Přidat téma
Tento prvek se dosud stále jmenuje ununbium. Copernicium je jen neoficiálním názvem, resp. návrhem na název, dokud tento návrh objevitelů neschválí IUPAC. To by mohlo být nejdříve v lednu 2010 od návrhu, neboť IUPAC dává na půl roku tento návrh nejprve k veřejné diskusi vědecké komunitě, viz [New element named 'copernicium']. Viz též diskuse u Jowe. Petr Karel 28. 7. 2009, 11:02 (UTC)
en: Why call it Copernicium now?
[editovat zdroj]I'm trying to figure out why several translations of Ununbium are already using the proposed but not-yet-adopted name Copernicium for Element 112 since the change is not supposed to be official until next January. ---Glenn L 14. 9. 2009, 04:50 (UTC)
- Additionally, the symbol Cp has been disallowed because it was used as a symbol for the previously proposed (but not adopted) element name Cassiopaeum. If Copernicium is adopted next January, its symbol will likely be the recently proposed Cn. --Glenn L 4. 10. 2009, 02:41 (UTC)
IUPAC still use Cp, so we are using it also. --Ragimiri 10. 10. 2009, 21:27 (UTC)
- This (http://blogs.nature.com/thescepticalchymist/2009/09/a_reprieve_for_cp.html#100462) may help explain what has happened since Cp was first used as a possible symbol for Copernicium:
A reprieve for Cp?
1) We've been following the story of element 112 and, like many others, have expressed surprise and/or dismay at the proposed name, copernicium, and symbol, Cp - those two letters having a place in many chemists' hearts for the cyclopentadienyl ligand.
But wait! A letter in this week's Nature (vol 461, p. 341) from Juris Meija, of the Canadian Institute for National Measurement Standards, suggests that there 'could be a question mark hanging over' the use of Cp for element 112.
And this is where it starts to get a little odd...it turns out that IUPAC rules forbid discoverers from proposing names that have previously been suggested and rejected for other elements. Although copernicium hasn't been proposed for another element, the symbol Cp was associated with cassiopeium, a suggested name for what is now known as lutetium (which as all Asterix fans know, is named after the Latin word, Lutetia, for Paris). Extending the rule a short hop from names to symbols would therefore preclude the use of Cp.
So, rest easy, all those people concerned that they might get confused between the symbols for a widely used 5-carbon-ring ligand and a newly discovered artificial element of which a whole 3 atoms have ever existed on earth...
Neil Withers (Associate Editor, Nature Chemistry)
Posted by Neil Withers on September 17, 2009 04:58 AM
2) Comments
There has been considerable debate about the symbol for the new element copernicium. The choices would heirarchically be: Co, Cp, Ce, Cr, Cn ... and in terms of contributions from the syllables, it would be Cp, (Cr), Cn ... . As Co, Ce and Cr (Cobalt, Cerium, Chromium) are already in, and Cp runs into a number of difficulties including the common usage for cyclopentadienyl anion, the natural choice should be: Cn ! Choice of the second letter in the symbol from so far down in the name (6th letter) is not common of course, but certainly not unprecedented; take the cases of Cm, Pd (both 6th), Rf, Tm (both 7th).
Posted by: T. P. Radhakrishnan | October 2, 2009 11:59 PM