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Soubor:KMM Fontana 02.JPG

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Popis sculpture Concetto spaziale Natura (1959-1960) by Lucio Fontana in KMM sculpturepark/The Netherlands
Zdroj Vlastní dílo
Autor Gerardus


Public domain Já, autor tohoto díla, jej tímto uvolňuji jako volné dílo, a to celosvětově.
V některých zemích to není podle zákona možné; v takovém případě:
Poskytuji komukoli právo užívat toto dílo za libovolným účelem, a to bezpodmínečně s výjimkou podmínek vyžadovaných zákonem.


The photographical reproduction of this work is covered under the article 18 of the Dutch copyright law, which states that “it is not an infringement of copyright to reproduce and publish pictures of a work, as meant in article 10, first paragraph, under 6°[1] or of an architectural work as meant in article 10, first paragraph, under 8°[2], which are made to be permanently located in a public place, as long as the work is depicted as it is located in the public space. Where incorporation of a work in a compilation is concerned, not more than a few of the works of the same author may be included”.
  • [1] drawings, paintings, works of architecture and sculpture, lithographs, engravings and the likes
  • [2] drafts, sketches and three-dimensional works relating to architecture, geography, topography or other sciences

Note that photographs are not included in Item 6. They are separately listed at Item 9 and are therefore not covered by FOP.

See COM:CRT/Netherlands#Freedom of panorama for more information.

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Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná1. 6. 2008, 12:18Náhled verze z 1. 6. 2008, 12:182 816 × 2 112 (2,82 MB)Gerardus{{Information |Description=sculpture ''Concetto spaziale Natura'' (1959-1960) by Lucio Fontana in KMM sculpturepark/The Netherlands |Source=eigen werk |Date=May 22, 2008 |Author= Gerardus |Permission= |other_versions= }} [[Category:Lucio

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