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Diskuse s wikipedistou:Amire80

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Poslední komentář: před 5 lety od uživatele MitnadevetJMP v tématu „Answer from MitnadevetJMP

With kind regards, -- Mercy (|) 18:54, 13. 6. 2008 (UTC)

Thanks for the welcome!
I hope i am not making too much trouble - i fix interwiki links manually and sometimes i have to make some guesses about languages i don't know well. If i do something wrong, please tell me! --Amir E. Aharoni 19:00, 13. 6. 2008 (UTC)

Answer from MitnadevetJMP

[editovat zdroj]

Thank You for appreciation of my work and nick. I created my account as a part of my volunteer activity in the Jewish Museum in Prague which consisted of creating or improving pages about synagogues which JMP uses for its expositions. I supposed I might pass the account to another volunteer, that is why I chose this quite impersonal, but accurate nick. I enjoyed the work, yet since then I have had to focus on finishing my MA degree and only hope that one day I will be back! I have noticed the list of Czech writers you are looking forward to. May I recommend my personal favourite, which is Josef Škvorecký? Few of his books have been translated into Hebrew and even more into English. MitnadevetJMP (diskuse) 5. 2. 2020, 17:19 (CET)Odpovědět