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Soubor:Burmese woman, by John McCosh, 1852.jpg

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English: Burmese woman, by John McCosh, 1852. Photograph by Surgeon John McCosh (1805-1885), 1852 (c). From an album of 310 photographs, 1848-1853.

NAM Accession Number: NAM. 1962-04-3-119

Location: National Army Museum, Study collection.

Object URL: [1]

National Army Museum description:

This sensitive portrait of an unknown Burmese woman is a fine example of how John McCosh, a surgeon with the Bengal Army, fused artistic and anthropological interests in his portraiture. McCosh was keen to learn about the new peoples and societies that he came into contact with while on campaign. In this sense his photographic work fits into the wider pattern of the Victorian spirit of scientific endeavour, which encompassed a desire to understand the world through systematically exploring, recording and classifying it contents. Yet clearly McCosh also approaches his subjects with an artistic eye. He was keen to capture the essence and dignity of an individual and his work evinces close attention to posture and expression.

Zdroj National Army Museum, via: [2]
Autor John McCosh


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Burmese woman, by John McCosh, 1852

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Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná11. 7. 2024, 02:32Náhled verze z 11. 7. 2024, 02:32697 × 960 (144 KB)MaplesyrupSushiUploaded a work by John McCosh from National Army Museum, via: [https://collection.nam.ac.uk/results.php?searchType=simple&simpleText=john%20mccosh&themeID=&resultsDisplay=list&page=1] with UploadWizard

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