PopisSteve Kuhn Universitetets Aula Oslo Jazzfestival 2017 (183920).jpg
English: Steve Kuhn with Karin Krog and John Surman in the University Aula. The concert was part of Oslo Jazzfestival and took place on 16. August 2017 in Oslo. Lineup: Karin Krog (vocal), John Surman (baritone saxophone) and Steve Kuhn (piano).
Norsk nynorsk: Avbilda: Steve Kuhn Arrangement: Karin Krog Høve, arrangør eller stad: Oslo Jazzfestival, Universitetets Aula
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Název obrázku
Steve Kuhn with Karin Krog and John Surman in the University Aula. The concert was part of Oslo Jazzfestival and took place on 16. August 2017 in Oslo. Lineup: Karin Krog (vocal), John Surman (baritone saxophone) and Steve Kuhn (piano).