Ahoj, trochu jsem nepobral tuto botí úpravu. Ty linky mi přijdou úplně zbytečné, jelikož odkazují na rozcestníky (např. Stará radnice), na instituce (Děkanství) nebo na nic, rsp. na články, které neexistují a šanci vzniknout nemají (tedy zatím nemám v plánu psát o každém domě starším než 1900, na kterém je trocha štukových parádiček), a dá se předpokládat, že to ani nikdo jiný dělat nebude.
Má to tedy nějaký hlubší význam, který mě nenapadl? Dík předem za odpověď. Pěkný večer přeje --Vojtasafr (diskuse) 13. 12. 2017, 21:34 (CET)
- Ahoj, je to v procesu, je to příprava na připravovanou soutěž WM ČR, podrobnosti ví Aktron. Ještě to budeme procházet ručně. --frettie.net (diskuse) 13. 12. 2017, 21:36 (CET)
- @Aktron, Jklamo: Ok, ale stále nechápu, k čemu jsou odkazy z konkrétní budovy na obecnou, na články, které nevzniknou atd. --Vojtasafr (diskuse) 14. 12. 2017, 19:39 (CET)
- A kde to ještě zůstává, včera v noci jsem tomu tři hodiny věnoval a prošel asi 600 stránek a to, co jsem našel upravil. A chci být také jasnovidcem, abych věděl, že ty články o těch budovách nevzniknou. Kdybych byl jasnovidcem, tak to však vidím raději na sázkové hry ... Vznikly články o mnoha vilách či domech. -frettie.net (diskuse) 15. 12. 2017, 00:57 (CET)
- Třeba zde. Jasnovidec nejsem, ale často jsou KP klasické činžáky, které EV prostě nesplní (a nevím, kdo by o nich psal), o tom už by však byla diskuse na dlouho. BTW o jedné vile mám zrovna rozepsaný článek, snad ho časem dopíšu. --Vojtasafr (diskuse) 15. 12. 2017, 17:22 (CET)
- Chápu, rozumím tomu, pokud na něco takového natrefíte, tak to s klidem v duši oprav. Zkusil jsem udělat výběr dle pár pravidel a někde je v tom trošku nepořádek (v určení co je co), jak u nás, tak i v NPÚ ... Bohužel :/ --frettie.net (diskuse) 15. 12. 2017, 23:31 (CET)
- Třeba zde. Jasnovidec nejsem, ale často jsou KP klasické činžáky, které EV prostě nesplní (a nevím, kdo by o nich psal), o tom už by však byla diskuse na dlouho. BTW o jedné vile mám zrovna rozepsaný článek, snad ho časem dopíšu. --Vojtasafr (diskuse) 15. 12. 2017, 17:22 (CET)
- A kde to ještě zůstává, včera v noci jsem tomu tři hodiny věnoval a prošel asi 600 stránek a to, co jsem našel upravil. A chci být také jasnovidcem, abych věděl, že ty články o těch budovách nevzniknou. Kdybych byl jasnovidcem, tak to však vidím raději na sázkové hry ... Vznikly články o mnoha vilách či domech. -frettie.net (diskuse) 15. 12. 2017, 00:57 (CET)
- @Aktron, Jklamo: Ok, ale stále nechápu, k čemu jsou odkazy z konkrétní budovy na obecnou, na články, které nevzniknou atd. --Vojtasafr (diskuse) 14. 12. 2017, 19:39 (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #291
[editovat zdroj]
- Discussions
- New request for comments: Mapping and improving the data import process
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: Introduction to Wikidata for local OpenStreetMap community & others, Riga, Latvia, December 19th
- Upcoming: 34th Chaos Communication Congress, 27-30 December, Leipzig, Germany. The Wikidata team will be there
- Wikidata in Collections: Building a Universal Language for Connecting GLAM Catalogs
- A purposeful #strategy for #Wikidata
- WikidataCon: Giving more people more access to more knowledge by Peter Kraker
- Review of the Global Legislative Openness Week by MySociety
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- A script to add links to Wikidata on Twitter by Envlh
- Resolver can now open an item in tools/third-party sites listed on Q43649390#3303, using the
attribute - for example https://tools.wmflabs.org/wikidata-todo/resolver.php?prop=P496&value=0000-0003-4402-5296&project=scholia - New edition of the Structured Data on Commons newsletter
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Wiki Aves bird ID, DACS ID, SAN ID, reservoir, CPDOC ID, Musée d'Orsay artwork ID, Coflein ID, The Numbers person ID, Wikimedia import URL, Flathub ID, partition type identifier, partition table type, ESCO Occupation ID, Welsh assembly ID, BSD Portal athlete ID, identity of subject in context, location of first performance, representation of, RCR number, ESCO skill ID, Philadelphia Museum of Art ID, Colorado Sports Hall of Fame ID, Welsh Chapels ID, photosphere image, Estonian Football Association team ID, The Peerage person ID, FoodEx2 code, Sherpa Juliet ID, Indian Financial System Code
- Query examples:
- Number of disasters by date and day of the week (source)
- Map with buildings by Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer (source)
- Properties most used for “no value” statements/qualifiers/references (source)
- Scientific papers with an animal credited as co-author (source)
- Image grid of what different cryptocurrencies are named after (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: Narration
- Newest database reports: Brigata del Decameron
- Development
- Additional languages for monolingual values got approved by the language committee: ami (Amis), bnn (Bunun), fos (Siraya), ppu (Papora / Hoanya), pwn (Paiwan), pyu (Puyuma), ssf (Thao), trv (Seediq / Taroko), uun (Pazeh) (see gerrit:374052, phab:T144272)
- More work on caching constraint results so we can enable the constraints checks for all logged-in users by default
- Fixed a bug when edit links showed up in diff views (phabricator:T181807)
- Final step towards being able to store statements on Forms of a Lexeme
- Disabled RDF support for Lexemes as the mapping isn't defined yet (phabricator:T182660)
- Adding some more smart tracking for Lua usage so we better know which properties from an item are used on a Wikipedia article even when the whole item is loaded (phabricator:T179923)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Seznam režisérů seriálu Přátelé
[editovat zdroj]Ahoj, informuji, že jsem o tomto, podle mě historickém reliktu, založil DoS. --Harold (diskuse) 18. 12. 2017, 17:14 (CET)
- Ok, dík. --frettie.net (diskuse) 18. 12. 2017, 17:47 (CET)
Prosím o pomoc
[editovat zdroj]Dobrý večer Frettie!
Budete, prosím, tak laskav a pomůžete mi s Wikidaty, resp. s mezijazykovými odkazy?
Jsem na wiki krátce a nevím, kudy do toho. Na Vás se obracím proto, že jste wikidatoval stránku Tyran (ptáci), kterou jsem vytvořila.
Můžu psát dál? Díky za odpověď --Hnidopichwiki (diskuse) 19. 12. 2017, 23:30 (CET)
- Dobrý večer, určitě se ptejte, rád poradím. --frettie.net (diskuse) 20. 12. 2017, 00:28 (CET)
- Děkuji za laskavé posouzení mé žádosti :-)
- Děkuji za laskavé posouzení mé žádosti :-)
- Při svých toulkách Wikipedií jsem v článku Avokádo narazila na informaci, že pecka je jedlá. Zaujalo mě to a protože článek byl překladem ze slovenštiny, pátrala jsem, jestli je to i ve slovenštině (je i není, ale to sem nepatří, to si "vyřídím" na diskusi avokáda). Při tom jsem si všimla, že článek Avokádo má jen 2 jazykové varianty - českou a slovenskou. Přišlo mi to divné, tak jsem zkusila francouzštinu, angličtinu, němčinu - všude avokádo mají. Při bližším ohledání jsem však zjistila, že francouzský článek (+ dalších 6 jazyků) se týká avokáda - plodu a angličtina (+ 101 dalších jazyků) pojednává o stromě i ovoci dohromady. Český a slovenský článek popisují také plod. Pro strom máme samostatný článek.
- Při svých toulkách Wikipedií jsem v článku Avokádo narazila na informaci, že pecka je jedlá. Zaujalo mě to a protože článek byl překladem ze slovenštiny, pátrala jsem, jestli je to i ve slovenštině (je i není, ale to sem nepatří, to si "vyřídím" na diskusi avokáda). Při tom jsem si všimla, že článek Avokádo má jen 2 jazykové varianty - českou a slovenskou. Přišlo mi to divné, tak jsem zkusila francouzštinu, angličtinu, němčinu - všude avokádo mají. Při bližším ohledání jsem však zjistila, že francouzský článek (+ dalších 6 jazyků) se týká avokáda - plodu a angličtina (+ 101 dalších jazyků) pojednává o stromě i ovoci dohromady. Český a slovenský článek popisují také plod. Pro strom máme samostatný článek.
- Sebrala jsem odvahu a zkusila na Wikidata připojit francouzský článek k českému a slovenskému. Ale obdržela jsem informaci, že se uložení nepodařilo, protože francouzština je již přiřazena k těm dalším 6 jazykům a že pokud je to podobné, tak mám cosi sloučit. Tak moc už jsem ale zase odvážná nebyla a ani netuším, jak se takové sloučení páchá a jestli opravdu má být spácháno.
- Sebrala jsem odvahu a zkusila na Wikidata připojit francouzský článek k českému a slovenskému. Ale obdržela jsem informaci, že se uložení nepodařilo, protože francouzština je již přiřazena k těm dalším 6 jazykům a že pokud je to podobné, tak mám cosi sloučit. Tak moc už jsem ale zase odvážná nebyla a ani netuším, jak se takové sloučení páchá a jestli opravdu má být spácháno.
- Kouknete na to, prosím?
- Díky moc --Hnidopichwiki (diskuse) 21. 12. 2017, 02:37 (CET)
- Podívám se na to, ale tohle je takovej známej rozpor, který se blbě řeší - pokud existují články pro strom i pro plod, tak by asi bylo lepší to tak mít všude, dvě entity wikidat to jsou skoro určitě. Kouknu na to a dám vědět. --frettie.net (diskuse) 22. 12. 2017, 09:22 (CET)
- Možná by bylo nejlepší (pro čtenáře) sloučit článek o plodu a o stromu na české i slovenské Wikipedii. Ale ideální to není, jiné řešení ale asi neexistuje. :/ --frettie.net (diskuse) 22. 12. 2017, 10:05 (CET)
- Díky moc! Dovoluji si navrhnout zatím zlikvidovat menší problém - sloučit nějak jazykové verze týkající se pouze plodu: cs + sk: Avokádo (Q23900230); fr a spol. avocado (Q961769). Jak a zda napojovat s Q37153 to už nedokážu posoudit. Nevím, jaká jsou na to pravidla, kdy samostatný článek a kdy nikoliv. Ze stromu je plod prokliknutelný et vice versa. Možná by se to dalo vyřešit informativní řádečkou pod názvem článku jako je např. "Tento článek je o formě vlády. Další významy jsou uvedeny na stránce Tyran (rozcestník).", musela bych ale dohledat příhodnější šablonu. Možná by se to dalo předložit k posouzení pod lípou, co myslíte? Díky moc --Hnidopichwiki (diskuse) 23. 12. 2017, 00:46 (CET)
- koukal jsem, že k tomu už došlo. Vypadá to asi lépe. A jak to řešit - to nevím, zkuste to pod lípou. Třeba to dojde nějakého výsledku. --frettie.net (diskuse) 28. 12. 2017, 10:50 (CET)
- Díky moc! Dovoluji si navrhnout zatím zlikvidovat menší problém - sloučit nějak jazykové verze týkající se pouze plodu: cs + sk: Avokádo (Q23900230); fr a spol. avocado (Q961769). Jak a zda napojovat s Q37153 to už nedokážu posoudit. Nevím, jaká jsou na to pravidla, kdy samostatný článek a kdy nikoliv. Ze stromu je plod prokliknutelný et vice versa. Možná by se to dalo vyřešit informativní řádečkou pod názvem článku jako je např. "Tento článek je o formě vlády. Další významy jsou uvedeny na stránce Tyran (rozcestník).", musela bych ale dohledat příhodnější šablonu. Možná by se to dalo předložit k posouzení pod lípou, co myslíte? Díky moc --Hnidopichwiki (diskuse) 23. 12. 2017, 00:46 (CET)
- Kouknete na to, prosím?
Wikidata weekly summary #292
[editovat zdroj]
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: 34th Chaos Communication Congress, 27-30 December, Leipzig, Germany. The Wikidata team will be there
- WikiCite 2018
- Get your vocabularies in Wikidata... so Europeana and others can get them
- Moths and me
- Quality and collaboration in Wikidata
- The Tom Longboat Awards as Wikidata
- GLOWing the extra mile
- Seven translation tools you can use to work in multiple languages across Wikimedia projects
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New tool by YMS to help with vandalism fighting. Give it a try and catch some vandals?
- Version 0.8.0 of the Wikidata Toolkit have been released. There is a short survey to figure out in which directions to move the library.
- You can try the Wikidata fulltext search prototype and give feedback
- You can also tell us what could be improved with the entity suggester
- The Geo dashboard shows a map on the most used items in Wikipedia and co in a given category
- Consultation on Blocking tools and improvements
- New documentation page with information about publishing open data that we can use when talking to institutions about why they should publish their data openly
- Cou can try the prototype to improve the term box and give feedback
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: OpenSecrets organization ID, Oireachtas member ID, Environmental Register code (Estonia), geomorphological unit, Dictionnaire des peintres belges ID, Carnegie Museum of Art ID, Nintendo Game Store ID, National Gallery of Victoria artwork ID, National Gallery of Art artwork ID, Eldoblaje original actor ID, Eldoblaje dubbing actor ID, constraint scope, MAVISE company ID, MAVISE competent authority ID, MAVISE on-demand audiovisual service ID, MAVISE TV channel ID, appears in the form of, Indianapolis Museum of Art artwork ID, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston object ID, EMLO location ID, Hall of Light Amiga database ID, Sjukvårdsrådgivningen Category ID, tabular software version, USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame athlete ID, Buenos Aires legislator ID, Cinemagia actor ID, Cinemagia film ID
- Query examples:
- Map with radio telescopes around the world (source)
- People born on the same day their mother died (source)
- Largest first-level administrative subdivision by country (source)
- Data sets released under a Creative Commons NoDerivatives license (source)
- Type foundries and their typefaces (source)
- Map of Christmas traditions (source)
- Movies that are Christmas traditions (source)
- Newest database reports: list of Christmas films
- Development
- Due to the Christmas and New Year's Eve holidays, no deployment will happen before January 3rd.
- Monolingual language codes for Old French (fro) and Middle French (frm) added (phabricator:T181823)
- Finishing touches on storing statements on Forms
- No longer checking constraints on the property example statements (phabricator:T183267)
- More work on caching constraint check results so we can roll out constraint checking for all logged in users
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
[editovat zdroj]Doplnění k profilu Hynek Luňák Marie Luňáková (diskuse) 27. 12. 2017, 21:30 (CET)
- Dobrý den, jaké? --frettie.net (diskuse) 28. 12. 2017, 10:48 (CET)