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Diskuse s wikipedistou:Inutihar

Obsah stránky není podporován v jiných jazycích.
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Z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie

Ať se Vám tu líbí, mnoho zdaru přeje--Horst 15:42, 14. 11. 2007 (UTC)


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Hallo Inutihar, can you explain me the difference of articulation between voiced Czech h and Arab ع (ain /ajin /ayin), please? Once I joined a course of Czech, but the teacher was a German like me. He pronounced everything very German. Ahoj, de:Benutzer:Ulamm 2008-05-07

Reply: Hello! I am not expert linguist so I link wikipedia. Czech "h" is described as en:voiced glottal fricative. As far as I know is pronounced simmilar to "ه" in Arabic. Arabic "ع" does have not Czech equivalent and it sound really different from "h". I hope my answer will help you a bit.