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Diskuse s wikipedistou:GeorgianJorjadze

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David Bagrationi of Mukhrani

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David Bagrationi of Mukhrani, David Bagration de Moukhrani y de Zornoza, or Davit' Bagration-Mukhraneli (Georgian: დავით ბაგრატიონ-მუხრანელი) (born 24 June 1976) is a claimant to the headship of the Royal House of Georgia and to the historical thrones of Georgia.

The story of his marriage with beautiful Princess Ana Bagration-Gruzinsky is completely amazing. Thank you very much for having given this hint to me, dear friend. Maybe I´ll come back to the complicated history of Georgia later. --Zbrnajsem (diskuse) 15. 9. 2013, 17:05 (UTC)

Jiří Bagration-Bagration

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Hi, your requested article, Jiří Bagration-Bagration, is done :). --Mario7 (diskuse) 19. 10. 2013, 20:30 (UTC)