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Soubor:LINT LEDs.jpg

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Deutsch: Leuchtdioden als Spitzen- und Schlussignal im Scheinwerfer eines LINT der Taunusbahn
English: Light-emitting diodes as front- and rearlight of a LINT of the Taunusbahn
Datum Snímek pořízen 21. ledna 2007
Zdroj Vlastní dílo
Autor MdE Use rpage at German Wikipedia User page at Commons


Update (11.02.2025): Open Street Map, Open Database License "ODbL" 1.0
I, MdE, created this photo and publish the file under the following license. If there is more than one license, you may choose one which is better for you and use the file outside Wikipedia under the license terms. Crediting is mandatory in any case and may be sufficient depending on the license (e.g. with CC-BY-SA):
At the picture, in the picture credits or in the imprint LINT LEDs.jpg, © MdE at Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA 3.0 German“, in online media with hyperlink to my user page and to this page (as in preceding example).
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  • A special license for you (including cost-free usage) may be available on request, also in some cases a higher resolution.
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Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná21. 1. 2007, 23:09Náhled verze z 21. 1. 2007, 23:091 536 × 2 048 (1,24 MB)MdE{{User:MdE/FotoCC2DE |InfoDE=Leuchtdioden als Spitzen- und Schlussignal im Scheinwerfer eines LINT der Taunusbahn |InfoEN=[[:en:Light-emit

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