Diskuse:Válivý rejdič
Přidat témaVzhled
- Lužický kotrmelák = 953? de:Lausitzer Purzler, GDR-type, since 2011 at the BDRG (and EE), [1] [2]
- 828 = en:Old German Magpie Tumbler (de:"Elsterpurzler"), GER-type, [3]
--PigeonIP (diskuse) 21. 6. 2013, 11:27 (UTC)
- Elsterpurzler. Maybe the Lausitzer Purzler as well, but neither breed is really present in czech republic, so there is not a distinction, not really. In czech, there are all one breed. Sort of Rakovnik Roller from germany:) --Bodlina (diskuse) 21. 6. 2013, 15:35 (UTC)
- What made me stop was Lužický - Lusitanian - Lausitzer. But the Lusitanian is the "new" GDR-type-Elsterpurzler (with some "purzel"-ability). His name (and breed-status) came into discussion after 1989/90. In older days there were some tendencies to name the Elsterpurzer "South German Elsterpurzler", because it was more popular in South Germany, but that was neglected. I never heard of a "Lusatian Purzler" befor (in GDR it was the "Elsterpurzler" as well). --> It is the same with Czech and Bohemian Goose, both are different breeds with the same ancestors. --PigeonIP (diskuse) 21. 6. 2013, 16:22 (UTC)
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