PopisNutshell Studies of Unexplained Death, Dark Bathroom diorama.jpg
English: Description of events & information that accompany the Dark Bathroom diorama
Reported to Nutshell Laboratories by Desk Sergeant Moriarty of the Central City Police as he recalled it.
Maggie Wilson was found dead by Lizzie Miller.
Ms. Miller was able to supply the following information:
Ms. Miller roomed in the same house as Maggie Wilson but knew her only as they met in the hall. She thought Maggie was subject to fits (seizures). A couple of male friends came to see Maggie fairly regularly. On Sunday night in early November in 1896, the men were there and there was a good deal of drinking going on. Some time after they left, Lizzie heard the water still running in the bathroom. Upon opening the door she found the scene as set forth in the model.
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