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Já bych jestě doplnil k těm změnám, některé z blogu Mike Hommey (pokud budete souhlasit se změnou, zeptám se autora, zda ho můžeme citovat):

Podstatné mi prijde úprava kódu, aby byl firefox sestavitelný i pro jiné architektury a sestavení pro tyto architektury

  • Changes to make Firefox® build and work on architectures such as hppa, mips, mips64, m68k, ia64, sparc64, alpha, and arm, which the Mozilla® guys don’t seem to care much for,
  • Changes to allow to build s390 binaries on s390x host with s390 toolchain (same applies with x86 binaries on amd64 host with x86 toolchain),

viz http://web.glandium.org/blog/?p=97

So, let’s dig into our firefox_2.0~rc1+dfsg-1.diff.gz:

  • Changes to disable application upgrade (we want that to happen through apt-get) and change some other default preferences,
  • Changes to fix “make distclean” so that it really cleans the build directory,
  • Change not to build the “mangle” utility,
  • Change not to call netstat to generate entropy, which is useless on linux,
  • Changes to make Firefox® build and work on architectures such as hppa, mips, mips64, m68k, ia64, sparc64, alpha, and arm, which the Mozilla® guys don’t seem to care much for,
  • Change to add a preference directory so that users can put their set of customized preferences in /etc/firefox/pref,
  • Change to allow to build flat chrome without the zip utility,
  • Change to allow to use system library for myspell, instead of statically linking the bundled one,
  • Changes to allow to build s390 binaries on s390x host with s390 toolchain (same applies with x86 binaries on amd64 host with x86 toolchain),
  • Changes to work around bugs with the hidden visibility pragma on gcc,
  • Changes to make the pango backend actually build correctly,
  • Changes to avoid some error messages while trying to create Makefiles from inexistant Makefile.in’s,
  • Change to install in /usr/lib/firefox instead of /usr/lib/firefox-x.y,
  • Change not to build useless chromelist.txt files,
  • Changes to make helper applications with parameters work,
  • Changes to allow builds against GTK 2.8,
  • Changes to work around an Xrender bug,
  • Changes to make the Gecko/yymmdddd string taken from preferences instead of being half-hard-coded (you could change it with preferences, but it would still be set to the hard-coded value at start time ; and you could change it again with preferences…),
  • Change to allow mice extra buttons to act as something else than a left button,
  • Change to allow to build with -Wl,–as-needed to avoid linking against a whole lot of useless libraries, without losing the link on libxpcom.so which is required by some extensions’ components,
  • Changes not to shlibsign the NSS modules at build time, since we’re stripping the binaries afterwards, thus breaking the signature. We do build the signatures later, within the maintainer scripts.