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Diskuse s wikipedistou:Siebrand

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Z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie
Poslední komentář: před 7 lety od uživatele Nadvšenec v tématu „Nováček
Babylon – informace o uživateli
cs-0 Tento uživatel nerozumí česky (nebo rozumí se značnými problémy).
nl-N Deze gebruiker heeft het Nederlands als moedertaal.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
af-1 Hierdie gebruiker het basiese kennis van Afrikaans.
la-1 Hic usor simplici lingua Latina conferre potest.
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Why did you delete photos from the site "Společnost Zlatá Praha". Everything is OK. If you had read this text, you would have understood. This is group of friends and one of these friends take a picture.!!!!! That is it. These photos is part of happening in Prague during the Communism era in these country. What do you want to know more. The photograph was part of these big group of people (men and women) as well. I hope, you correct your steps.

Thanks a lot. M

PS: It is strange, that you correct text or pictures in Czech language, Czech version of wikipedie and you do not understand anything.

Zdar. Nakoukl jsem na Wiki a vidím, že čaruješ s kategoriemi, což můžeš, ale vždy mi velmi vadilo neuctivé a líné nevyplňování "shrnutí editace". Toť vše, zdarec, --Ervín 5. 5. 2009, 08:35 (UTC)

Can you please let me know in English or German what you wrote above? Siebrand 5. 5. 2009, 08:36 (UTC)
He wrote that he doesn´t like it that you are not filling editsummary --Chmee2 5. 5. 2009, 08:41 (UTC)
Ah, OK. Thank you for translating. I am doing some cleanup in the links to Wikimedia Commons categories. I'll try to remember to also add a smallish edit summary for those edits. Cheers! Siebrand 5. 5. 2009, 08:43 (UTC)

Your first Czech banstar

[editovat zdroj]

Hello there, please accept this barnstar as a thank you gift for all your and your bot's edits made in recent few hours. You've helped us a lot. Keep up the good work! Best regards, -- Mercy (|) 5. 5. 2009, 09:49 (UTC)

+ 1 --Chmee2 5. 5. 2009, 09:49 (UTC)

You're welcome. :) Siebrand 5. 5. 2009, 11:24 (UTC)

Cathode ray tube

[editovat zdroj]

Hi, You deleted my czech translation of english picture from commons. I dont know how fill license, I type it (i think there was problem with number of verision license). But I type source from other wikimedia page. You may correct it, not delete. Could you pls fix it? --Zacatecnik 8. 8. 2010, 15:22 (UTC)

Erazer of the Year of the Pictures

[editovat zdroj]

Hey,Siebrand, why you eraze some pictures in the foreign (for your understanding) wikipedia issues? What do you know how the picture creating and cultural background works in wikipedia.cz? There was an exhibition of the history of Czechoslovak legies (first cs.army created before than the state of Czechoslovakia was accepted) and this is heart-historical emotional fact with very original and unique pictures and drawings. That map of the cruel and historical route of first Czechoslovak legies was unique and I can draw it by hand, however, this is more clear to make snapshot form the unique exhibition, which takes 3 weeks only. Thank you for your misunderstanding. Try to give it back to edition, this is my own and only own picture of the drawing, ok?--Zajac Vanka 7. 10. 2010, 15:05 (UTC)

Radek Dejmek

[editovat zdroj]

Your bot is so stupid, he deleted my photo, approved by another Wikipedist! Here, some people are so bureaucratic and simple. Main reason is that they have no authority in the normal life!You destroy the work of normal people!--Robin Dejmek 22. 1. 2012, 20:36 (UTC)

Bad change

[editovat zdroj]

Hello, your bot replaced the picture in cs:Zerav obrovský, but the replacement didn't work, because it changed normal spaces to hard spaces (Thuja plicata bark.png to Thuja_plicata_bark.png). So the bot needs an improvement. With regards Vojtěch Zavadil (diskuse) 15. 10. 2012, 09:57 (UTC)

Zdravím. Moje první stránka je https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jana_Zv%C4%9B%C5%99inov%C3%A1 a špatně jsem tam dal obrázky. Byly smazány, naštěstí jsem je našel a rád bych je přidal do galerie ale nemůžu je nijak načíst. Hází to chybu "Soubor se stejným obsahem již zde dříve byl, ale byl smazán." Prosím o infi či kontakt na správce, jak dále správně postupovat. Děkuji. Lang75 (diskuse) 31. 8. 2016, 19:33 (CEST)Odpovědět


[editovat zdroj]