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Diskuse s wikipedistou:Fiona

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Z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie


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Dobrý den. Rád bych vás upozornil na to, že francouzsky se department řekne département, slovo départment není ani francouzské, ani české. --Mince 22:27, 18. 7. 2006 (UTC)

Mas pochopitelne pravdu. Pro zakladani clanku bylo pouzito stavajiciho rozcestniku département a ten uvadel chybna hesla. Priste se pokusim dat si vetsi pozor. Za upozorneni a sjednani napravy dekuji. Nicmene nesouhlasim s mazanim odkazu Podivejte se take na. Pro ctenare muze byt zajimave srovnat zrizeni s Francii, jinymi staty nebo se jen dovedet neco z historie tohoto statu, ale to at posoudi sam ctenar. Zatim neexistuje a nejspise v blizke budoucnosti ani nebude existovat detailnejsi popis africkych zemi, tak proc nesmerovat ctenare do krajin, ktere jsou nam blizsi. Nevim jak ty, ale o hesle Arrodissement (Benin) opravdu nic nevim, a tak o nem psat ani nehodlam. --Fiona 08:30, 19. 7. 2006 (UTC)

František Plánička

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Hello, Fiona. Im sorry to bother you, but I noticed you speak English and I was wondering if you could help me. I noticed you have contributed to the article on goalkeeper František Plánička. I am currently working on improving its English version; because of the lack of sources, I am trying to get information from wherever I can, even if they are written in Czech, which I do not speak. I have however, been able to understand certain things from the Czech pages I have found on the subject. I would appreciate it greatly if you could clarify something for me: In the Czech Wikipedia article there is the following data:

  • Za celý svůj život sehrál 1235 zápasů

Q.: My understanding is that he played 969 league matches with Slavia, being the captain (?) of the team in 742 of those matches, as per this source: http://www.slavia.cz/statika.asp?typ=hPlanicka. What kind of matches are the 1235 ?

Q.: The same source cites the figure of 1442 matches, then it says "1044 vítězných". What does "vítězných" mean? Is it the same as "vítězným"? Is the source is accurate, what kind of matches are included in the 1442 figure?

Q.: What else do you think is noteworthy that I haven't included in the English article?

I hope not to be a nuisance to you. Thank you very much for your time and patience.


ChaChaFut (talk) 16. 10. 2006

Překlad článku červce lakového

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Ahoj, mohla bys přeložit článek de:Lackschildlaus (Červec lakový)? V češtině toho moc k sehnání není, ani v knihách. Díky --Dominik Matus  diskusepříspěvky 17. 6. 2012, 20:51 (UTC)