The Jomon, or early Japanese people, excelled at ceramic production, particularly of utilitarian vessels. This vessel, for example, might have been used to cook food. Regional artistic differences existed in prehistoric Japan, and vessels of this particular scale and type, called "flame-style" by art historians for the coil-built decorations on the rim, were found around the present-day city of Niigata on the west coast of Honshu Island. This vessel is particularly extraordinary, taller than most of the known surviving examples.
Earthenware with carved and applied decoration
Diameter: 55.8 cm (21 15/16 in.); Height: 61 cm (24 in.)
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`Flame-style’ vessel; from the Jōmon period of Japan; c. 2750 BC; earthenware with carved and applied decoration; height: 61 cm, diameter: 55.8 cm; Cleveland Museum of Art (Ohio, US)
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