Soubor:Song Dynasty Hydraulic Mill for Grain.JPG
Velikost tohoto náhledu: 800 × 557 pixelů. Jiná rozlišení: 320 × 223 pixelů | 640 × 446 pixelů | 1 024 × 713 pixelů | 1 280 × 891 pixelů | 1 580 × 1 100 pixelů.
Původní soubor (1 580 × 1 100 pixelů, velikost souboru: 2,11 MB, MIME typ: image/jpeg)
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Datum a čas | Náhled | Rozměry | Uživatel | Komentář | |
současná | 23. 7. 2008, 21:01 | 1 580 × 1 100 (2,11 MB) | PericlesofAthens | {{Information |Description= A Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) era Chinese painting of a water-powered mill for grain, with surrounding river transport. |Source=From my book by Ebrey |Date= November 6, 2007 |Author= [[User:PericlesofAthens|PericlesofAthen | |
23. 7. 2008, 21:00 | 1 580 × 1 100 (2,11 MB) | PericlesofAthens | {{Information |Description= A Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) era Chinese painting of a water-powered mill for grain, with surrounding river transport. |Source=From my book by Ebrey |Date= November 6, 2007 |Author= [[User:PericlesofAthens|PericlesofAthen | ||
6. 11. 2007, 20:47 | 2 028 × 1 437 (494 KB) | PericlesofAthens | {{Information |Description= A Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) era Chinese painting of a water-powered mill for grain, with surrounding river transport. |Source=From my book by Ebrey |Date= November 6, 2007 |Author= [[User:PericlesofAthens|PericlesofAthen | ||
6. 11. 2007, 20:45 | 2 048 × 1 536 (529 KB) | PericlesofAthens | {{Information |Description= A Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) era Chinese painting of a water-powered mill for grain, with surrounding river transport. |Source=From my book by Ebrey |Date= November 6, 2007 |Author= [[User:PericlesofAthens|PericlesofAthen | ||
6. 11. 2007, 20:43 | 2 048 × 1 536 (529 KB) | PericlesofAthens | {{Information |Description= A Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) era Chinese painting of a water-powered mill for grain, with surrounding river transport. |Source=From my book by Ebrey |Date= November 6, 2007 |Author= [[User:PericlesofAthens|PericlesofAthen | ||
6. 11. 2007, 20:41 | 2 048 × 1 536 (529 KB) | PericlesofAthens | {{Information |Description= A Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) era Chinese painting of a water-powered mill for grain, with surrounding river transport. |Source=From my book by Ebrey |Date= November 6, 2007 |Author= [[User:PericlesofAthens|PericlesofAthen | ||
6. 11. 2007, 20:40 | 2 048 × 1 536 (529 KB) | PericlesofAthens | {{Information |Description= A Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) era Chinese painting of a water-powered mill for grain, with surrounding river transport. |Source=From my book by Ebrey |Date= November 6, 2007 |Author= [[User:PericlesofAthens|PericlesofAthen | ||
6. 11. 2007, 17:30 | 1 833 × 1 311 (455 KB) | PericlesofAthens | {{Information |Description= A Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) era Chinese painting of a water-powered mill for grain, with surrounding river transport. |Source=From my book by Ebrey |Date= November 6, 2007 |Author= [[User:PericlesofAthens|PericlesofAthen |
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