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Soubor:Detailed images of the surface of the star R Doradus (eso2412a).jpg

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English: Astronomers have captured a sequence of images of a star other than the Sun in enough detail to track the motion of bubbling gas on its surface. The images of the star, R Doradus, were obtained with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), a telescope co-owned by ESO, in July and August 2023. This panel shows three of these real images, taken with ALMA on 18 July, 27 July and 2 August 2023. The giant bubbles — 75 times the size of the Sun — seen on the star’s surface are the result of convection motions inside the star. The size of the Earth’s orbit is shown for scale.
Datum 11. září 2024 (upload date)
This media was produced by the European Southern Observatory (ESO), under the identifier eso2412a

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Autor ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)/W. Vlemmings et al.
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This media was created by the European Southern Observatory (ESO).
Their website states: "Unless specifically noted, the images, videos, and music distributed on the public ESO website, along with the texts of press releases, announcements, pictures of the week, blog posts and captions, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, and may on a non-exclusive basis be reproduced without fee provided the credit is clear and visible."
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  • šířit – kopírovat, distribuovat a sdělovat veřejnosti
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  • uveďte autora – Máte povinnost uvést autorství, poskytnout odkaz na licenci a uvést, pokud jste provedli změny. Toho můžete docílit jakýmkoli rozumným způsobem, avšak ne způsobem naznačujícím, že by poskytovatel licence schvaloval nebo podporoval vás nebo vaše užití díla.


Přidejte jednořádkové vysvětlení, co tento soubor představuje
Astronomers have captured a sequence of images of a star other than the Sun in enough detail to track the motion of bubbling gas on its surface.

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1 360 pixel

3 378 pixel

292 292 bajt


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Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná12. 9. 2024, 08:15Náhled verze z 12. 9. 2024, 08:153 378 × 1 360 (285 KB)OptimusPrimeBot#Spacemedia - Upload of https://cdn.eso.org/images/large/eso2412a.jpg via Commons:Spacemedia

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