English: Colin Campbell (1. listopadu 1686 – 9. května 1757) was a Scottish merchant and entrepreneur who co-founded the Swedish East India Company and was Swedish King Frederick I's first envoy to the Emperor of China. Campbell is depicted wearing the cross of the Nordstjärneorden (Order of the Polar Star) which was conferred on him in 1753, and a crowned miniature of Frederick I. A contemporary replica of the portrait (in the collection of the Nationalmuseum since the 1860s and now exhibited at Gripsholm Castle) bears a painted cartouche with text stating that the portrait depicts Campbell in his 70th year (that is, in 1756), and describing his efforts in establishing the Swedish East India Company.
Originally owned by Charles Irvine. Following his death, it remained in Drum Castle, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, the seat of the Clan Irvine. It was subsequently identified by the historian Alexander Cormack as a portrait of Campbell.
1952: Acquired by gift by the City Museum of Gothenburg from Henry Quentin Forbes Irvine, 24th Laird of Drum (died 1975).
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2007-06-01 16:22 Tony164 1063×1287×8 (1603614 bytes) Portrait of Coling Campbell, Director of the Swedish East India Company. The portrait is now in the Gothenburg City Museum
Historie souboru
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{{Information |Description=Portrait of Colin Campbell (1686-1757), Director of the Swedish East India Company. The portrait is now in the Gothenburg City Museum |Source=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:CC_SOIC.JPG |Date= |Author=Unkown |Permission={{PD-
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Uživatelské poznámky
hnologies Inc. V1.01
Soubor:J J Sträng, Portrait of Colin Campbell (1756) - 02.jpg