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Z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie

Both Šupinatka and šupinatkovití have the same taxonomic name and the same taxobox. This is a firm declaration that they are the same. If they are not the same, the taxobox should be removed from one of them. In a single taxonomic perspective (as required in a taxobox) there can only be one taxon holding a particular position. - Brya (diskuse) 7. 3. 2014, 06:26 (UTC)

Šupinatkovití is a Czech name for familia Anomaluridae. Šupinatka is a Czech name for genus Anomalurus and for genus Idiurus and for genus Zenkerella. This is the reason for two different articles. --Packa (diskuse) 7. 3. 2014, 16:43 (UTC)

V tom případě má ovšem Brya pravdu, že infobox a odkaz na species patří k něčemu jinému a neměly by v článku (v této podobě) být. (jako kdyby v článku Brno byl {{Infobox - okres}}) JAn (diskuse) 13. 3. 2014, 06:45 (UTC)

A family is a taxon, and a page on a family should have a taxobox. A genus plus a genus plus a genus is not a taxon and the page should not have a taxobox (if the three genera together constitute a family it remains dubious if there should be a separate article). As it is, there is error report after error report on Wikidata. - Brya (diskuse) 18. 3. 2014, 18:42 (UTC)