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Konference CECC09

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Konference CECC09, plným názvem 9th Central European Conference on Cryptography, byla devátým mezinárodním setkáním odborníků z kryptografie, které se každoročně koná v jedné ze středoevropských zemí a které se uskutečnilo 23.26. června 2009 v Třebíči.

Hlavní přednášející

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  • Pierrick Gaudry, CNRS–LORIA, Nancy, Francie, Searching a Secure Genus 2 Curve with Small Parameters over a Prime Field
  • Tor Helleseth, The Selmer Center, Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Norsko, Attacks on the Filter Generator and Nonlinear Combiner Generator
  • Michael J. Jacobson, Jr., Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Kanada, Cryptographic Aspects of Real Hyperelliptic Curves
  • Alexander Kholosha, The Selmer Center, Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Norsko, m-sequences with Good Cross Correlation for Communications and Cryptography
  • Renate Scheidler, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary, Kanada, Efficient Divisor Reduction on Hyperelliptic Curves
  • Igor Semaev, The Selmer Center, Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Norsko, Multiple Side Equations over Finite Fields
  • Rainer Steinwandt, Center for Cryptology and Information Security (CCIS) at Florida Atlantic University, USA, Violating Key Separation: On Using One Secret Key for Two Purposes

Externí odkazy

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