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Soubor:Naval ship XX.jpg

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Naval ship (post card about year 1909) Unknown name - unknown nationality. on mooring buoy China port (apparently some small cruiser).

English: Beginner's Guide to Warship Recognition: Yes this looks like a small cruiser or large gunboat/sloop/aviso built between 1890 and 1910. The guns are not protected by shields, and that rules out larger cruisers and armoured cruisers, and it rules out most newer ships. The disposition of the guns is very typical of small cruisers of the time, but the long barrels of the guns point to countries like USA and France. Notice the two funnels very far apart. This is typical of ships built in Italy and France. Notice also the small "hat" on the funnels. This is a typical French feature, so here's looking at you, France. Take your copy of Jane's Fighting Ships 1906-07 (please), and among the French warships on page 175 you will find a photo of the D'Estrées. Voila. Just one problem, that photo shows three masts. So take your copy of Conway's All The World's Fighting Ships 1860-1905, find the D'Estrées on page 313, and read that one mast was indeed removed "later". Conclusion: This is the D'Estrées (launched 1897) or her sister, the Infernet, launched in 1899.
Popis Naval ship China port
Datum cca 1909
date QS:P,+1909-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902
Zdroj Postcard about
Autor NeznámýUnknown author


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současná1. 2. 2007, 15:13Náhled verze z 1. 2. 2007, 15:133 316 × 2 127 (209 KB)ClipperNaval ship (post card about year 1909) Unknown name - unknown nationality. At anchor China port. {{Information |Description=Naval ship at anchorage China |Source=Postcard about |Date=about 1909 |Author=unknown |Permission= |other_versions= }} Category:N

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