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Soubor:Prinsesse Astrid - no-nb digifoto 20160111 00009 bldsa pk kgl0077 (cropped).jpg

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Norsk bokmål: Bildet er hentet fra Nasjonalbibliotekets bildesamling. Anmerkninger til bildet var: Prinsesse Astrid tok artium i 1950. Portretter er sannsynligvis tatt kort tid etter.
Depicted person: Astrid prinsesse, datter av Olav 5, konge av Norge
Datum mezi květnem 1950 a prosincem 1950
date QS:P,+1950-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1319,+1950-05-00T00:00:00Z/10,P1326,+1950-12-00T00:00:00Z/10

"Prinsesse Astrid"

institution QS:P195,Q924551
Studio of Ernest Rude  (1871–1948)  wikidata:Q3492044
Studio of Ernest Rude
Birth name: Ernest Daguerre Rude
Popis norský fotograf
Datum narození / úmrtí 23. ledna 1871 Edit this at Wikidata 18. března 1948 Edit this at Wikidata
Místo narození / úmrtí Oslo Edit this at Wikidata Oslo Edit this at Wikidata
Soubor autorit
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image extraction process
Tento soubor byl vyříznut ze souboru
: Prinsesse Astrid - no-nb digifoto 20160111 00009 bldsa pk kgl0077.jpg
original file
This file is a digital replica of a document or a part of a document available at the National Library of Norway under the URN no-nb_digifoto_20160111_00009_bldsa_pk_kgl0077.

This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing.

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Public domain This image is in the public domain in Norway because images not considered to be "works of art" become public domain 50 years after creation, provided that more than 15 years have passed since the photographer's death or the photographer is unknown.

This is according to § 23 in the Norwegian Åndsverkloven.

Under the former photo law, protection ended 25 years after creation, provided that more than 15 years had passed since the photographer's death or the photographer is unknown. The image is in the public domain if the protection ended before 29 June 1995 under the older term.[1]

To uploader: Please provide information about where the image was first published, who created it, and when the photographer died, if known. The right to be attributed does not expire in Norway.

Images uploaded to Wikimedia Commons must also be in the public domain in the United States. A Norwegian work that is in the public domain in Norway is in the public domain in the U.S. only if it was in the public domain in Norway in 1996 and no copyright was registered in the U.S. (This is the effect of 17 USC 104A with its critical date of January 1, 1996.)

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současná24. 10. 2019, 23:25Náhled verze z 24. 10. 2019, 23:255 819 × 8 479 (4,94 MB)AnnaundUser created page with UploadWizard

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