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Čtverný skok, nebo ve sportovním slangu čtverák, je figura v krasobruslení s alespoň třemi, ale méně než čtyřmi otáčkami.[1] Většina čtverných skoků má 3 a půl otáčky; čtverný axel má 4 1/2 otáčky, ačkoli žádný krasobruslař nedokončil tento skok v soutěži. Čtverný toe loop a čtverný salchow jsou dva nejčastěji skákané v této disciplíně. Čtverné skoky jsou stále častější mezi jednotlivými krasobruslaři na světové a olympijské úrovni, a to do té míry, že neskočení jednoho v programu je považováno za vážný handicap.[2][3] První osobou na světě, která zvládla čtverný skok a byl schválen, byl kanadský krasobruslař Kurt Browning v roce 1988. V roce 2002 se Miki Ando stala první ženou, která zvládla čtverný skok a zůstává jednou ze dvou žen, kterým byl v soutěži skok schválen.

Historie prvních skoků

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V singlové soutěži mužů:

  • 25. března 1988 na mistrovství světa v Budapešti (Maďarsko) Kanaďan Kurt Browning ustál první soutěžní čtverný skok (čtverný toe loop)
  • 7. března 1998 ve finále Junior Grand Prix v Lausanne ve Švýcarsku Timothy Goebel ustál prvního čtverného salchowa a zvláště čtverného salchowa v kombinaci.
  • 16. září 2011 v krátkém programu v Coloradu Springs Invitational Brandon Mroz ustál první schválený čtverný lutz v sankcionované soutěži.[4][5][6][7][8] Dne 12. listopadu zvládl čtverného Lutze na NHK Trophy a tím se stal prvním krasobruslařem, který ho úspěšně zvládl na mezinárodní soutěži.
  • 22. dubna 2016 v krátkém programu v Týmovém Challenge Cupu ve Spokane ve Spojených státech Shoma Uno skočil v soutěži první uznaný čtverný flip.[9]
  • 30. září 2016 v krátkém programu na Autumn Classic International v Montrealu v Kanadě Yuzuru Hanyu ustál první uznaný čtverný loop (v Evropě také známý jako "rittberger" ) v soutěži.[10]
  • Žádný čtverný axel zatím nebyl schválen.
  • Žádná kombinace čtverných skoků (čtverný skok následovaný čtverným loopem nebo toe loopem nebo jakákoliv kombinace čtverných skoků) nebyla zatím uznána.

V soutěži žen:

  • 14. prosince 2002 ve volné jízdě ve finále Junior Grand Prix v Haagu v Nizozemsku Miki Ando ustála prvního uznaného salchowa v soutěži.
  • 10. března 2018 ve volné jízdě na mistrovství světa juniorů v krasobruslení v Sofie, Bulharsko, Alexandra Trusova skočila první uznaný čtverný toe loop v soutěži. Dále jako druhá žena zvládla čtverný salchow, jako první žena zvládla dva čtverné skoky v jednom programu a dva různé tipy čtverných skoků v programu.[11]
  • 7. září 2018 ve volné jízdě na Junior Grand Prix v Kaunasu, Litva, Alexandra Trusova jako první žena zvládla kombinaci se čtverným skokem v soutěži, skočila čtverný toe loop a vzápětí trojítý toe loop.
  • 12. října 2018 ve volné jízdě na Junior Grand Prix v Jerevanu, Arménie, Alexandra Trusova skočila první čtverný lutz v soutěži.

V soutěži párů:

Timeline of major events

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  • 1983
    • Mark Cockerell (USA) lands quads in training at the US National Sports Festival, but decides not to try it during his performance.[13]
  • 1984
    • Alexander Fadeyev (USSR) attempts a quad toe at the Olympics, but it is not officially recognized by the ISU because of a flawed landing.[14]
  • 1986
  • 1987
  • 1988
    • Kurt Browning (CAN) lands the first ratified quadruple jump, a toe loop, at the World Championships (with three turns on the landing).[15][17][18] Browning said: "I remember that there were a few people landing the jump (in practice) long before I did, and by watching them I was inspired to try it myself. After landing it, I certainly expected more skaters to start doing it in competition. I was surprised in the next few years when that really did not happen."[15]
    • Brian Boitano (USA) attempts a quad toe later in the same competition but cannot hold the landing and takes an extra step; ruled not valid.[17]
  • 1989
    • Kurt Browning (CAN) lands a quad toe loop at the World Championships but touchdown with free foot.[18]
  • 1990
    • Alexei Urmanov (USSR) becomes the first Soviet skater to land a quad (quad toe loop) in competition, at the Soviet championships in December.
    • Petr Barna (CZE) lands a quad toe loop, but touches down with free foot at the European Championships in January
  • 1991
    • Erik Larson (USA) attempts a slide spiral into a quad toe lands it and turns out at the NHK Trophy.
    • Michael Chack (USA) attempts a one-foot Axel/quad Salchow combination at the U.S. Nationals; quad landing is two-footed.
    • Alexei Urmanov (RUS) lands a quadruple toe loop at the European Championships in January.
    • Elvis Stojko (CAN) lands the first quad in combination, the first quadruple toe loop-double toe loop combination, at the World Championships.[19] He later said that he had studied VHS tapes of Browning, Boitano, Fadeev, and Sabovcik to master the quad.[20]
  • 1992
    • Petr Barna (CZE) lands a quad toe loop, but stepping out on landing at the European Championships in January.[21]
    • Alexei Urmanov (CIS) lands a quad toe loop at the European Championships in January
    • Konstantin Kostin (LAT) lands a quad toe loop at the European Championships in January
    • Alexei Urmanov (CIS) lands the first quad (toe loop) in Olympic competition but touches down with the right hand.
    • Petr Barna (CZE) lands a huge quad toe-loop but touch down with free foot.[22]
  • 1993
    • Konstantin Kostin (LAT) lands a quad toe loop at the European Championships in January
  • 1994
    • Zhang Min (CHN) lands a quad toe cleanly at the Winter Olympics, Lillehammer.
    • Elvis Stojko (CAN) attempts a quad toe-triple toe combination at the World Championships, but steps out on the landing.Šablona:Cn
  • 1995
  • 1996
  • 1997
    • Michael Weiss (USA) two-foots a quad toe attempt at the U.S. Nationals.[26]
    • Elvis Stojko (CAN) lands the first quad-triple combination (the first quad toe-triple toe) at the Champions Series Final.[20]
    • A total of three quads are landed by three different skaters at this competition: Ilia Kulik (RUS), Alexei Urmanov (RUS) and Elvis Stojko (CAN).
    • Guo Zhengxin (CHN) is the first to land two quads in a single performance at the World Championships: a quad toe, plus a quad toe-double toe combination, thus also making him the first to land a single quad and a quad in combination together in one performance.
    • Elvis Stojko repeats his quad toe-triple toe at the World Championships.
    • Anthony Liu (AUS) becomes the first Australian to land a quad at his country's national championships in July (quad toe loop).
    • 17-year-old Tim Goebel (USA) attempts quads throughout the fall season at the Junior Champions series and attempts a quad Salchow at the Ukrainian Souvenir competition (where five other men planned quads). The attempt is ruled a two-footed landing.
  • 1998
    • Michael Weiss (USA) attempts a quad lutz in both his U.S. Nationals free skate (two-footed) and in his Olympic free skate (fall).
    • Todd Eldredge (USA) falls on a quad toe attempt at the U.S. Nationals.
    • Timothy Goebel (USA) becomes the first American to land a quadruple jump (a quad Salchow in combination with a double toe loop) in competition at the Junior Champions Series Final. In so doing he also lands the first quadruple Salchow and the first quad Salchow in combination (as well as the first quad combination by an American). The jump is ratified by the ISU a month later.[27]
    • Ilia Kulik (RUS) becomes the first Olympic champion to land a quad in a winning program.
    • The ISU votes to permit solo quadruple jumps in the men's short program at their biennial congress in June.
    • Timothy Goebel (USA) lands a clean (solo) quad Salchow at the Goodwill Games in July.
    • Derek Schmidt (CAN) attempts quad toe loops in his short programs during two minor regional Canadian summer competitions but fails to complete the jumps cleanly.
    • Elvis Stojko (CAN) is the first to attempt a quad (toe loop) in a short program at a major international competition at Skate America, but falls on the attempt.
  • 1999
    • Zhang Min (CHN) becomes the first man to land a quadruple jump (a toe loop) in a short program at the Four Continents Championship in February.[28]
    • Michael Weiss (USA) is the first American to land a quadruple toe at the World Championships.[29]
    • Ilia Klimkin (RUS) becomes the first man to land two different quadruple jumps (salchow and toe loop) in a program at the 1999 Nebelhorn Trophy.[30]
    • Timothy Goebel (USA) becomes the first man to land three quadruple jumps in a program (long program) at 1999 Skate America in October; he landed a quad salchow, quad toe loop in combination, and a quad toe as a solo jump.[15]
    • Evgeni Plushenko (RUS) performs the world's first quad-triple-double (quadruple toe-triple toe-double loop) combination at the NHK Trophy.
  • 2000
    • Alexei Yagudin (RUS) lands two quadruple jumps in his long program at the World Championships, including one in combination[31]
    • Todd Eldredge (USA) lands his first quadruple jump in competition at the Masters of Figure Skating.Šablona:Cn
  • 2001
    • Evgeni Plushenko (RUS) lands a quad-triple-double (quadruple toe-triple toe-double loop) at the World Championships.
    • Evgeni Plushenko (RUS) falls on a quad lutz attempt at the Cup of Russia.
  • 2002
    • Alexei Yagudin (RUS) lands a quad-triple combination jump in his short program at the 2002 Olympics.[32]
    • Alexei Yagudin (RUS) lands two quads in his Olympic-winning long program: 1) a quad-triple-double (quadruple toe, toe-triple toe, double loop) combination and 2) a quadruple toe loop.[33]
    • Evgeni Plushenko (RUS) lands two quads in his Olympics long program: a quadruple toe-triple toe-triple loop attempt (step out on the last jump) and a solo quad toe.[34]
    • Zhang Min (CHN) is the first to land three quadruple jumps in the long program at the Olympic Games.[35]
    • Timothy Goebel (USA) lands a quad salchow-triple toe loop combination in his Olympic short program.
    • Timothy Goebel (USA) lands two quad salchow (one in combination with a triple toe loop) and one quad toe loop during his Olympic free program.
    • Evgeni Plushenko (RUS) lands the first quad-triple-triple (quadruple toe-triple toe-triple loop) combination in competition at the Cup of Russia.
  • 2003
  • 2006
    • Evgeni Plushenko (RUS) performs a quadruple toe-triple toe-double loop combination in his Olympic-winning free skate.Šablona:Cn
    • Stephane Lambiel (CHE) performs a quadruple toe-triple toe-double loop combination during his free skate at the Olympics. He attempts a second quad past the halfway point, but steps out and touches down with his hand.[37]
    • Brian Joubert (FRA) lands three quads (a quad toe in combination with double toe, a quad Salchow and a second quad toe) in competition at the Cup of Russia. He became the first European to perform it, and the first skater to land three quads in a free program under the ISU Judging System.[38]
  • 2008
  • 2010
  • 2011
    • Brandon Mroz (USA) lands a quad Lutz in the short program at the 2011 Colorado Springs Invitational.[4][5] The U.S. Figure Skating-sanctioned competition was a small non-ISU event with three men's entries, making it unclear whether the accomplishment would be recognized by the International Skating Union.[5][43] On October 26, the ISU announced it had ratified the jump as the first quad Lutz to be performed in a sanctioned competition.[6][7] World Champion Patrick Chan of Canada commented, "I don't think it can be an official ISU record until [Mroz] has done it in an ISU event."[44]
    • Adam Rippon attempted quad Lutz in his free skating at the 2011 Skate Canada, but the jump was downgraded and two-footed.[45]
    • On November 12, 2011, Brandon Mroz (USA) landed a quad Lutz as his opening jump in the men's short program at the NHK Trophy in Sapporo, Japan, becoming the first skater to land a quadruple lutz in international competition.[46]
    • Kevin Reynolds (CAN) attempts quad loop at 2011 Cup of China. The jump was downgraded, then he fell.[47]
  • 2012
    • Kevin Reynolds (CAN) attempts quad loop at 2012 World Team Trophy. The jump was underrotated, then he fell.[48]
    • Javier Fernández (ESP) becomes the second European skater to land three quads (two salchows and a toe-loop) in a free program and the first one to do it with a quad-triple combination (4S+3T) at the 2012 Grand Prix Final in Sochi, Russia.
  • 2013
    • Brian Joubert (FRA) becomes the first skater to land more than 100 quadruple jumps in his career at international competitions.[49]
    • Vladislav Sesganov (RUS) becomes the first European skater to have landed quadruple Lutz in a competition at the 2013 International Cup of Nice.[50]
    • Javier Fernández (ESP) becomes the first skater to land three quads twice in the same season after the 2012-13 Grand Prix Final and the 2013 European Championships. In both programs he did two quad Salchows and a quad toe loop, the first Salchow in combination with a triple toe loop.
    • Kevin Reynolds (CAN) becomes the first figure skater to land five quads in one competition
  • 2014
  • 2015
    • Alexei Krasnozhon (USA) at a JGP in Latvia attempts the quad loop. The jump was downgraded and received a fall deduction.[52] He also attempts quad loop at a JGP in Poland but the jump is underrotated.[53]
    • Boyang Jin (CHN) at a domestic competition (2015 National Grand Prix) lands six quad jumps in two programs: 4Lz-3T combination and 4T in a short program, and 4Lz, 4S, 4T-2T, 4T in a free skate, although he steps out on the quad Lutz.[54]
    • Boyang Jin (CHN) lands a successful quad Lutz - triple toe-loop (4Lz-3T) combination during his senior debut, the short program at the 2015 ISU Grand Prix event, Cup of China. The jump combination earned +1.29 GOE and Jin became the first man to land a positively graded 4Lz in an official ISU competition and the first man to jump a 4Lz in combination. Jin landed two successful quads in his short program. During the free skate Jin attempted four quads, landing a 4Lz, 4T-2T, 4T, but falling on his 4S attempt. He earned +2.14 GOE on his 4Lz, landing it for the second time in one competition.
    • Boyang Jin (CHN) at the 2015-16 Grand Prix Final lands six quad jumps in two programs: 4Lz-3T combination and 4T in a short program, and 4Lz, 4S, 4T-2T, 4T in a free skate, although he steps out on the quad Salchow.[55]
  • 2016
  • 2017
    • Nathan Chen (USA) at the 2017 U.S. Figure Skating Championships becomes the first skater in history to land 1) four different types of quads in a free skating program (Lutz, flip, toeloop, Salchow), 2) five quads in total in a free skating program, and 3) seven quads in total in both his short program and free skating.[62]
    • Shoma Uno (JPN) successfully lands a quad loop in his free skate at the 2017 Four Continents Championships. He also lands a quad flip and two quad toe loops in the same programs.[63]
    • Yuzuru Hanyu (JPN) becomes the first competitor to land three quads in the second half of a free skating program.[64]
    • Nathan Chen (USA) became the first figure skater in history to have landed five different types of quads across various competitions: toe loop, Salchow, loop, flip and Lutz, following his successful quadruple loop at the 2017 US International Figure Skating Classic.
    • Yaroslav Paniot (UKR) successfully lands a quad flip in his free skate at the 2017 US International Figure Skating Classic.
    • Mikhail Kolyada (RUS) successfully lands a quad Lutz in his free skate at the 2017 Ondrej Nepela Memorial.
    • Yuzuru Hanyu (JPN) successfully lands a quad Lutz at the 2017 Rostelecom Cup (Cup of Russia).
    • Alexander Samarin (RUS) became the first European skater to land a quad Lutz in combination with a triple toe in international competitions at the 2017 Skate Canada.
    • Nathan Chen (USA) became the first figure skater in history to land two quad Lutz jumps in a free skating and three quad Lutz jumps in a single competition at the 2017 Skate America.
    • Daniel Grassl (ITA) became the youngest person to land a quad Lutz jump in international competition, at the age of 15. He did so in his free skate at the 2017 CS Golden Spin of Zagreb.
  • 2018
    • Nathan Chen (USA) at the 2018 Winter Olympics Team event (men's short) became the first skater to land a quad flip at the Olympics.[65]
    • Vincent Zhou (USA) became the first skater to land a quad Lutz at the Olympics.[66]
    • Nathan Chen (USA) was the first to land six quads in a free skate (five of them cleanly), also at the 2018 Winter Olympics.[65]
    • Vincent Zhou (USA) successfully lands a quad flip in competition at the World Championships.
    • Stephen Gogolev (CAN) became the youngest person to land quad Lutz, quad Salchow and quad toe in international competition, at the age of 13. He landed three quad jumps in his free skate at the 2018 Junior Grand Prix Slovakia.
    • Dmitri Aliev (RUS) became the first European skater to have completed three quadruple jumps (toe loop, Lutz and Salchow) in international competitions. He added the quad Lutz during the 2018 Winter Olympics and the quad Salchow during the 2018 Lombardia Trophy.
    • Daniel Grassl (ITA) became the first European skater to have completed quad loop in international competition. He did so in his free skate at the 2018 Golden Bear in Zagreb.
    • Artur Dmitriev Jr. (RUS) became the first skater to have attempted quad axel in international competition. He did so in his free skate at the 2018 Rostelecom Cup. His jump was recognized as quad axel in the protocols, though it was downgraded. [67]
  • 1989
    • Surya Bonaly (FRA) attempts a quad toe loop at the European Championships; first quad attempt by a woman in a major competition. She also falls on a quad Salchow attempt.
  • 1991
    • Surya Bonaly (FRA) lands an underrotated quad attempt at the World Championships.
  • 1992
    • Surya Bonaly (FRA) lands an underrotated quad toe loop at the Olympics and later repeats this at the World Championships.[68][69]
  • 1996
    • Surya Bonaly (FRA) attempts a quad Salchow at the World Championships, but lands forward and falls.[70]
  • 2001
    • Sasha Cohen (USA) lands a quad Salchow in warmup and practice at Skate America, but her attempt in the long program ends up aborted.[71]
  • 2002
    • Miki Ando (JPN) becomes the first woman to land a rotated quadruple (a Salchow) at the Junior Grand Prix Final.[72]
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019

A jump harness is often employed in training quads.[85] Max Aaron stated that the smallest error may make the difference in the success of a quad attempt: "The minute your left arm is behind you, or your three-turn is too fast, if your hips don't turn in time, if your foot isn't in the right place, anything will throw you off."[85] Ross Miner stated that the quality of the ice sometimes plays a role but more on the quad salchow than the toe loop.[85] Practicing quads increases the risk of injury as well as wear and tear on a skater's body.[85][86]


[editovat | editovat zdroj]
  1. GLOSSARY [online]. International Olympic Committee. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném z originálu dne June 9, 2006. 
  2. BORZILLERI, Meri-Jo. Not taking same path as others. The Gazette (Colorado Springs). March 25, 2003. 
  3. BRENNAN, Christine. Adam Rippon solid again, but can't keep up technically in men's figure skating competition. USA Today. February 16, 2018. Dostupné online. (English) 
  4. a b Brandon Mroz - Quad Lutz (2011 Colorado Springs invitational) at Official U.S. Figure Skating Youtube
  5. a b c HERSH, Philip. Top skating official says Mroz could jump into record books. The Chicago Tribune. September 21, 2011. Dostupné online [cit. September 21, 2011]. 
  6. a b The first reportedly recognized quadruple Lutz jump [online]. International Skating Union, October 26, 2011. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném z originálu dne October 29, 2011. 
  7. a b ROSEWATER, Amy. ISU confirms Mroz's historic accomplishment. Icenetwork. October 26, 2011. Dostupné online [cit. October 26, 2011]. 
  8. Brandon Mroz's quad lutz validated. Associated Press. ESPN, October 26, 2011. Dostupné online. 
  9. HOANG, Mai. Uno lands historic quad flip at Team Challenge. Golden Skate. April 23, 2016. Dostupné online. 
  10. Hanyu first to nail quadruple loop. The Japan Times Online. October 1, 2016. Dostupné online [cit. October 2, 2016]. ISSN 0447-5763. (anglicky) 
  11. a b 13-year-old is first female figure skater to land two quads (video). OlympicTalk. March 10, 2018. Dostupné online [cit. March 10, 2018]. (anglicky) 
  12. HINES, James R. Historical Dictionary of Figure Skating. [s.l.]: Scarecrow Press ISBN 0810868598. S. 57. 
  13. Cockerell Captures Skating. Associated Press. The New York Times, June 27, 2003. 
  14. Smith. "Figure Skating: A Celebration"
  15. a b c d WILNER, Barry. The quad: Skating's evolution is for more revolution. CBS Sports. December 2, 1999. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném z originálu dne October 31, 2000. 
  16. Boitano Isn't Upset By Loss Of His Title.Chybí název periodika! The New York Times, March 14, 1987. 
  17. a b A Quadruple Jump on Ice. Associated Press. The New York Times, March 26, 1988. Dostupné online [cit. October 14, 2007]. 
  18. a b Kurt Browning FAQ. www.skate.org. Dostupné online. 
  19. DODD, Mike. Men leaps and bounds ahead in skating. USA Today. February 15, 2002. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném z originálu dne November 3, 2012. 
  20. a b KWONG, PJ. The Quad and The Canadians. CBC Sports. October 29, 2010. Dostupné online [cit. October 31, 2011]. 
  21. Šablona:Ru icon European Championships - Men's 26, 2012/http://kiraivanova.nm.ru/EURO_CHAMPS_MEN.htm Archivováno 26. 4. 2012 na Wayback Machine.
  22. JANOFSKY, Michael. Petrenko Gets a Gold, Wylie a Silver Surprise. The New York Times. February 16, 1992. Dostupné online. 
  23. L'Equipe. 12/1994
  24. Patinage Magazine #46, page 56
  25. Worlds [online]. Iceskatingintnl.com, March 24, 1996 [cit. 2011-11-12]. Dostupné online. 
  26. LONGMAN, Jere. Kwan's Slips Open Door For a Younger Champion. The New York Times. February 16, 1997. Dostupné online [cit. October 31, 2011]. 
  27. Atlanta Journal-Constitution, January 4, 1998
  28. Zhang [online]. [cit. 2011-11-12]. Dostupné online. 
  29. Michael Weiss: Online Interview [online]. May 16, 2004 [cit. 2011-11-12]. Dostupné online. 
  30. MITTAN, Barry. Klimkin Recovers From Injuries to Record Best Season. GoldenSkate. May 6, 2003. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném z originálu dne November 29, 2009. 
  31. Quad jumps bring Yagudin third title. The Independent, London. March 21, 2000. 
  32. Yagudin short program at the 2002 Olympics [online]. Dostupné online. 
  33. Yagudin 2002 Olympic Long Program [online]. Dostupné online. 
  34. Plushenko 2002 Olympic Free Program, Carmen [online]. Dostupné online. 
  35. Yagudin skates to glory. BBC News. February 15, 2002. Dostupné online [cit. May 22, 2010]. 
  36. 2003 Four Continents Figure Skating Championships: Highlights. Golden Skate. February 20, 2003. Dostupné online. 
  37. Stephane Lambiel FS Olympic Winter Games 2006 (Torino) [online]. [cit. 2014-04-13]. Dostupné online. 
  38. BANGS, Kathleen. Brian Joubert: In Peak Form. Golden Skate. January 20, 2007. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném z originálu dne September 28, 2007. 
  39. Buttle's world gold comes without quad; Weir takes bronze. Associated Press. ESPN, March 22, 2008. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném z originálu dne November 6, 2012. 
  40. MACUR, Juliet. Lysacek Wins the Gold With Style. The New York Times. February 19, 2010. Dostupné online. 
  41. ISU World Figure Skating Championships 2010 - Men Free Skating Judges Details Per Skater [online]. International Skating Union, March 25, 2010. Dostupné online. 
  42. NEALIN, Laurie. Oda leads, Reynolds makes history at Skate Canada. Agence France-Presse. Google News, October 29, 2010. Dostupné online [cit. October 26, 2011]. 
  43. AINSWORTH, Alexa. Will Mroz's quad Lutz go down in history? [online]. September 21, 2011 [cit. 2011-10-31]. Dostupné online. 
  44. RUTHERFORD, Lynn. Rippon plans quad Lutz at Skate Canada. web.icenetwork.com. October 27, 2011. Dostupné online [cit. October 31, 2011]. 
  45. http://www.isuresults.com/results/gpcan2011/gpcan2011_Men_FS_Scores.pdf
  46. Brandon Mroz lands historic quad lutz [online]. Espn.go.com, January 1, 2008 [cit. 2011-11-12]. Dostupné online. 
  47. http://www.isuresults.com/results/gpchn2011/gpchn2011_Men_FS_Scores.pdf
  48. http://www.isuresults.com/results/wtt2012/wtt2012_Men_FS_M_Scores.pdf
  49. 100. La Nouvelle Republique. February 27, 2013. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném z originálu dne March 10, 2013. (French) 
  51. http://fsevents.narod.ru/event/s1415/cup2spb/cup2spb_MMC__Scores.pdf
  52. http://www.isuresults.com/results/season1516/jgplat2015/jgplat2015_JuniorMen_FS_Scores.pdf
  53. http://www.isuresults.com/results/season1516/jgppol2015/jgppol2015_JuniorMen_FS_Scores.pdf
  54. http://chnfs.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/2015_NationalGrand_Prix-Protocol.pdf
  55. ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final [online]. International Skating Union, December 13, 2015. Dostupné online. 
  56. 2016 U.S. Figure Skating Championships [online]. U.S. Figure Skating, January 22, 2016. Dostupné online. 
  57. Team Challenge Cup [online]. US Figure Skating, April 23, 2016 [cit. 2016-05-09]. Dostupné online. 
  58. First quadruple flip performed in competition [online]. ISU, April 29, 2016 [cit. 2016-05-09]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném z originálu dne May 3, 2016. 
  59. Team North America Comes In Second On First Night Of Figure Skating's Team Challenge Cup [online]. Team USA, April 23, 2016 [cit. 2016-05-09]. Dostupné online. 
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