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John William Corrington

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John William Corrington
Narození28. října 1932
USA Memphis, USA
Úmrtí24. listopadu 1988 (ve věku 56 let)
USA Malibu, USA
ChoťJoyce Hooper Corrington

John William Corrington (28. října 1932 Memphis24. listopadu 1988 Malibu) byl americký filmový a televizní scenárista,[1] romanopisec, básník a právník.


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Corrington navštěvoval střední školu St. John's High School (od roku 1982 známou jako Loyola College Prep), avšak byl vyloučen, protože kouřil cigarety na schodech farního kostela. Nakonec absolvoval na střední škole C. E. Byrd High SchoolShreveportuLouisianě.


He received his B.A. degree from Centenary College in 1956 and his M.A. from Rice University in 1960, the year he took on his first teaching position in the English Department at Louisiana State University. While on leave from LSU, Corrington obtained his D.Phil. in 1965, from the University of Sussex and then moved to Loyola University New Orleans in 1966, as an Associate Professor of English, where he also served as chair of the English Department. Corrington graduated from Tulane University Law School in 1975, joined a small New Orleans personal injury law firm, Plotkin and Bradley, and spent the next three years practicing law.

During this time Corrington published four books of poetry, Where We Are (1962), The Anatomy of Love (1964), Mr. Clean (1964) and Lines to the South (1965). With Miller Williams, Corrington edited Southern Writing in the Sixties: Fiction (1966) and Southern Writing in the Sixties: Poetry (1967). Corrington also published four books of short stories, The Lonesome Traveler (1968), The Actes and Monuments (1978), The Southern Reporter (1981) and All My Trials (1987) and four novels, And Wait for the Night (1964), The Upper Hand (1967), The Bombardier (1970) and Shad Sentell (1984). He won an Award in Fiction from the National Endowment for the Arts and had a story included in the O. Henry Award Stories (1976) and three in the Best American Short Stories series, (1973, 1976 and 1977).

Spolu s jeho manželkou napsali pět scénářů k celovečerním filmům Von Richthofen a Brown (1969), The Omega Man (1971),[3] Bertha z dobytčáku (1971),[1] The Arena (1972) a Bitva o Planetu opic (1973) a jeden scénář k filmu televiznímu The Killer Bees (1974).

Corrington gave up the practice of law in 1978 and he and his wife, Joyce Corrington, became head writers for daytime serials. The Corringtons scripted Search for Tomorrow (1978–80), Another World (1980), Texas (1980–81), General Hospital (1982; hired by Gloria Monty), Capitol (1982–83, hired by John Conboy) and One Life to Live (1984). They also wrote and produced Superior Court, a syndicated series (1986–89). Texas and Superior Court were each nominated twice for a Daytime Emmy Award.

During this time, the Corringtons also published So Small a Carnival (1986), A Project Named Desire (1987), A Civil Death (1987) and The White Zone (1990). After Bill Corrington's death, his novella, "Decoration Day", was adapted as a Hallmark Hall of Fame television special (1990), which was nominated for an Emmy and won a Christopher Award and a Golden Globe award. The Collected Stories of John William Corrington was published in 1990, by the University of Missouri Press.

Centenary College inaugurated an award in his name in 1991.


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  1. a b THOMPSON, Howard. The Screen:'Boxcar Bertha' Tops Local Double Bill [online]. The New York Times, 1972-08-18 [cit. 2019-02-24]. Dostupné online. (anlgicky) 
  2. John William Corrington:Southern Man of Letters, UCA Press, page 175, 1994 [online]. Dostupné online. 
  3. THOMPSON, Howard. The Omega Man (1971) Screen: All Alone in L.A.:Charlton Heston Stars in 'The Omega Man' [online]. The New York Times, 1971-08-14 [cit. 2019-02-24]. Dostupné online. (anlgicky) 
  4. The John William Corrington Award for Literary Excellence

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Kamila Rundusová

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Kamila Rundusová
Narození6. února 1990 (35 let)[1]
Česko Praha, Česko[1]
Povoláníkuchařka a spisovatelka
VzděláníStřední škola gastronomická a hotelová
Žánrkuchařská kniha
Seznam děl: SKČR | Knihovny.cz
Chybí svobodný obrázek.

Kamila "Kamu" Rundusová[2][3] (* 6. února 1990, Praha)[1] je česká šéfkuchařka, cestovatelka a spisovatelka,[4] která od roku 2016 moderuje vlastní pořady na České televizi.[5][6]


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narození, místo, studium


ukončení studia, cestování, bistro


kniha, televize, "akce"


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[5] [6]


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  1. a b c Kamila Rundusová. Oficiální web [online]. Kamila Rundusová [cit. 2018-11-12]. Dostupné online. 
  2. ŠPRINCLOVÁ, Zuzana. Cestovatelka a šéfkuchařka Kamila Rundusová alias Kamu: Jídlo je moje úchylka [online]. Reflex, 2017-05-05 [cit. 2018-11-12]. Dostupné online. 
  3. JANSOVÁ, Petra. V Česku mám problém dobře se najíst, tvrdí elitní kuchařka [online]. Aktuálně.cz, 2014-10-10 [cit. 2018-11-12]. Dostupné online. 
  4. Forbes. Kamila Rundusová [online]. Forbes, 2016 [cit. 2018-11-12]. Dostupné online. 
  5. a b KAMU ve Vietnamu [online]. Česká Televize, 2016 [cit. 2018-11-12]. Dostupné online. 
  6. a b KAMU v Mexiku [online]. Česká Televize, 2018 [cit. 2018-11-12]. Dostupné online. 

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