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Vykreslovací výstupní jednotka, občas zaměňováno za "ROP", nebo také rozhraní rastrových operací, je hardwarová součástka grafických procesorů (GPU) a je jedním z posledních kroků vykreslovacího procesu v moderních grafických kartách. Pixelové rozhraní vezme informace o pixelu a texelu a zpracuje je, pomocí specifických výpočtů s maticemi a vektory do výsledného pixelu. Tomuto procesu se říká rasterizace. ROP má na starost antialiasing, když se více vzorků spojí do jednoho pixelu. ROPs perform the transactions between the relevant buffers in the local memory – this includes writing or reading values, as well as blending them together. Dedicated antialiasing hardware used to perform hardware-based antialiasing methods like MSAA is contained in ROPs.

All data rendered has to travel through the ROP in order to be written to the framebuffer, from there it can be transmitted to the display.

Therefore, the ROP is where the GPU's output is assembled into a bitmapped image ready for display.

Historically the number of ROPs, TMUs, and shader processing units/stream processors have been equal. However, from 2004, several GPUs have decoupled these areas to allow optimum transistor allocation for application workload and available memory performance. As the trend continues, it is expected that graphics processors will continue to decouple the various parts of their architectures to enhance their adaptability to future graphics applications. This design also allows chip makers to build a modular line-up, where the top-end GPUs are essentially using the same logic as the low-end products.[1]

See also Graphics pipeline Rendering (computer graphics) Execution unit