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Diskuse:Hugo Boss

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Jaký blábol ? To že byl Hugo Boss členem nacistické strany a profitoval na zakázkách pro werhmacht a ss a gestapo, je mimořádně důležitá informace. Blábol je ji mazat. anglická wikipedie Hugo Boss started his clothing company in 1924 in Metzingen, where it is still based, a small town south of Stuttgart. However, due to the economic climate in Germany at the time Boss was forced into bankruptcy in 1930. Undeterred, Hugo set up a new business and in 1931 became a member of the Nazi party. With the rise of Adolf Hitler in 1933, Boss's business also began to prosper as he became an RZM-licensed (official) supplier of uniforms to the SA, SS, Hitler Youth, NSKK and other Party organizations.

Anglická wikipedie bohužel není věrohodný zdroj, chtělo by to nějak ozdrojovat. JAn 9. 8. 2010, 21:20 (UTC)

Co je duveryhodny pramen ? http://www.fubartrivia.net/trivias/hugoboss_naziuniforms.html http://www.yournewfragrance.com/Hugo-Boss-s/2059.htm http://www.cracked.com/article_15767_third-reich-fortune-500-five-popular-brands-nazis-gave-us.html

To je problem najit TEN pravej zdroj


http://www.nytimes.com/1997/08/15/business/hugo-boss-acknowledges-link-to-nazi-regime.html asi nejlepsi zdroj.

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