The Utah Territory shown as established by the United States Congress in 1850. The map is underlaid with a modern map of the United States showing the current state boundaries. The territory's boundaries may not be exact.
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Původní historie souboru
This image is a derivative work of the following images:
2009-11-05T19:44:02Z NuclearVacuum 959x593 (91518 Bytes) minor fix from previous upload
2009-11-05T19:39:42Z NuclearVacuum 959x593 (88399 Bytes) Fixed up the borders so they are connected with each state and loosing that gap between them.
2008-10-09T16:36:40Z Howcheng 959x593 (80121 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 08:32, 14 June 2007
2008-03-12T00:20:02Z AMK1211 959x593 (174744 Bytes) Added borders: Light blue for water borders and black for land borders (international borders thicker).
2006-07-12T23:00:30Z Theshibboleth 959x593 (90537 Bytes) The line framework around Alaska and Hawaii has been pushed a bit
2006-07-12T06:35:19Z Theshibboleth 959x593 (89828 Bytes) added DC
2006-07-12T06:05:05Z Theshibboleth 959x593 (89649 Bytes) {{Information |Description=A blank map of the United States in scalable vector form. |Source=Own work, based on [[:Image:Electorial map.svg]], inspired by [[:Image:BlankMap-World.png]] |Date=11 July 2006 |Author=[[User:Theshi
Přidejte jednořádkové vysvětlení, co tento soubor představuje
The Utah Territory shown as established by the United States Congress in 1850. The map is underlaid with a map of the United States showing modern state boundaries. The territory's boundaries may not be exact.
{{Information |Description=The {{w|Utah Territory}} shown as established by the United States Congress in 1850. The map is underlaid with a modern map of the United States showing the current state boundaries. The territory's boundaries may not be exact.