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Diskuse s wikipedistou:Conny

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Poslední komentář: před 4 lety od uživatele Gampe v tématu „Merry Christmas and thank you for your last year cooperation

--Gampe (diskuse) 6. 4. 2014, 19:42 (UTC)

Hey, thank you Gampe :) . Conny (diskuse) 6. 4. 2014, 19:50 (UTC).

Merry Christmas and thank you for your last year cooperation

[editovat zdroj]

Dear friends, I would like to wish you Merry Christmas and thank you for your last year cooperation (Editaton Volary/Wallern). Unfortunately we had to cancel the second editathon in Volary due to the current situation. I believe that it will be possible to organize it in the spring of 2021, just like Wikiměsto in Třeboň (Wittingau). We will let you know in time. I look forward to our future joint projects. Best wishes --Gampe (diskuse) 21. 12. 2020, 19:44 (CET)Odpovědět