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Soubor:Inauguración estatua de Pedro Justo Berrio.jpg

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Popis Inauguración de la estatua de Pedro Justo Berrío en el Parque de Berrío, antigua plaza mayor de Medellín. Colombia.
Zdroj Museo de Antioquia
Autor Melitón Rodriguez

Public domain This file is in the public domain because the copyright of this work, registered in Colombia, has expired, according to “Law 23 of 1982 on Copyright, Articles 11, 21-29”, amended by “Law 44 of 1993, Article 2” and “Law 1520 of 2012, Articles 4, 6 and 10” (details). However, some restrictions have to be addressed:
  • Author rights expire eighty (80) years after the death of the author or the death of the last coauthor.
  • Where the copyright has been transferred by means of an act between living persons, the protection period still remains for eighty (80) years after the death of the author.
  • The rights for collective works and anonymous works expires eighty (80) years from the date of publication, and for cinematic works, eighty (80) years after the movie's premiere.
  • In all cases where a literary, scientific or artistic work has as its owner a legal entity or an official body or any institution under government public law, the term of protection shall be deemed to be seventy (70) years as from the date of publication.
  • In all cases where the applicable term of protection starts on the date of publication, the said term shall be understood to end on December 31 of the relevant year.
  • The author and the work source must be acknowledged when reused in Colombia, except if the author is unknown.

You must also include a United States public domain tag to indicate why this work is in the public domain in the United States.

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současná23. 2. 2024, 17:09Náhled verze z 23. 2. 2024, 17:093 276 × 2 257 (2,16 MB)SajoR{{Information |Description= Inauguración de la estatua de Pedro Justo Berrío en el Parque de Berrío, antigua plaza mayor de Medellín. Colombia. |Source= Museo de Antioquia |Date= 1895 |Author= Melitón Rodriguez |Permission= |other_versions= }} {{PD-Colombia}} Category:Parque Berrío Category:Historical images of the Basilica of La Candelaria (Medellín) Category:Melitón Rodríguez

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