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Diskuse:Smlouva z Björkö

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Z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie

The treaty is actually called Treaty of Koivisto, as it was made in Koivisto near Vyborg, in former part of Finland. Björkö is on the other side of Finland near Vaasa, so it is not the right name. Koivisto has also an unofficial Swedish name Björkö, but you should not use it to a place which was in Finland and whose official language was Finnish. --Ufinne 15. 8. 2009, 10:54 (UTC)

On Wikipedia is decisive for creation of the prime title in article most expected term. By comparing Google Test Treaty of Koivisto = 0 vs Treaty of Björkö and using titles in books and encyklopedias is unambiguously prefer the term Treaty of Björkö, it´s the most expected title. That is the reason of using this one. --Kacir 15. 8. 2009, 11:22 (UTC)
When you delete Wikipedias on Google, you seem to have 63 hits, some of which still link to Wikipedia.[1], and I think the original source for Björkö is en.Wikipedia. --Ufinne 26. 8. 2009, 10:39 (UTC)

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