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Yaghan.jpg (783 × 551 pixelů, velikost souboru: 575 KB, MIME typ: image/jpeg)


English: The Yaghan, also called Yagán, Yahgan (the original spelling), Yámana or Yamana, are the indigenous inhabitants of the islands south of Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego extending their presence into Cape Horn. They were known as Fuegians by the English speaking world, but the term is nowadays avoided as it can refer to any of the indigenous peoples of Tierra del Fuego. They spoke the Yaghan language which is considered to be a language isolate. The Yaghan were nomads who traveled by canoes between islands to collect food. The men hunted sea lions while the women dove to collect shellfish.
Zdroj http://cgi.ebay.com/Argentina-Chile-Fuegan-Native-Americans-1920-Gravure-/160520225040?pt=Art_Prints&hash=item255fc04110
Autor NeznámýUnknown author


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současná15. 1. 2011, 03:03Náhled verze z 15. 1. 2011, 03:03783 × 551 (575 KB)Rec79{{Information |Description={{en|1=The Yaghan, also called Yagán, Yahgan (the original spelling), Yámana or Yamana, are the indigenous inhabitants of the islands south of Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego extending their presence into Cape Horn. They were

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