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Identifier: literarydigesthi10hals (find matches)
Title: The Literary digest history of the world war, compiled from original and contemporary sources: American, British, French, German, and others
Year: 1919 (1910s)
Authors: Halsey, Francis W. (Francis Whiting), 1851-1919, comp
Subjects: World War, 1914-1918
Publisher: New York, London, Funk & Wagnalls Company
Contributing Library: Columbia University Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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ion in1916, more than made amends for earlier criticism by now ascribingto him rare gifts. From the liberal Daily News, in London, whichsaw in him a supreme master of statecraft, to the Tribuna in Rome,which had to go back to Cavour for his parallel, there came an ad-miring chorus. Extreme ideas prevailed as to the seclusion in whichhe loTed to live. The Paris Rappel compared his solitude to that ofa monk. Others made comparisons with great ecclesiastical states-men of the Middle Ages. German dailies conceded his ability, butinclined ta present him as artful, crafty, and hypocritical. TheBerlin Kreuz-Zeitung deemed him an altogether sinister figure,devious in methods, subtfe in policy, and lacking scruple. He hadnot hesitated, in the opinion of the Frankfurter Zeitung, to play thepart of tool for the British. He was born a trickster, who had suc-ceeded Sir Edward Grey as the worlds arch-demon. The complete revolution that took place in Entente estimates after The Times (New York). 286
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© INTERNATIONAL FILM SERVICE. N. Y PRESIDENT WILSON AND CARDINAL MERCIER The two are standing at the entrance to the Cardinals house in Malines PERSONAL SKETCHES OF WAR LEADERS 1916 was based on considerations set forth elaborately in the LondonDaily Neics. His ability to lead stinick that journal as amazing.There had been no one in Europe to compare with him since Glad-stone, altho the traits and temperaments of the two were as the polesasunder. Mr. Wilson showed in his acts a comprehension of politicson the scientific side which living statesmen of the European coun-tries had conspicuously lacked. In him, said the Tribuna of Rome,Germans in the Wilhelmstrasse had met their match; they found theynow had a scholarly recluse to overreach. This man of fine phrase,this dealer in terms so spontaneous and unforced that he seemed todo his thinking aloud, this idealist and democrat, could understandan Austria ruled by the Metternich method as easily as he coulddivine a Prussian Junker. No Am

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  • bookid:literarydigesthi10hals
  • bookyear:1919
  • bookdecade:1910
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Halsey__Francis_W___Francis_Whiting___1851_1919__comp
  • booksubject:World_War__1914_1918
  • bookpublisher:New_York__London__Funk___Wagnalls_Company
  • bookcontributor:Columbia_University_Libraries
  • booksponsor:MSN
  • bookleafnumber:314
  • bookcollection:ColumbiaUniversityLibraries
  • bookcollection:americana
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