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Soubor:Nun budge.gif

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Původní soubor(1 246 × 1 904 pixelů, velikost souboru: 131 KB, MIME typ: image/gif)

Popis THE CREATION. The god Nu rising out of the primeval water and bearing in his hands the boat of Rā, the Sun-god, who is accompanied by a number of deities. In the upper portion of the scene is the region of the underworld which is enclosed by the body of Osiris, on whose head stands the goddess Nut with arms stretched out to receive the disk of the sun.
Autor E. A. Wallis Budge (1857-1937)


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současná1. 10. 2009, 07:27Náhled verze z 1. 10. 2009, 07:271 246 × 1 904 (131 KB)Tedmek{{Information |Description=THE CREATION. The god Nu rising out of the primeval water and bearing in his hands the boat of Rā, the Sun-god, who is accompanied by a number of deities. In the upper portion of the scene is the region of the underworld which

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