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Diskuse s wikipedistkou:SPoore (WMF)

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Poslední komentář: před 5 lety od uživatelky SPoore (WMF) v tématu „User reporting system consultation


User reporting system consultation

[editovat zdroj]


You are receiving this message because you are now or previously were a member of Arbitration Committee and may have an interested in giving feedback about a new initiative to develop a user reporting system.

The Wikimedia Foundation's Community health initiative plans to design and build a new user reporting system to make it easier for people experiencing harassment and other forms of abuse to provide accurate information to the appropriate channel for action to be taken.

The success of this project depends on collecting ideas and feedback from people in a variety of different roles in the Wikimedia movement. To this end, there will be a multi-phased consultation where you can participate in ways that you find most comfortable.

Please visit the User reporting system consultation page to learn more about the process, to ask questions, or to offer feedback. You also can sign up to be be a liaison for you group, to translate pages or messages, or to host a discussion group (on or off wiki.)

Please share this message with other people who you think would be interested in this project.

-I apologize for posting in English

Cheers, SPoore (WMF) Strategist, Community health initiative 2. 4. 2019, 23:13 (CEST)Odpovědět