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Soubor:Bosse Larsson 1965 (cropped).jpg

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Bosse_Larsson_1965_(cropped).jpg (208 × 287 pixelů, velikost souboru: 27 KB, MIME typ: image/jpeg)


English: Bosse Larsson 1965
Svenska: Bosse Larsson 1965
Datum (UTC)

Toto je upravený obrázek, což znamená, že byl oproti původní verzi digitálně změněn. Úpravy: Cropped. Původní verzi je možné zhlédnout zde: GranstromLarsson.jpg. Úpravy provedl Elinnea.


Public domain
This Swedish photograph is in the public domain in Sweden because one of the following applies:
  • The photograph does not reach the Swedish threshold of originality (common for snapshots and journalistic photos) and was created before 1 January 1975 (SFS 1960:729, § 49a).
  • The photograph was published anonymously before 1 January 1955 and the author did not reveal their identity during the following 70 years (SFS 1960:729, § 44).

For photos in the first category created before 1969, also {{PD-1996}} usually applies. For photos in the second category published before 1930, also {{PD-US-expired}} usually applies.

If the photographer died before 1955, {{PD-old-70}} should be used instead of this tag. If the author died before 1926, also {{PD-1996}} usually applies.

You must also include a United States public domain tag to indicate why this work is in the public domain in the United States.

Původní historie souboru

This image is a derivative work of the following images:

  • File:GranstromLarsson.jpg licensed with PD-Sweden-photo
    • 2010-02-18T21:40:19Z Tumba 467x392 (90336 Bytes) {{Information |Description={{en|1=Lars Granström and Bosse Larsson}} {{sv|1=Lars Granström och Bosse Larsson}} |Source=http://sydsvenskan.se/sport/fotboll/mff/article427416/Kunde-gora-allt-med-en-boll.html |Author=N/A |Date

Uploaded with derivativeFX


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1 064 112 bajt

999 pixel

724 pixel

Historie souboru

Kliknutím na datum a čas se zobrazí tehdejší verze souboru.

Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná19. 12. 2023, 22:29Náhled verze z 19. 12. 2023, 22:29208 × 287 (27 KB)PolarlysReverted to version as of 17:15, 7 November 2011 (UTC): please upload your massively altered version as a separate file
19. 12. 2023, 13:02Náhled verze z 19. 12. 2023, 13:02724 × 999 (1,02 MB)JonnmannJusterad.
7. 2. 2023, 21:28Náhled verze z 7. 2. 2023, 21:28724 × 999 (1,01 MB)JonnmannJusterad.
7. 11. 2011, 18:15Náhled verze z 7. 11. 2011, 18:15208 × 287 (27 KB)Elinnea== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description={{en|1=Bosse Larsson 1965}} {{sv|1=Bosse Larsson 1965}} |Source=*File:GranstromLarsson.jpg |Date=2011-11-07 17:13 (UTC) |Author=*File:GranstromLarsson.jpg: N/A *derivative work: ~~~ |Permission

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