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Soubor:Flag of Sadovo.gif

Obsah stránky není podporován v jiných jazycích.
Z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie

Flag_of_Sadovo.gif (360 × 216 pixelů, velikost souboru: 9 KB, MIME typ: image/gif)


English: Flag of Sadovo municipality
Datum neznámé datum
Zdroj https://crwflags.com/fotw/flags/bg-pl.html
Autor Stoyan Antonov


Public domain
According to the Bulgarian Copyright and Neighboring Rights Act (as amended in 2011), Chapter 2, Article 4, the following documents "shall not be considered objects of copyright":
  1. normative and individual acts of government bodies and official translations thereof;
  2. ideas and concepts;
  3. works of folklore;
  4. news, facts, information and data.
Hence it is assumed that this image has been released into the public domain. However, in some instances the use of this image might be regulated by other laws.

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Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná21. 10. 2022, 21:23Náhled verze z 21. 10. 2022, 21:23360 × 216 (9 KB)AlexphangiaUploaded a work by Stoyan Antonov from https://crwflags.com/fotw/flags/bg-pl.html with UploadWizard

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