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Z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie
Natalia Szafran-Kozakowska

Senior Global Movement Communications Specialist for the European Region
Wikimedia Foundation

email: nszafran@wikimedia.org
Timezone: UTC+1/+2 (CET/CEST)
Languages: pl-N, en-3, es-1, de-1

My Work
As a movement communications specialist I work with communities and affiliates in Europe, building bridges and relations and supporting collaboration in the region. I am also coordinating celebrating the pillars of our movement, the Wikimedians of exceptional contributions through WikiCelebrate.
About Me
I am a project organizer, a communicator, a passionate and curious reader, and (hopefully) a psychologist-to-be. But most of all – I am a Wikimedian. I have been a part of the Movement for more than a decade – as a volunteer (you can find my volunteer account here), as a Wikimedia Polska staff member and, now, from 2022, as a part of the Wikimedia Foundation.

I am located in Poznań, Poland. My favorite movie is Perfect Days, my favorite book is Neverending Story. I have a long list of things that make me happy, including: adding an article to Wikipedia, taking a long walk, meeting people (especially Wikimedians), and traveling. I laugh a lot, make friends quickly and try to put kindness and empathy in everything I do.

I start every day with a cup of coffee and end it with one of my three cats on my lap.
Vyloučení odpovědnosti
Pracuji pro nadaci Wikimedia nebo jí poskytuji služby a toto je účet, který používám pro editace nebo prohlášení, které dělám v této roli. Nadace Wikimedia ale nekontroluje veškerou mou činnost a editace, prohlášení a další příspěvky provedené tímto účtem nemusí odrážet názory nadace.