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Soubor:Balikesir Kilim.jpg

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English: Collection VOK: Anatolia 29

This beautiful kilim was attributed to West Anatolia by Herrmann, who first published it and described it in detail in 1986. Hirsch narrows down the provenance to the Canakkale-Balikesir region, proposing that the kilim was woven by local Yüncü nomads. Judging by the palette of the dividing bands which combine red and blue, red and green and red and yellow, his assumption seems reasonable. Overall colour schemes this bright and brilliant only occur in early examples. The format, too, is characteristic of Yüncü kilims. Composed of horizontal bands of varying width, the design of this borderless kilim continues into infinity beyond the sides of the field. The most striking design feature is the large motifs shaped like combs at one end and angled at the other end that face alternating directions in the four widest bands. Both Herrmann and Hirsch interpret them as zoomorphic figures; they probably depict birds in flight. Two further examples of this rare group are known. – Slight signs of wear, good overall condition.

Literature: CASSIN, JACK, Image, Idol, Symbol. Ancient Anatolian Kilims. New York 1989, pl. 3 *** PETSOPOULOS, YANNI, 100 Kelims. Meisterwerke aus Anatolien. Munich 1991, no. 15

Published: HERRMANN, EBERHART, Seltene Orientteppiche 8. Munich 1986, no. 15 *** VOK, IGNAZIO, Vok Collection. Anatolia. Kilims and other Flatweaves from Anatolia. (Text by Udo Hirsch) Munich 1997, no. 29

North West Anatolia, Dimensions 252 x 145 cm

AgeLate 18th century

Result EUR 26,840.00
Datum Late 18th century
Zdroj http://www.rippon-boswell-wiesbaden.de/en/results_catalogue/auction/22/
Autor Unknown artisan. Photo by auctioneer
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West Anatolia kilim, late 18th C., ex-VOK collection

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současná22. 3. 2017, 03:07Náhled verze z 22. 3. 2017, 03:072 990 × 4 775 (25,9 MB)Tillman{{Information |Description ={{en|1=Collection VOK: Anatolia 29 This beautiful kilim was attributed to West Anatolia by Herrmann, who first published it and described it in detail in 1986. Hirsch narrows down the provenance to the Canakkale-Balikesir...

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