English: A Tale Od Two Cities, At the Court : The Likeness, by Phiz
Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities, London, Wordsworth Classics, 1999, ISBN978-1-85326-039-1, scanned by Robert Ferrieux
Hablot Knight Browne, Phiz
A Tale of Two Cities was written specifically for Dickens' weekly magazine All The Year Round where it appeared without illustrations. It was also published concurrently in monthly installments with Illustrations by Hablot Browne (Phiz).
The illustrations for A Tale of Two Cities were not well received and Browne, who had illustrated Dickens for 23 years, never worked with Dickens again. Dickens gave no explanation to his readers, or to Browne, for the break with his long-standing illustrator. It is generally believed that Browne's comic style did not fit well with Dickens' darker, more serious, later novels.
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