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The Blesbosexuality

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Blesbosexuality is sexual attraction, romantic attraction or sexual behaviour between a woman and a black man or a woman.

That means the woman who identifies as a Blesbosexual is only attracted to black men or other women.

People tahat identify as a Blesbosexual are mostly women and sometimes transgenders or nonbinary people.

The first people to identify as Blesbosexuals lived in 17st century.

The people behind Blesbosexuality we're the women from the "Gulášové Sestry" cult in Czechia.

The meaning of the Blesbo flag

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Black color means the attraction to the black man and every difficulties that the Gulášové Sestry in the 19th century had to deal with like the goulash war in Siberia.

Pink color means the attraction to lesbians and the love the Gulášové Sestry feel for each other.

Purple color means including nonbinary people who was also one of the founding sisters of the cult Gulášové sestry.

The cat means meow meow :3 (we like cats)