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Ringo Starr and his All-Starr Band - Hordern Pavilion, Sydney, Australia...

Ringo Starr (Richard Starkey) has finally returned to Australia to perform in a professional capacity... yes, sorry no Beatles, but if you didn't know already... he was an original.

Surprisingly still in shape and agile, Starr looks like is back to his 1964 fighting weight. The world famous drummer brings not only the big beat but also a nice set of songs.

It's not all about R.S, and nor should it be. His ever-evolving All-Starr Band now includes Todd Rundgren, Steve Lukather (Toto), Gregg Rolie (Santana and Journey) and Richard Page (Mr Mister), Mark Rivera and Gregg Bissonette.

Starr told media: "We have such a mixed bag," "There's people my age and there's kids who are interested in the players. I just want everyone to turn up."

Starr's playlist includes Beatles favourites as well as his solo hits; Yellow Submarine, Matchbox, Honey Don't and It Don't Come Easy.

The group is back at the Hordern Pavilion again tomorrow night, so for some, that will be Valentine's Day delight.

Rather than just play his rockabilly-fuelled highlights from early Beatles' albums (Honey Don't and Act Naturally), Starr also went with his singalong from the White Album, Don't Pass Me By.

Other Starr highlights included a cover of The Shirelles' Boys, which he'd also sung in his pre-Fab Four days as a member of Rory Storm and the Hurricanes, Yellow Submarine and a ragged I Wanna Be Your Man.

A top evening, Starr's show is essentially an evening of two parts. There are FM radio hits from some familiar faces that hold the show together and comprise a great band. Then there's Starr - why most of the crowd turned up in the first place. The Hordern seemed to be about 75% full, which is pretty good, with Starr being the 4th Beatle and all, plus the fact that many groups are currently touring at the moment - all after the entertainment dollar.

Sydney gets Ringo and his mates again tomorrow...then its Melbourne, Saturday and Sunday; Adelaide, February 19; and Perth, February 21.

Special thanks to Ringo, his promoter and everyone else who helped make tonight's show such a great success.


Ringo Starr official website www.ringostarr.com

Hordern Pavilion www.playbillvenues.com

Eva Rinaldi Photography www.evarinaldi.com

Eva Rinaldi Photography Flickr

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Zdroj Ringo Starr and all his band
Eva Rinaldi  (1971–)  wikidata:Q37885816
Eva Rinaldi
Popis australská fotografka a herečka
Datum narození 16. listopadu 1971 Edit this at Wikidata
Místo narození Sydney Edit this at Wikidata
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creator QS:P170,Q37885816


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