the object's orbital semi-major axisa in Astronomical Units (in white)
the orbital period in years (in green)
Angle - the object's orbital inclinationi in degrees
Size of the circle - the object’s size relative to others:
for a few large objects, the diameter drawn represents the best current estimates
for others, the diameter of the circle represents the absolute magnitudeH of the object.
the eccentricity of the orbit is shown indirectly by a segment extending from the left (perihelion) to the aphelion to the right. In other words, the segment illustrates the variations of the object's distance from the Sun. Objects with nearly circular orbits will show short segments while highly elliptical orbits will be represented by long segments.
grey arcs mark the orbit of Neptune and the position of plutinos.
Data sources
Minor Planet Center Orbit database (MPCORB) as of 2008-10-05.
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