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My first steps as a team leader 

People are the most important asset at the company 

Get to know your people/create you team

get know their work (one to one, learn their work, programs and tips) – because of what they do every day they are the experts

get to know them so you can connect with them – there is a big difference between when people follow you because of your position (you are the boss) and because they like you. I think that all of us worked in the past for bosses who are just not likeable. They are maybe good workers but not likeable as people and because that we just work for the paycheck (salary – nothing more and at four PM everybody is gone).BUT When people follow you because they like you their work effort increase exponentially.

lead by an example so they can trust you – be honest, stand behind your team and keep your word

coaching and helping them achieve their maximal potential – recruit well (know who you looking for – creative people for PRG who don’t just do their job but think about it and improve), position well (everybody is good at something so get them a job in which they will produce the best results – Verca from our team cant really do robotic every day work BUT she is really creative and stylish so give her the final esthetic looks of the reports and she will be happy, Misa is totally different. To be happy she has to do a lot of even detail work and get appreciated for it – she is a typical German hard working bot sometimes little bit too strict), equip well (people need to have right equipment to do their work good and improve themselves – worker without an hammer will not have an easy time to nail the nail but if you give him an hammer and encourage hit to improve he can create for example and automatic nail gun)

(I do it, I do it and you are with me, you do it and I am with you, you do it, you do it and somebody is with you)

Last thing which should influence all of these steps is -

Keep the vision – find the main goal and stick with it… for us it was simple keep the England happy… that means for example that if you did all of your work you can go home early if you needed. BUT if there is something important to do you stay late. Make sure that all of your people will understands it and keep it in mind (řídi se tím) 

Good leader is there to SERVE the people and make their work easier – and because of the that to be more productive as an team

Listen – observe – learn

Listen to your people not just concentreate to your goal

Observe – where your people are and what they do

Learn – process of leadership is process of constatn learning evolving and moving forvard 

Do you care about me? Can you help me if I follow you? Can I trust you?




Tell me about your self – My name is Daniel Zatloukal I accomplish to get an engineer degree in entrepreneurship with specialization of internal entrepreneurship inside of the company and leadership. Right know I am working as administrator of project management in PRG embedded. I am tenacious, hard working and communicative friendly even. My hobbies are mostly sports and my friends and the reason why I am here is to give this company something back because I really like working here, this company help me during my studies and I would like to get more involve in company business. 

What are you long- range objectives? – Within five years I would like to progress even more in this company and become the very best leader so I would even inspire others. I want to work toward becoming an expert and I feel that I will be fully prepared to take on even greater responsibilities.

If you had to life your live over again, what one thing would you change? I believe I live pretty happy live but probably because of my experience I would grab the chance when I saw one and would not be afraid. For example I would start working here even earlier to progress my carer more. (also I am a huge romantic so I would get the girl this time around)

Have you ever had a conflict with a boss or professor, how Was it resolved? – Yes of course. But never any major one. The best way to resolve that is to use empathy and try to understand the other person perspective (each of us is just a human with good or bad days) And through that find a good solution. For example: When I wrote my batchelor thesis me and my lead professor had some different opinion on how the work should look like. But through mutual communication and work we managet to see each other vies and at the end I graduated with honors.

Are you a team player?

Almost everyone says yes to this question. But it is not just a yes/no question. You need to provide

behavioral examples to back up your answer.

A sample answer: Yes, Im very much a team player. In fact, Ive had opportunities in my work, school

and athletics to develop my skills as a team player. For example, on a recent project . . .

Emphasize teamwork behavioral examples and focus on your openness to diversity of backgrounds

Silne stránky – houževnatý (tought – tenacious), pracovitý (hard woking), vynalézavý(resourcesfull), communicative, team player adaptive(working within a team), prioritizing, working with ocean, excel (functions and basic macro)

Slabé stránky – sometimes impassionate. I am a kind of person who will do everything important in the morning (or as soon as possible) so I could have a time for other for example new things in the afternoon.  (have things earlier than later)     But some people need just relax in the morning and because of the new things that will come up they don’t have enough time later. I mean that I am ok with the working regime of all people (every each of us is different) but they have to do the work which is needed of them.

Jak by jste se ohodnotili jako teamleader? – I would be very good team leader due to two important aspects. I believe in good communication between team members and strong feedback which is based on facts because the people who work with for example reports best know what to improve. For example when I trained the new college did the scheme of “I do it, I do it and you are with me, you do it and I am with you, you do it and eventually you do it and somebody is with you” because of that even though she was afraid at first she is now fully capable to do everything and we even improve some of the aspects of the report because of her ideas.

 Are you a team player? – of course part of being a team leader is to be a team player. Every each of us is good at something (or at least better than others) and one of the most important skills of the team leader is positioning (for example Verca Misa and so on). The goal is to make everybody felt appreciated inside of the team because all of us wants (at least partially) make a difference.

What steps do you take to make each team member feel important – what I just said (praise in public and criticise in private)

What are the key values of a leader? How do you demonstrate these values? – It is what I talked about earlier. Good leader it the one who eventually people respect and give him theirs maximum effort. He must have people skills (can talk with people), be likeable, listen, observe and constant learn, have a vision (what he or she want to accomplish with the team), be a good coach, can see potential in people and of course have some skills in the field (function and marco in excel) 

What is a difference between a manager and a leader? – manager directs people leader leads, manager will clime the mountain but leader will go down and bring everybody with him.

How open-minded are you to other members ideas? – sure because as I said everybody has some skills which are better than yours so to be the best you need to cooperate

Do you consult members? – of course because the can have the ideas which you would never thought (more head more know)

How do you make decisions in general? - Mostly by listening, making my own notes, creating the solution (through information which I received and past experiences) and then consulting this with other team members (mostly the one which this decision will influence)

 Give an example of a risk you had to take. Why did you decide to take the risk? – the biggest one was probably that I decided to work full time here and study at the same time. I knew it would be hard BUT I believed that I can manage that… and I did. The risk was that many of the people which started working would eventually drop one or the other (mostly school) but I wanted to take that risk because I believed in myself and wanted to build my career early on.

(Even during batchellor studies I had an individual study plan so I could work at the same time)

How do you maintain relations with a person in case where you cant agree? – mostly by empathy I try to listen to that person and try really understand why he or she felt that way and don’t agree with me and through that explain my site to him so we might agree in the future.

(you cant do that with everybody, sometimes there is just mind set that people will just disagree to disagree – that is the reasons why they are a breaks during important meetings… but you can try) – uceni na státnice

How frequently do you support others and get support from them? – well I have a mindset which I learned from my father. Every time you can help somebody and it doesn’t cost you money or health, just do it. Doesn’t matter if he helps you back and to be honest most people will never do that. The important thing is that you helped somebody and the truly good and hart working people will come around. That is btw. the greatest thing how to make real friends or create excellent team in that matter. 

How do you keep each member of the team involved and motivated? –  by recognising their potential and give them the work in which they will truly excel. Inside motivation is much greater than the outside one.

Give an example of a creative solution when your leadership skills were needed. – probably our whole process how we do reports. You have two options when you receive or create report. The first one is that you just stick with the instructions or the other one is that you learn how to make it easier. For example you put some functions in that or even a macro and because of that extra work, your job is much easier now.

(greatest thing how to lead or positively influence people is to make them believe that they came up with the idea not that you just told them that BUT if you ever told them that. The whole house would crush on you and they would do for example just the opposite) 

Have you ever acted as a mentor to a co-worker? – yes when I explained the whole process to my work to the new comer so she could be my back up if needed. That meant to explain every process, how to get the information, how to do the report, how to make your work easier and which people will she communicate and how to do it.

Provide an example of the situation where you had to create and agreement between people who originally differed in opinion and objectives? –  for example when we had a training in OKIN. There was a task where like 70% of people thought that even if there was a possibility of iron crew in children jogurt we should have just go with it to don’t have any production loses. Other 30% thought that we should just stop the production and make a new one so our company would not face a possible PR nightmare and lost our business. I heard both of the facts and opinions and then made sure that the team would unite. Because of the facts of the 30% and my personal opinion I would convince the rest of the that this for the future of the company the best solution and that we could have done. Make them see the big picture and really make them think what that could have meant.   – if nothing happens great you just save us a  100 000 Kč but if something happens we could lose the whole company . OR when financial advisor and we had a discussion between different insurance companies. Both of the colleges liked different ones and after listening to their reasons I connected them that in the finals it doesn’t matter. What matter is to provide our clients with best possible solution. Some companies are good in that and some in something different and up to client need which we pick not which we liked better. Again just make them see the bigger pictures so they would see positive in both.  (informal investigation then have an informal talk to both by consulting with of them try to make them bot understand their feelings  (first the more emotional one) and resolve the issue

Describe a situation when you had to convince others.- just did

Give an example when you had to present complex information in a simplified manner. – Again the example of the new comer. I had a one report to which instruction are like six or seven pages long. It is really detailed and because of that really hard to learn. What I did was that with the help of the co-worker we created a macro which made like three pages of that absolute and even when I explained that to her I tried to make it as simple and easy to understand as possible. I still gave her the instruction so she could have all the information but because of the technique I do it, I do it and you are with me , you do it and I am with you, you do it, you do it with somebody else. She managed to understand it completely and even make some of her modifications.

Make sure that everybody understands a mission ahead. For example don’t ask do you understand that. Rather did I explain that correctly? (more people will say no)

Does a leader need a power or an authority? How do influence people? – No and Yes but if the leader use only authority to enforce his goal he is not a good leader. He should influence his people by mutual trust and his people skills

How do you establish good communication and information flow with others? – Mutual trust is the best solution (stay bye your world, stay by your team etc.).  If your college is afraid to tell you something because of what that could meant for him it is not good. It is also good to have non professional conversations with your coworkers. Have a team party or just have a lunch with them. Some of the greatest leaders have every day lunch with one of theirs people.  

What are the key values of a leader? How do you demonstrate these values? – he need to be able to listen his people, observe what they do and through of constant learning develop them. Leader is there to eventually serve his people. And how do I do that? Exactly the same. I try to listen as possible and if necessary add something to the conversation. Notice what people do and what are their tips for work and finally always learn something new, improve myself and if they let me teach them something as well.

What are the steps that you take to maintain a good co-worker’s relationships? – Again trust, be there if they need help and when they want to talk about something. Because people in your team are the most precious form of investment (capital). The are the most important part of the company.

What were the steps you needed to take to achieve goals? – Use SMART to set my goals – specific (have a full time job and continue your studies; become a team leader in OKIN), measurable (have both work life and school life in good condition; by taking more responsibilities avery three months), acceptable (it is what I want), realistic (because of my previous live experiences with work and school it can be successfully achievable;  because of my education, hobbies a work experiencies it is achieveable, terminated (finish that within a year of your work in OKIN, do that within a one year after end of my studies)  Keep that in mind every day and even if you move to a different set of lanes still remember you goal

How do you keep yourself motivated? – by doing something which has a meaning a moving forward. That is also a reason why I am here because I believe I can do more.

Are you a good decision maker? – yes. I like to have my time and consult that with others if possible but I can do good quick decisions as well

Can you tell about any past critical situation in which you had to make an immediate

decision? Give an example of a situation in which you had to make a decision when

you didn’t have all facts available. What process do you follow for making decisions

for these different circumstances and were you satisfied with the results?

When I bought my flat. Like a year ago I started to slowly look for something to buy and eventually repair because of cheap mortgages and good situation in real estates. But then my mum offered me to buy our flat because she and her boyfriend wanted to build a house together and even though that it was more money that I originally wanted to invest and she would still at least year live with me I decided to do that.  She gave me a better price, it is a great location, it is big, and of course I know every inch of that place.

If there is a critical situation I like to get as many information as possible. Analyse each part of the problem and what the consequences of the decision would be. If there is enough time consult that decision with people who it will impact and then make the decision. Of course it is good to firmly stand behind your decision afterwards but always get a feedback so you can learn everything each day. 

At the end there is always a times when you choose a wrong decision. Nobody is perfect. But it is always good to learn from your mistakes so you would not do it again

1. Using available info – Based his process on the information to hand.

2. Analyzing – Knows how to break complex issues into components.

3. Critical Thinking – Considers the outcomes of varying course of actions.

4. Investigating – Can take conclusions from different sources of data.

5. Acting – Can make decisions without complete info. Doesn’t hesitate to act and able

to make sound decision patiently, but in a timely manner.

6. Responsibility – Does not put off making a decision to avoid conflict, ‘getting it

wrong’. Not afraid to take risks to come to a solution. Doesn’t delay actions because

of outcomes or reactions.

7. Studding – Demonstrate a lesson learned ability in order to progress.

Do you always take the process on your own? On what occasions do you recognize

that you need other’s help? Do you always use established procedures to ensure that

the correct action is taken? – Of course If I need help or some information I will ask the other colleges so I would make the best possible decision but of course as a leader I need to have the ability to work independently in which case I usually thing about long term goals. 

How do you go ahead when it comes to solving a problem? – write down the probable causes (fish bone diagram - ishikawa) analysing the causes, coming up with solutions, analyse this solution with other people and past experience, implement the solution a and getting feedback

WHY SHOULD WE HIRE YOU? – I would say because of my past experiences and skills. I always wanted to be a leader and accomplish more in the world. In school we created the groups to help each other during our studies because each person is good at something and this team cooperation was something which I was really good at. Even during group projects in school and in my previous job I tried to give each of the members a task which would best suit him and of course at the end I would present the result and stand behind my team. I am quick learner, responsible, adaptible and have excellent communication skills but mostly because I really like working here. This company really helped me during the hardest year of my live and I would love to give back and to maximize my skills for the benefit (úspěch tédle společnosti) of the company. 

Describe your boss – she is hard working, professional and helped me when I for example needed to leave early because of the exams when I did all of my work here.

How would you describe your ideal job? – A job where I can use my creativity to support and mentor others professionals, where is opportunity to learn, progress, constantly challenge myself and contribute to the organization

What kind of a leader are you? – listener, decision maker, coacher, motivating 

How would you describe your management style? – I work to inspire and motivate a teamwork. I love to utilizing peoples potential to their best benefits. I am always open to new ideas and because of that I encourage discussion for decision-making.

Best thing for the manager is when the team is in such a harmony that it can manage itself. 

How would you colleges describe you? – Probably social, friendly, honest, hard working, responsible (I like to socialize but I dones not disturb with my other work) – be confident 

Kritisize in private but shine in public 

Budou chtít vedet zda:

  • Jsi team player
  • Jak jsi se zapojoval v teamu drive
  • Jak zvládas rozdíli mezi spolupracovníky 

Strengths –

Leaders and managers: Ability to prioritize, planning skills, well-organized, multitasking and

assuming responsibilities and duties. Possessing the capacity to cope with failures and trying

to learn from past mistakes. 

 Management is a position and leadership is a skill.

Na začátku být time keeper (skvělí začátek)

Include others – ti co se zatím neprojevili (zeptat se co si myslím)

Pouzívej jmena lidi z AC i kolem

Zadnou negativitu (nekritizovat) jen pozitiva 

After interview:

Sending a ‘thank you’ message (i.e. email or letter) to the interviewer after the job interview. Make sure that you keep in mind these aspects before you complete the interview process.

The general follow-up thank you letter after interview or thank you email is aimed at

better demonstrating your interest in the job position.

A thank you letter works wonders in broadcasting your professionalism, and more

importantly, your networking skills, to the interviewer. (maybe you will get another job)

3. Providing further information: It is the best piece of conversation with which the

interviewee can provide further information or elaborate on information already provided to

the interviewer. Therefore, the candidate can either use the thank you letter as a means of

underlining his/her inclination towards the job, or giving some more information about

him/her, or even using the communication as damage control.

4. Send to the important people: This letter should be sent to the important people whom

you have met in the company, or at least the individuals involved in the hiring process.

5. Time to send: You should ensure that the thank you letter reaches the people whom you

have met during the course of the interview within a minimum of twenty-four hours and a

maximum of forty-eight hours from the time that they attended the interview.

Dobrý den kolegyne a kolegové inženýři, je pravda že už máme tituly, každopádně jsme ještě neměli rozlučkovou oslavu. Tato skutečnost by se myslím měla napravit. Co takhle se tedy na závěr sejit a trochu to oslavit? V návrhu jsou tady tri data plus pokud chcete nejáke special místo tak do komentu ;)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8reU-H1PKQ&index=5&list=PLNIs-AWhQzckr8Dgmgb3akx_gFMnpxTN5 / macro