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Soubor:Catch-22 (1961) front cover, first edition.jpg

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English: Dust jacket of the first edition of Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. No copyright markings on the dust jacket, which required a separate notice from the book itself.

Front cover

Heritage Auction

Jacket design by Paul Bacon

Author's photograph by Seymour Linden
(Užití tohoto souboru)

No permission is required because the dust jacket was first published prior to 1978 without a valid copyright notice. Catch-22 was first published in 1961; the hardcover book itself carried a copyright notice, so its contents remain copyrighted. However, the first-edition dust jacket did not carry a separate copyright notice. According to the Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices: Chapter 2200, § 2207.1(C) at p. 15:

"A notice of copyright on the dust jacket of a book is not an acceptable notice for the book, because the dust jacket is not permanently attached to the book. Likewise, a notice appearing in a book is not an acceptable notice for the dust jacket or any material appearing on that dust jacket, even if the book refers to the jacket or material appearing on the jacket."

Keep in mind that the pre-1989 requirements for copyright notice were highly formalistic and, other than a few enumerated exceptions, required these three elements:

  1. "The symbol © or the word 'Copyright' or the abbreviation 'Copr.' or an acceptable variant such as "(c)";
  2. "The year of first publication for the work"; and
  3. "The name of the copyright owner, or an abbreviation by which the name can be recognized, or a generally known alternative designation of the owner."

If just one of these elements is omitted, the work is deemed to be published without notice and is not eligible for copyright protection. A proper copyright notice is not visible anywhere on the dust jacket. Credits like "Jacket design by Paul Bacon" do not meet the requirements, nor do the identifications of the publisher and author.

Note: this explanation is largely copied from that given at File:To Kill a Mockingbird (first edition cover).jpg
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: Catch-22 (1961) dust jacket, first edition.jpg
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Toto je volné dílo, neboť bylo vydáno ve Spojených státech mezi roky 1930 a 1977 bez copyrightové výhrady. Pokud není jeho autor již mnoho let mrtev, je stále autorskoprávně chráněno v zemích, které na americká díla neuplatňují pravidlo kratší doby ochrany, jako jsou například Kanada (70 p.m.a.), Čína (50 p.m.a., netýká se Hongkongu či Macaa), Německo (70 p.m.a.), Mexiko (100 p.m.a.), Švýcarsko (70 p.m.a.) a další země s individuálními smlouvami. Více informací najdete v tomto přehledu.

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Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná16. 9. 2024, 23:05Náhled verze z 16. 9. 2024, 23:051 086 × 1 600 (221 KB)Dantus21better scan of front
16. 9. 2024, 23:02Náhled verze z 16. 9. 2024, 23:02815 × 1 276 (217 KB)Dantus21File:Catch-22 (1961) dust jacket, first edition.jpg cropped 73 % horizontally, 8 % vertically, 75 % areawise using CropTool with lossless mode.

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