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Diskuse s wikipedistou:NordNordWest

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Poslední komentář: před 6 lety od uživatele NordNordWest v tématu „Fighting in templates

With kind regards, -- Mercy (|) 24. 4. 2009, 12:52 (UTC)

Fighting in templates

[editovat zdroj]

Hello, I just saw your mini edit dispute in a few of LocMap templates. I semiprotected them for a month, it seems you are autoconfirmed in this wiki, if you're not, please tell me, I'll grant you the confirmed status. Thank you for your activity. Best, --Martin Urbanec (diskuse) 14. 5. 2018, 10:25 (CEST)Odpovědět

Hello! This is a problematic user which I blocked in de:wp. Now he brings trouble to other projects, tries to insult me (boring) and reverts as much as he can whatever I edited in these projects, in case of cs:wp the templates. I am autoconfirmed, thanks for you offer. Best regards, NordNordWest (diskuse) 14. 5. 2018, 10:42 (CEST)Odpovědět