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Soubor:Coloradisaurus skull reconstruction.png

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The reconstructed skull of the Coloradisaurus brevis holotype (PVL 5904) in right lateral view. The scale bar is 5 cm. Dark grey represents elements missing from the right side. Light grey represents elements missing from the right side but present on the left side. Skull reconstruction redrawn and modified from Apaldetti et al. (2014)[1]. Sclerotic ring redrawn and modified from Bonaparte (1978)[2]. Hyoid based on Massospondylus carinatus (BP/1/4376), redrawn and modified from Sues et al. (2004)[3] .


  1. Apaldetti, C., Martinez, R.N., Pol, D., & Souter, T. (2014). Redescription of the skull of Coloradisaurus brevis (Dinosauria, Sauropodomorpha) from the Late Triassic Los Colorados Formation of the Ischigualasto-Villa Union Basin, northwestern Argentina. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 34(5), 1113-1132.
  2. Bonaparte, J.F. (1978). Coloradia brevis n. g. et n. sp. (Saurischia - Prosauropoda), dinosaurio Plateosauridae de la Formacion Los Colorados, Triasico Superior de La Rioja, Argentina. Ameghiniana, 15(3-4), 327-332.
  3. Sues, H-D., Reisz, R.R., Hinic, S., & Raath, M.A. (2004). On the skull of Massospondylus carinatus Owen, 1854 (Dinosauria: Sauropodomorpha) from the Elliot and Clarens Formations (Lower Jurassic) of South Africa. Annals of Carnegie Museum, 73(4), 239-257.


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Diagram showing known skull elements; shaded parts represent missing bones

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Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná8. 9. 2020, 20:54Náhled verze z 8. 9. 2020, 20:544 000 × 2 500 (716 KB)CarnoferoxRemoved the hyoid based on editors' suggestions.
6. 9. 2020, 06:09Náhled verze z 6. 9. 2020, 06:094 000 × 2 500 (735 KB)CarnoferoxThe reconstructed skull of the ''Coloradisaurus brevis'' holotype (PVL 5904) in right lateral view. The scale bar is 5 cm. Dark grey represents elements missing from the right side. Light grey represents elements missing from the right side but present on the left side. Skull reconstruction redrawn and modified from Apaldetti ''et al.'' (2014). Sclerotic ring redrawn and modified from Bonaparte (1978). Hyoid based on ''Massospondylus carinatus'' (BP/1/4376), redrawn and modified from Sues ''e...

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