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Wikipedista:Jaidy~cswiki/Martina Schettina

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Martina Schettina
Narození7. března 1961
Vídeň, Rakousko
VzděláníVídeňská univerzita
Povolánímalířka, grafika, sochařka
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Orange Dress od Martiny Schettinové
Pentagram od Martiny Schettinové

Martina Schettinová (* 7. března 1961, Vídeň) je rakouská malířka, sochařka a umělkyně.

Martina Schettina se narodil 1961 v Vídeň. Otec was a Matematik. Studoval Matematika a Fyzika na Vídeňská univerzita. In 1989 she established her výtvarný ateliér v Langenzersdorf v Dolní Rakousy, and since 1992 Výstavy in Evropa, Spojené státy americké a Asie.

She studied with famous Rakousy umění. These were 1993 Ulrich Gansert, 1994 Peter Sengl and 1995 Hubert Aratym. In 2007 and 2008 she worked with the Chinese Artist Xiaolan Huangpu. Schettina taught from 1984 till 2007 at a gymnázium in Vídeň. Since 2008 her paintings are periodical published in the coloured Newspaper Kronen Zeitung on Sundays, which is the most read Austrian daily newspaper. Sometimes her paintings are printed in the newspaper Kleine Zeitung.

Since 1992 her artwork is shown in Austrian and international Výstavy. Her first single Výstavy outside Austria was 1999 in the Mots & Tableaux-Gallery in Bruselský region. Her paintings and sculptures has been shown in many exhibitions in Muzeums and gallerys in Europe, USA and Asia and were shown at art fairs such as Art Expo New York, Art Vilnius, CIGE (China international gallery exposition) Beijing and Art Shanghai.

In her narrative, figurative work the artists concerns with the position of women in the community (society). She challenges the validation of the role models of men and women in the past and today. Because her bodies seem to be transparent, Schettina is called the painter with the glassy hand. Her work is influenced by Pop art. Her Painting "Orange Dress", which shows a self-confident, modern woman, was 2009 shown on the poster of the exhibition "City. Country. Woman." in Muzeum of the City Krems, Austria. From 2008 on Schettina deals with mathemetical themes, which she transforms to paintings.[1][2] In December 2009 the book „Mathemagische Bilder“ containing Malířství and essays was published in Vídeň.[3]

  • 1994 Poster contest of the Austrian Ministry of Environment, special prize
  • 1998 "The new champions", offspring contest of the Vídeň cultural network. (Today Basis.Kultur.Wien[4]
  • 2001 1st prize at ARTforum-contest October 2006
  • 2002: registered in Archives on Women Artists of the National Muzeum of Women in the Arts in Washington DC.[5]
  • 2006 gold medal of honour for Science and Art, Austrian Albert Schweitzer Society[6][7][8]
  • 2009 "artist of the month July 2009" elected by the editorial department of "Kunstforum"[9]

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Malířství: Orange Dress by Martina Schettina

Martina Schettina (* 7. Březen 1961, Vídeň) je rakouský malíř, sochař, umění.


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  • 1994: Catalogue Schettina
  • 2002: Bewegte(s) Leben: Frauenbiografien aus dem Weinviertel by Gabi Lempradl and Hermann Richter, published by Bibliothek der Provinz. One of 14 Women-Biographies ISBN 3-85252-533-0
  • 2002: Catalogue: mARTina schettina, Magierbilder 2002 published by Eisl and friends, ISBN 3-9501524-2-3
  • 2003 Keine Katze wie Du und ich von Erne Seder, publishing house Langen-Müller-Herbig München; Illustrations and Cover, ISBN 3-7844-2930-0
  • 2006: Catalogue zweitausendsechs. published by Eisl and friends, Atelier mARTina schettina Langenzersdorf, 2006,
  • 2007: Linz 2007. Exhibition catalogue. Digital print Linz, Gallery ARTpark Lenaupark City Linz.
  • 2008: Wein, Weib und Gesang. Poetry. Paintings by Martina Schettina, poems by Michaela Gansterer. published by Michaela Gansterer, Hainburg.
  • Art-encyclopedia Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz 20. edition; No: 207599-2; K. G. Saur Verlag,
  • 2009: Martina Schettina:Mathemagische Bilder - Bilder und Texte. Vernissage Edition Brod Media, Vienna 2009, ISBN 978-3-200-01743-6 (German).


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Works in the private HMZ collection Spielfeld, Austria and the collection Helmut Klewan Munich/Vienna. Sculptures are found in Skulpturenpark Artpark Linz and in the public space of Poysdorf. Artwork by Martina Schettina is also preserved the Museum of Lower Austria, the Weinstadtmuseums Krems, the Hanak-Museum in Langenzersdorf, the Oskar Kokoschka-Museum in Pöchlarn and the collection of the city of Vienna.


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  1. Article in MU - Der Mathematikunterricht "Mathematik und Kunst" Jg 55 - Heft 2 - April 2009 - Friedrich Verlag, Herausgeber Stefan Deschauer TU Dresden ISSN-Nr. 0025-5807 (German)
  2. „Fibonacci-Zahlen in Bildender Kunst und Literatur“ von Ingmar Lehmann (recalled at November 7, 2009)
  3. ORF Ö1 Leporello February 22 2010 (recalled at February 24th 2010).
  4. Ringgalerie and Erläuterung zum Wiener Volksbildungswerk. (recalled at June 8th 2009.)
  5. Entry Schettina, Martina In: CLARA - Database of Women Artists im National Muzeum of Women in the Arts. (recalled at june 5th 2009)
  6. award ceremony
  7. Decorationes of the OeASG
  8. OeASG Austrian Albert Schweitzer Society
  9. Kunstforum Austria (German) (recalled at July 3rd 2009)
  10. Martina Schettina - Zweitausendsex (recalled at June 17th 2009)
  11. Austrian Cultural Forum Paris (recalled at June 29, 2009)
  12. Martina Schettina: "Magic People. Magic Spaces" from March 1st-24th 2008 in Kokoschka-Haus, Pöchlarn Lower Austria. See also: Ausstellungen im Kokoschka-Haus In: "Pöchlarn Aktuell" March 2008, p. 20.
  13. Austrian Cultural Forum Paris (recalled at June 29,.2009)
  14. mARTina Schettina - Stadt.Land.Frau, from June 5 to July 26, 2009, Gallery 1st floor in City Muzeum Krems. (recalled at June 4th 2009.)
  15. About the exhibition, interview on Radio Ö1(recalled at May 23, 2010)
  16. Franz Müllner: 120 Years Egon Schiele, 20 Years Egon-Schiele-Museum: Special Exhibition. Official press release by the City of Tulln, published in Kunstaspekte (recalled at Oct 5 2010) (German)
  17. Vinspirace Breclav 2006 [1] catalogue page 19
  18. Europe and Asia today vom 7.9.-4.10.2008 [2] ARTcenter Berlin (recalled at June 7th 2009)
  19. 100 Hours of Astronomy in Vienna [3] (recalled at June 13th 2009)
  20. May 2009 TV ORF Österreichischer Rundfunk Magyarok(Hungarian)[4] (recalled at June 13th 2009)
  21. Art curator Prof. Dr. Raminta Jurenaite about ART Vilnius ‘09 (recalled at July 8)
  22. Press release Art Vilnius 09(recalled at July 8, 2009)
  23. Stardust in Ars Electronica Center Linz(german)
  24. Aesthetica magazine online (Englisch) (last recall December 14th 2009)
  25. 100 Stunden Astronomie in Wien [5] (abgerufen Juni 13 2009)
  26. Mai 2007 Report in TV ORF Österreichischer Rundfunk Magyarok(Hungarian)[6] (recalled June 13 2009)
  27. Preview on the Website of DHM (German Historical Museum)
  28. Website of the university, German(recalled at Nov 28, 2010)
  29. directory (recalled at July 5, 2009)

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