Příspěvky uživatele Huntster
Výsledky pro uživatele Huntster diskuse kniha zablokování načtené soubory protokolovací záznamy kniha globálních zablokování globální účet protokol zneužití globální příspěvky
Uživatel s 43 editacemi. Účet vytvořený 11. 2. 2009.
26. 6. 2023
- 21:3426. 6. 2023, 21:34 rozdíl historie +12 m Bell X-2 (GR) Duplicate: File:X-2 DVIDS835152.jpg → File:X-2 on Transportation Dolly.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:X-2 on Transportation Dolly.jpg
21. 7. 2022
- 22:1221. 7. 2022, 22:12 rozdíl historie +7 m Skupina galaxií M 96 (GR) Duplicate: File:Messier 105.jpg → File:M105 (37482401952).jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:M105 (37482401952).jpg aktuální
- 22:1221. 7. 2022, 22:12 rozdíl historie +7 m Messier 105 (GR) Duplicate: File:Messier 105.jpg → File:M105 (37482401952).jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:M105 (37482401952).jpg
22. 1. 2022
- 03:4122. 1. 2022, 03:41 rozdíl historie 0 m Hunga Tonga – Hunga Haʻapai (GR) File renamed: File:13 January 2021 eruption of Hunga Tonga.gif → File:13 January 2022 eruption of Hunga Tonga.gif Fixing date in title.
21. 12. 2021
- 15:3821. 12. 2021, 15:38 rozdíl historie +10 m Základní posádky Mezinárodní vesmírné stanice (GR) File:The station pictured from the SpaceX Crew Dragon 2.jpg → File:The station pictured from the SpaceX Crew Dragon 5 (cropped).jpg replace usages of previous image with one that is less blatantly a poorly developed mosaic
- 15:3821. 12. 2021, 15:38 rozdíl historie +10 m Mezinárodní vesmírná stanice (GR) File:The station pictured from the SpaceX Crew Dragon 2.jpg → File:The station pictured from the SpaceX Crew Dragon 5 (cropped).jpg replace usages of previous image with one that is less blatantly a poorly developed mosaic
- 14:4021. 12. 2021, 14:40 rozdíl historie +4 m Dragon C209 (GR) File:SpaceX CRS-24 Patch.png → File:SpaceX CRS-24 NASA Logo.jpg replace fabric patch with graphical logo
20. 11. 2021
- 11:1520. 11. 2021, 11:15 rozdíl historie −16 m SpaceX CRS-19 (GR) Duplicate: File:SpaceX Dragon resupply ship approaches the ISS.jpg → File:ISS061-E-69105 - View of Earth.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:ISS061-E-69105 - View of Earth.jpg
10. 10. 2020
- 00:4710. 10. 2020, 00:47 rozdíl historie +22 Podpalovač z dřevité vlny Replace deleted image.
30. 9. 2020
- 15:0830. 9. 2020, 15:08 rozdíl historie +75 m Pandemie covidu-19 (GR) Duplicate: File:Mynář listina.jpg → File:Office of the President of the Czech Republic - Deed of gift to China in COVID-19 pandemic.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:Office of the President of the Czech Republic - Deed of gift to China in COVID-19 pandemic.jpg
13. 5. 2020
- 00:0913. 5. 2020, 00:09 rozdíl historie +5 m MERS (GR) Duplicate: File:MERS coronavirus.jpg → File:MERS-CoV (8717564410).jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:MERS-CoV (8717564410).jpg
2. 5. 2020
- 22:182. 5. 2020, 22:18 rozdíl historie −64 m SpaceX (GR) Duplicate: File:Falcon 9 rocket cores under construction at SpaceX Hawthorne facility (16846994851).jpg → File:Falcon 9 Stages (1).jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:Falcon 9 Stages (1).jpg
30. 11. 2019
- 19:3430. 11. 2019, 19:34 rozdíl historie +79 m Skupina Honicích psů II (GR) Duplicate: File:N4490s.jpg → File:NGC4490 Galaxy from the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter Schulman Telescope courtesy Adam Block.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:NGC4490 Galaxy from the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter Schulman Telescope courtesy Adam Block.jpg
17. 10. 2019
- 03:1117. 10. 2019, 03:11 rozdíl historie +15 m Program Discovery (GR) Duplicate: File:Stardust artist.jpg → File:Stardust - Concepcao artistica.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:Stardust - Concepcao artistica.jpg
22. 9. 2019
- 06:5222. 9. 2019, 06:52 rozdíl historie +6 m OSIRIS-REx (GR) File:OSIRIS-REx spacecraft.png → File:OSIRIS-REx spacecraft model.png renamed file
31. 5. 2019
- 06:2531. 5. 2019, 06:25 rozdíl historie +9 m Tabbyina hvězda (GR) File renamed: File:Consolidated plot of KIC 8462852 dip maxima.png → File:Consolidated plot of KIC 8462852 dip maxima 4256x836.png History merge with original author's file.
12. 2. 2019
- 05:1612. 2. 2019, 05:16 rozdíl historie +22 m Dopad neznámého tělesa na Jupiter roku 2009 (GR) Duplicate: File:Jupiter impact jul2009.jpg → File:371566main Hompage Jupiter Impact v2 226x170.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:371566main Hompage Jupiter Impact v2 226x170.jpg
19. 12. 2018
- 22:0519. 12. 2018, 22:05 rozdíl historie +49 m Václav Chudomel (GR) Duplicate: File:Vaclav Chudomel Marathon van Enschede 1963.jpg → File:De Tsjech Varlav Chudomel als eerste over de finish van de marathon, Bestanddeelnr 915-3548.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:De Tsjech Varlav Chudomel als eerste over de finish van de marathon, Bestanddeelnr 915-3548.jpg
19. 9. 2018
- 08:4119. 9. 2018, 08:41 rozdíl historie +56 m Galaktické jádro (GR) Duplicate: File:Sagittarius A.jpg → File:The supermassive black hole at the center of our Galaxy. (2941518598).jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:The supermassive black hole at the center of our Galaxy. (2941518598).jpg
13. 9. 2018
- 01:4813. 9. 2018, 01:48 rozdíl historie +12 m Mars Hand Lens Imager (GR) File renamed: File:Malin-4rovercam-full-fr.jpg → File:Cameras on the Curiosity rover (fr).jpg Standardise file names of this type.
5. 9. 2018
- 21:035. 9. 2018, 21:03 rozdíl historie +18 m Observatoř Paranal (GR) Duplicate: File:Eso-paranal-51.jpg → File:View of the Very Large Telescope.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:View of the Very Large Telescope.jpg
20. 8. 2018
- 20:4320. 8. 2018, 20:43 rozdíl historie −2 m NGC 7006 (GR) Duplicate: File:NGC 7006 (HST).jpg → File:NGC 7006 HST.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:NGC 7006 HST.jpg
7. 7. 2018
- 01:517. 7. 2018, 01:51 rozdíl historie +18 m Wikipedista:Fried Marek/Galerie (GR) Duplicate: File:Voyager Spacecraft During Vibration Testing.jpg → File:Voyager Spacecraft During Vibration Testing - GPN-2003-000008.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:Voyager Spacecraft During Vibration Testing - GPN-2003-000008.jpg aktuální
5. 4. 2018
- 23:035. 4. 2018, 23:03 rozdíl historie +12 m Voda na Marsu (GR) File renamed: File:Scamander Vallis from Mariner9.jpg → File:Scamander Vallis from Mars Global Surveyor.jpg Fix spacecraft name.
27. 3. 2018
- 23:3627. 3. 2018, 23:36 rozdíl historie +1 m Gemini 3 (GR) File renamed: File:Gemini 3 - Prime Crew (Young and Grissom).jpg → File:Gemini 6 - Backup Crew (Young and Grissom).jpg This is *not* an image of them as Gemini 3 Prime Crew. This is a crop of the G-6 Backup Crew during training.
6. 1. 2017
- 16:566. 1. 2017, 16:56 rozdíl historie −8 El Niño Higher quality vector graphics.
5. 12. 2016
- 18:565. 12. 2016, 18:56 rozdíl historie −48 m Planetární mlhovina Helix (GR) Duplicate: File:Image of the Helix Nebula (NGC 7293).jpg → File:Helix Nebula.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:Helix Nebula.jpg
20. 11. 2016
- 01:1820. 11. 2016, 01:18 rozdíl historie +21 OSIRIS-REx Replace with most current mission logo (GlobalReplace v0.6.5)
8. 10. 2016
- 23:548. 10. 2016, 23:54 rozdíl historie 0 m Ilan Ramon (GR) Duplicate: File:MERA-NAVcam-Patch-01-05-04-br.jpg → File:Rover Spirit memorial STS 107.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:Rover Spirit memorial STS 107.jpg
- 23:548. 10. 2016, 23:54 rozdíl historie 0 m Havárie raketoplánu Columbia (GR) Duplicate: File:MERA-NAVcam-Patch-01-05-04-br.jpg → File:Rover Spirit memorial STS 107.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:Rover Spirit memorial STS 107.jpg
5. 6. 2016
- 04:215. 6. 2016, 04:21 rozdíl historie −3 m Enterprise (raketoplán) (GR) Duplicate: File:Star Trek cast and Space Shuttle Enterprise.jpg → File:The Shuttle Enterprise - GPN-2000-001363.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:The Shuttle Enterprise - GPN-2000-001363.jpg
7. 2. 2015
- 05:437. 2. 2015, 05:43 rozdíl historie +7 m Rentgenová observatoř Chandra (GR) File renamed: File:Spacecraft labeled med.jpg → File:Chandra-spacecraft labeled-en.jpg More descriptive filename with language indicator.
1. 12. 2014
- 00:381. 12. 2014, 00:38 rozdíl historie +2 JAG (seriál) Replace logo with SVG file. (GlobalReplace v0.3)
17. 11. 2014
- 04:0217. 11. 2014, 04:02 rozdíl historie +9 m Spirit (Script) Duplicate: File:X pubeng approved 380.jpg → File:Mars rock Mimi by Spirit rover.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: commons::File:Mars rock Mimi by Spirit rover.jpg
16. 11. 2014
- 03:4316. 11. 2014, 03:43 rozdíl historie −3 Kometa Fix image title: incorrectly states it was taken by Philae, and also change to match others in series. (GlobalReplace v0.3)
5. 6. 2014
- 03:525. 6. 2014, 03:52 rozdíl historie −14 Planetesimála Replacing duplicate with higher resolution version. (GlobalReplace v0.3)
3. 2. 2013
- 04:273. 2. 2013, 04:27 rozdíl historie −90 Zítra Remove interwikis that are not about this topic.
26. 7. 2012
- 21:4726. 7. 2012, 21:47 rozdíl historie +8 Mars Odyssey Higher quality image.
1. 6. 2012
- 12:451. 6. 2012, 12:45 rozdíl historie −21 COTS Demo Flight 2 Change link to Commons category.
3. 3. 2011
- 04:333. 3. 2011, 04:33 rozdíl historie +17 USS Lake Champlain (CV-39) →Stavba: Fix filename.
23. 1. 2011
- 13:0723. 1. 2011, 13:07 rozdíl historie −1 1921 v letectví →Události: File name changed.
12. 5. 2009
- 10:3712. 5. 2009, 10:37 rozdíl historie +24 Rogalo Change image name.
11. 2. 2009
- 00:5311. 2. 2009, 00:53 rozdíl historie +7 Apatosaurus Change to new filename.