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Diskuse:Mistrovství světa silničních motocyklů

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zdravicko. nekde je asi chyba. v anglicke verzi je:

Moto3 Class

The 125cc class was replaced in 2012 by the Moto3 class. This class is restricted to single-cylinder 250cc 4-stroke engines with a maximum bore of 81 mm.[2] The minimum total weight for motorcycle and rider is 148kg.[3]. Riders in the Moto3 class cannot be older than 28 years, or 25 years for new contracted riders participating for the first time and wild-cards.

v ceske je zminka o moto1 jako nahrade. takze jsou byvale 125 moto1 nebo moto3 a jake jsou specifikace? 4. 6. 2012, 21:11 (UTC)

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