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Soubor:Caesar's Gallic war; (Allen and Greenough's ed.) (1898) (14594767238).jpg

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Identifier: caesarsgallicwar00caes (find matches)
Title: Caesar's Gallic war; (Allen and Greenough's ed.)
Year: 1898 (1890s)
Authors: Caesar, Julius
Publisher: Boston, Ginn & co.
Contributing Library: Internet Archive
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive

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pexerunt atque in spem auxili venerunt, clamore sublatoarma capere, portas claudere, murum complere coeperunt.Centuriones in oppido, cum ex significatione Gallorum novl 20aliquid ab his iniri consili intellexissent, gladiis destrictisportas occupaverunt suosque omnis incolumis* receperunt. Caesar Takes Noviodunum and Marches towards Avaricum. 13. Caesar ex castris equitatum ediici iubet, proeliumqueequestre committit; laborantibus iam suis German5s equitescirciter cccc submittit,^ quos ^ab initio secum habere insti- 25tuerat. Eorum impetum Galli sustinere non potuerunt, Cf. 1 exustis. — 2 impedierant. — ^ obsecratum.— * parceret. — con-fecerat. — ° quaererent. — ut semel. — * tutos. — auxilio mittit. —^•^ primd. 194 The Gallic War. (CiESAE atque in fugam coniecti^ multis amissis se ad agmen rece-perunt; quibus profligatis^ rursus ^ oppidani perterriti com-prehensos eos quorum opera plebem concitatam existimabantad Caesarem perduxerunt seseque ei dediderunt. Quibus
Text Appearing After Image:
adiacentibus Fig. 90. — Siege of Avaricum. 5 rebus confectis Caesar ad oppidum Avaricum, quod eratmaximum munitissimumque in finibus Biturigum atque agrifertilissima regione, profectus est; quod eo oppido recepto^civitatem Biturigum se in potestatem redacturum confidebat. Ct 1 conversi. — 2 depulsis. —* iterum. —* opp. amissdr li.G. VII. 15.) Uprising of Gaul tinder Vercingetorix. 195 Vercingetorix Advises the Gauls to Lay Waste their Country, andthus Keep the Romans from Supplies. 14. Vercingetorix tot continuis incommodis ^ Vellauno-duni, Cenabi, Novioduni acceptis suos ad concilium convo-cat. Docet longe alia ratione esse bellum gerendum atqueantea gestum sit; omnibus modis huic rei studendum utpabulatione et commeatu Roman! prohibeantur: id esse 5facile, quod equitatu ipsi abundent^et quod anni temporesubleventur; pabulum secari non posse ; necessario disper-ses hostis ex aedificiis petere; hos omnis cotidie ab equiti-bus deleri posse. Praeterea, salutis causa rei familiar

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.


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  • bookid:caesarsgallicwar00caes
  • bookyear:1898
  • bookdecade:1890
  • bookcentury:1800
  • bookauthor:Caesar__Julius
  • bookpublisher:Boston__Ginn___co_
  • bookcontributor:Internet_Archive
  • booksponsor:Internet_Archive
  • bookleafnumber:315
  • bookcollection:internetarchivebooks
  • bookcollection:americana
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